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Everything posted by Skizzik

  1. I only vote for an MVP so I can see if anyone voted for me. :D:D
  2. Exactly. I'll try this spec out to see how it really works (out of town atm), but these numbers make it look like your enemies are just sitting there healing themselves and you're not getting any fast kills. A deception assassin will never get these numbers because their targets are usually dead in about 4 - 5 globals.
  3. In the current state of the game, when you open up the crew skill menu, it will tell you the name of the missions that your companions are currently on. My suggestion is, add to that the reward of the mission so that we know what we potentially have coming in. When I send companions out on missions, sometimes after about an hour of them being gone, I will sometimes forget what I have sent them out to get.
  4. Hey Rich, I just wanted to let you know that player reports, customer service tickets and community are all the same source. The players. Just wanted to point that out to you.
  5. Technically, he got it right on the third your. lol
  6. LOL@ The Elder Scrolls 5: Hot Pursuit :D:D
  7. How could anyone listen to this kid talk for a half hour?
  8. Skizzik

    Warzone Daily

    Is it even possible to finish 3 warzones in 30 min? Over exaggerate much?
  9. Skizzik

    Warzone Daily

    Who was the moron that thought that having someone win 3 warzones to get a daily done was a good idea? Fire him/her. This person obviously has never played an mmo before and therefore has no right being on the development team of one. Dailies are meant to be something that you can log in and do in a decent amount of time. Not spend all day working on. Add to that the fact that even after you win one, a lot of the time it won't even count towards the total. Take a look at this BW.
  10. While I appreciate this game for what it is, you have to see how ridiculous the title of this thread is. Appreciate story in a video game? A VIDEO GAME? Really? Pick up a damn book if you want a good story. Anyone who thinks that the story in this video game (any video game for that matter) is absolutely amazing, are the ones that are dumb.
  11. I don't care about getting a Sorc nerf, just buff Assassins. :/
  12. I use Sennheiser HD 598 (the color matches my rig lol) with a desktop mic. Not inexpensive though. :/
  13. Not knocking a positive review, but NPR? Honestly? They're notorious for having horrible taste in anything entertainment related (SOME is good). For instance, most of the music they review is some nobody, who usually sucks, that some college intern found and thinks they're cool because no one has ever heard of them before. I love NPR, but when they're reviewing a book, music, movie or anything else related to entertainment, I instantly change the station.
  14. Assassins suck balls. I regret rolling one as my first character. It's making me hate this game.
  15. T, Ctrl T, and Alt T all work for me. I use them quite extensively. I agree that hardcoding keybinds is pretty stupid. I want to use CTRL U (I rebound u to another button) and I'm afraid to even try to rebind it because there's not reload UI option in the keybind menu. I would hate to bind Ctrl U to something else and never be able to reload my ui. :/ Also, I have rebound my / key to open my crewskill window, so I'm confirming that that works.
  16. Posting to sub. Keep up the good work.
  17. Yes, it is game breaking for me. Unsubbed because of it (amongst other things). If you can't see it, you're either a clicker or just plain bad.
  18. If that were true, they would have given it out at early access or to people that preorder/bought at launch. It's bribery. Plain and simple.
  19. People are still here because everyone loves a good drama.
  20. This game is awesome. I made it to level 4 and I killed some bug looking things (not game bugs HATERS!). I can't wait to get my Lightsaber! It's going to be EPIC!!!! Best game in the history of games!!!!!
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