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Everything posted by Psychopyro

  1. To be fair, as a stealth class there are a few that you can finish in under 2 minutes.... On average though these people are exaggerating how little time it takes to hit CQ. I sure as hell couldn't hit it in 10 minutes on any character I tried to do it on. And again these aren't normal circumstances. I don't see any nerf coming until we are out of 2xp and everyone being stuck at home is over. Also people again don't all have stronghold bonus maxed. It really is just a couple people being trolls cause they made it easier.
  2. I feel like I remember this getting asked at a cantina event and someone stated they actually can't do a major graphics overhaul because of engine limitations... I could be wrong about the reason but I'm pretty sure about the fact that they couldn't upgrade...
  3. I'm gonna point this out again... we are not going to have 2x XP forever... this is going to inflate the gains/time a little bit... Also you won't be able to get all those point forever... Another thing to consider, new players won't have that shiny 150% CQ bonus.... That means they're only getting the minimum base amount for each thing. The numbers they came up with I'm sure were based on BASE CQ and not BONUS CQ.
  4. Yes, but guild exp has a weekly cap, not sure what it is at higher levels, but its there
  5. Same with "gaining 5 levels" or "doing a story quest"... I have alts that are still on friggin Hoth at 75, they won't be touching chapters (this replaced Story Time) for awhile unless I skip the story (which I don't want to)... the fillers help with this problem too.... But a couple of people are focusing on the me me me attitude, when these changes help the majority of people. Instead of reading what's at each tier, they just look at one tier and complain cause it makes something easier for a lower level....
  6. The reality here is that some people were (especially low levels) were having a hard time contributing to conquest before they hit level cap. Did they make it really easy for everyone by what they added... probably. The best analogy I can think of for this is baseball... They swung for the fences, so to speak, juiced the balls, and for better or worse chicks dig the long ball...... Most people are going to like the changes. You're going to have purists that argue it should be harder or more skill required, and so on. The fact of the matter is the only thing that's going to matter is ratings. Right now I'd say most people are happy to be able to actually get conquest points and that will be all that matters. Could they tweak it a bit, maybe. The game has become very ALT-centric and many people just don't have time to get points on all their alts under NORMAL circumstances, and the current real world environment is very far from normal. I still think (and I said this in another thread) that we need data from normal playing conditions to see how this plays out. There are lots of people home right now with nothing to do but play. That is going to change at some point when things get closer to normal. We also won't have 2x XP forever... As an example, under the old system under normal conditions, my wife could get 1, maybe 2 characters to CQ goal in a week as she could only play maybe 1 or 2 times a week due to her schedule. She felt that conquest was more like working a second job than enjoying the game. When a game feels like work, it becomes less fun for most people. I came back about a month ago and for me it was starting to wear... Conquest felt like a job cause I was shoehorned into maybe 15 things I HAD (kinda like going to work) to do to get conquest points. Now I can do what I WANT to (have fun) and get conquest which allows me to do things in game that I enjoy instead of having to run what they say I have to. It brings back choice, something this game has been lacking.
  7. I'm also gonna point out the numbers are kinda skewed right now.... LOTS of people are home and have nothing to do but play. That will eventually change... Until that happens I'd say leave it as is until they have more normalized data.
  8. I know the Voss Chapter and the Final Battle on Odessen are notorious for this (the ones you use walkers in)... They both lag like crazy. I haven't noticed it in any other instances though
  9. Server just came down like 15 min ago... they didn't even post till like 3 min before the servers were coming down... I'm guessing another 25/30 min or so (I know they said 30...but.)
  10. Yea I don't actually like people being forced to come to PvP just to get CQ... It brings a lot of dead weight... Sadly though I've not had much luck even before this change in getting at least mid/low PvP matches... I've been able to get some top end to pop, but people not wanting to be there kinda ruins it. Sounds to me like the OP is just mad that his EZfarm PvP got killed.... All you had to do was look to see the 8 medal infinite and the daily WZ, Weekly Finish were all there...
  11. I like this better then the spam <insert operation> farm screaming in chat all day and all night.... This is probably 1 step removed from removing CQ gains for killing things... I'm fine with it, when I came back I almost went right back out the door cause I thought CQ was too restrictive... On a low/mid I was lucky to get any PvP pop in under an hour, and when I did I was then lucky if it even filled a 4v4... GSF, forget it, I have only had 1 GSF match since I've been back. I have 6 new characters that still have intro to GSF active, and it stayed that way to 75 (and they still have the quest). At least now I can get all of my characters to CQ without too much of a fight.
  12. There is a daily repeatable for doing a WZ.... And the 8 medals is infinitely repeatable (which should be simple)... The weekly finish is also there.
  13. No warning... I assume it's to fix BBA quests...
  14. I noticed the same thing too... pretty sure there's a cap on renown gains....
  15. Ummm double XP is not up.... So 11am? I was hoping for an extra hour
  16. The servers are down.... If you try updating to early you risk corruption to your install.... The servers went offline at 5am for update.
  17. I hate to say it but the old system was still probably the fairest... At least with planning and paying attention a small guild could beat larger guilds.... Case in point, under the first system of conquest my wife and I who are in a guild by ourselves managed to win planets against larger guilds. 2 of us with our alts... that's it. Granted we couldn't do it every week, but if we planned out exactly what we were gonna do, we could easily rack up the points. The problem with this system is everything is one offs now. They need to change how objectives are currently.... they need to move them to per character and not per legacy as a start, then add a multiplier based on guild size that scales per guild member and not some arbitrary tier. Like 1000 members get 100% points, 999 gets 100.1%, 998 gets 100.2% and so on.
  18. None of my event ones are currently legacy bound (unless they are in my legacy bank) which sucks... They all went into my currency tabs but are only available to that character. I hope this fixes it... Hated having to trade from DNA Canister > Sample > Canister just to turn them in for Lokin on an alt. And can't use BBA contracts to buy out the quests for alts either....
  19. I read the patch notes and I have to ask.... Has the issue with some of the bonus series quests been fixed? Pub Taris is the big one that jumps out at me. Currently you could finish a couple of the bonus series quests before they come up in the actual bonus series " Do x quest for y NPC"... This will currently bug out the bonus series quest making you unable to complete the bonus series quest chain. Also did they change the grant parameters for some of them. I have a couple characters that never were able to pick up Nar Shaddaa or Alderaan even after they hit level 75.
  20. It's good that your taking this stuff back, but I'm a creature of blunt honesty so I'll just get to it.... We don't have a lot of faith that it will matter. We give feedback and it gets ignored. I say ignored because we don't even get a response as to why you, as the developers, think it is a bad idea. There is no cross communication. I understand it would require a lot, and I have sent ideas in PMs (not to you specifically) to help with that. I'll apologize... Like I said, I am a creature of blunt truth. I don't really like to beat around the bush. To that end, I have seen what kind of damage can be done by balancing around the best or the worst players. The 242 MM Flashpoint thing is balancing around the worst players, and it's a bad idea. A lot of the class balance issues are balanced around the best players. One side suffers on each of these spectrum. I don't want to get into specific personal experiences on the forums, but I have been one of those players balanced around in other games. It sucks because people know who the best players of some classes are and they will start being blamed. I'd be more than happy to discuss with you the specifics, but I left one said other game because of it. Again, just being blunt... Knowing you made a mistake is one thing... Saying you made a mistake is another. Fixing that mistake is a whole different beast all together. Again this is a touchy subject for not just me, but a lot of "Star Wars Players". I'm sure someone will latch on this particular comment and run with it sadly. It's just a matter of communication and admission. It goes a long way. I'll be honest... I left after several changes. I keep coming back, but it gets harder each time because it always seems like it's one step forward and two steps back. Pretty soon even people like me that love(d) the game will just stop... We feel like we are ignored. You address concerns, get us back, and then go right back to the same broken cycle... Again, I have ideas I'd discuss with you to help, but I'm not going to air it out publicly.
  21. I'm sorry but the gear rating requirement is a BAD idea.... It's just going to lead to people not playing content or worse, not ppl are going to say if your gear rating doesn't equal this you can't go even for SM groups for ops and stuff.... Sorry, but PvE gear requirements of top gear for FPs is stupid to the highest order... Hell I can out DPS people in full 246 gear in 236... Skill can over come gear in FPs to a point. Punishing ppl for crappy RNG is unfair at best. I've still not replaced a good chunk of my 236 cause I have not been blessed by RNJesus with 242 and I'm already CR 253.... And I don't have the components to trade in for 242 because I don't want to PvP right now....
  22. Excuse me? What are you talking about..... You're really blaming me for a nerf? I brought this up months ago. It should have been fixed then.... Sorry but it was clearly out of whack. Did they need to remove all the CXP, no... They could have just reduced it. But I don't think they intended for people to be able to run it in 7 to 10 minutes, no fear of death, and get the rewards they were getting....
  23. Question about the ES/BT changes... 1. What took so long.... Yea yea.... 2. Are you actually going to give them loot? Because if the reward is basically nothing, no one will do them (which is fine by me)... 3. Since you are removing CXP from them, does this mean you will be removing them from top level GF? Please say YES... Put it in it's own group finder....
  24. The one that auto completes for me is my main, created WELL before the DvL event (like LAUNCH created).... There has to be several issues causing this, not just one... Or a strange combination of issues...
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