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Everything posted by Lsya

  1. 51yrs old here. Computer forensics investigator. Oddly enough, the IT department I'm with is filled with techs half my age; and none of them are gamers. There are only three gamers in our department of about 60 people. All of us gamers are in the 40+ age bracket. It's the strangest IT dept. I've ever been with in my past 30+ years of IT work. Many of them don't even watch sci-fi shows/movies and know little to nothing about Star Wars. I mention I played a Sith all weekend and get nothing but blank stares. PS. My wife's 52 and addicted to MMOs also.
  2. I have to admit that if it wasn't Star Wars themed, I don't know if I'd still be playing. But, I stay because... 1 I'm tired of the gazillion fantasy MMOs out there. 2 The character classes are fun. I can actually feel the persona of my characters in this game. 3 I enjoy the different fighting styles and weapons. Although lightsabers feel very underpowered and act more like regular swords. But, I know it's a game. If our LS's really just sliced through anything we'd be way too powerful. 4 The companions have personality. 5 I love the storylines.
  3. Imp Taris made me realize how nice Balmorra was. I hate Taris. Having speeders now definitely helps. On my alts, the first thing I do is run around and unlock all of the taxis. It helps a lot. I agree, though, it feels like it's never ending on that planet.
  4. For ones I've never used, it would have to be Bowdaar. I hate wookiees. All the 'arrrrrrrrr' sounds really irritate me. Ones I've locked up on my ship once I could replace them: Khem Val T7 (I don't like droids either) My favorites so far: Talos Drellik (I like his heals. He reminds me of Niles from the show Frasier in an imperial uniform) Vette (She's just all around fun) Kira (Love her smart *** attitude) The others are...ok for now.
  5. Well done! Firefly...one of THE best TV shows I've ever seen. Of course, all of my favorites get cancelled. Firefly gets cancelled after first season. Honey Boo Boo is still going strong. (puke) This is what's wrong with America. Glad to see not all of us have fallen.
  6. I started at launch but took a few months off over the summer. I have 9 characters and 1 lvl-50 The majority of my alts are crafting support.
  7. For me, it's pretty simple. I want to continue playing my characters beyond lvl-50, so it's worth it to me. If I didn't want to do that, then I wouldn't buy it. I blow $10 on worthless crap all the time. I don't mind putting some toward my entertainment.
  8. I wouldn't play one. I think I'm one of the few that can't stand them. My Wookiee companion stays locked up on the ship and is only sent on crew missions. I just find the sounds they make to be extremely annoying.
  9. There's a reason they all need knockback. Has anyone yet found a bathroom or shower throughout this entire galaxy or even on our own ships? We all stink!
  10. It all boils down to this... "...evil will always triumph because good is dumb" -- Dark Helmet
  11. I put them in my cargo bay and forgot about them. I may pull them out in the future when it's more of a novelty to have them.
  12. Same here. I play at a relaxed pace and enjoy the storyline. I don't want to max my level real fast. Having the 5 day early access is nice, but it's not going to make any difference in my game play.
  13. No No No No Please! Ewoks are the one thing that is worse than Jar Jar.
  14. I agree. The movies about SWTOR are some of the best parts of the game. I'd love to see full movies made by whoever did those. I still watch them.
  15. Ditto on the two posts above me. Nothing worth buying yet (IMHO), and wait for a sale.
  16. I came back for F2P. I'm currently subscribed to get my coins. Eventually, I will switch to F2P after figuring out which characters I want to keep and get my stuff organized. I see no reason to leave a F2P game....it's free. I'm currently freely playing the following: ( I only play a few hours a week...job, family, and all that). Champions Online Star Trek Online LOTRO DDO EQ2 SWTOR (soon will switch to F2P) APB: Reloaded Several others. Obviously I don't play each one continuously. But why leave for good when it's free? Just take breaks once in a while to avoid burnout.
  17. I'm not going to get into the whole MMO way of doing things. It should differ based upon the game. In a fantasy or medieval style game, running a lot makes sense. Not everyone could afford transportation. Star Wars...very different. Futuristic high tech stuff is here. I was given my own starship, but I can't have a personal transport? Really? That makes no sense. Especially if I'm a Darth's apprentice or Imperial Agent. Those NPC's should be bowing at my feet saying "Here...take my speeder. Please don't kill me." If I'm an apprentice inquisitor on a mission for Darth Zash....someone had better give me a speeder or feel my wrath. Now that makes more sense in the Star Wars universe. It's not about MMO tradition on how advancement is designed. It's about immersion into the virtual world we're playing in. Yeah...lvl-25 comes pretty easily, but the forced wait for a speeder doesn't really make sense in this type of game. It's a futuristic high-tech environment, not some fantasy medieval theme. Even then...I'd steal a horse.
  18. On topic... No, you're not the only one. I do the same thing. I can't stand to listen to the fake alien speak. It doesn't even sound like a language. It's just gibberish. Sadly, the voice acting is one of the best parts of the stories; so I don't like skipping past it; but I do with the alien languages. This is not meant to be a Star Wars vs. Star Trek thing, but at least whoever created Klingon, etc tried to make is sound like a real language (and it has turned into a language for some). In Star Wars, the aliens speak something that sounds...just...stupid and makes no sense.
  19. The Satele in the preview videos...yes. The Satele in the game...no. She doesn't even look the same. Don't like her. Zash? Probably. But, I would still...
  20. Sad but true. I think it's the problem we have with society. It's everywhere in the news too. People these days aren't happy unless they're complaining about something. What's really scary is that those are the ones that will some day be running things. I think today's politicians suck. But I really fear the day when today's whiny generation replaces them.
  21. I would keep playing depending upon how F2P is implemented. Many F2P games turn out horrible. Some...not so bad. Then again, I'm one of those who feels F2P does not cost more; because i don't purchase microtransaction items. If I can't earn it in a F2P game, then i go without. The only F2P games I've bought things from their store are STO and LOTRO. That's only because I was a lifer prior to them going F2P, so i get free points every month. Otherwise I wouldn't spend a dime. There's no need to. Everything can be earned with some patience. I will say, though, that I really do not like how STO has turned out with F2P. The whole feeling of the game has gone down hill.
  22. At least they're moving away a bit from the nasty wings for shoulder pads. I hate those things.
  23. I see no reason why different races/species can't share the same legacy name. Even if your characters hate each other and are at war with each other, they can be of the same legacy. Perhaps their name originated a thousand years ago with various interspecies relationships thrown in over time. In the real world, many people share the same ancestry and have no clue who each other is. I have a zabrak sith assassin and a green tattooed scoundrel (don't remember the race name). Somewhere in their past they have a common ancestor.
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