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Everything posted by Bbizzle

  1. Other classes get seperation skills. IE knock backs, sprints, etc etc. I play a vanguard, DPS sage and have had my commando heals and dps and I can tell you when you get people on you its far easier to get away on a sage or even commando. With a vanguard you win or you die. (Game of thrones reference anyone?)
  2. This ^ I'd also like to add a personal favorite trollface moment for me is when a mara/sent is low and about to pop guarded by the force/undying rage. Stun him pre pop and own him, or if he gets it off, stun him and just let him sit there and emote at him, 4 second stun 5 second long defense skill. Basically when its up he dies with an auto attack. Done.
  3. Wrong. I play republic, and it seems like 1/3 warzones we start with 6 people and we get 7 and 8 like 4 minutes into the game, when its already a loss. Maybe not on your server. But my server (terentatek) We have struggling to fill repub side warzones. Peak hours its better, but queueing inthe morning is an utter and complete waste of time. I dont even bother logging in in the morning anymore. Cross server queue would fix this immensely. And yeah yeah I get it, what about the community!!!? Honestly if it means getting fast queues and on demand quality pvp, I couldnt give a rats about community. Make it so it draws from server first, then grabs people to fill slots from elsewhere if need be. Honestly im not even looking forward to rateds on my server because it seems like there is so few population, the ratings wont even mean anything. Oh wow im 2500 rated. Too bad the server has 50 active people and your just farming the same bads/losing to the same pros. As for open world/RVR stuff. They need to have a planet, like yeah, and entire freaking planet, just for pvp. Like multiple zones warhammer style. That you have to unlock/cap to progress the maps/contested areas. With keeps/bunkers whatever to hold. Places you can fight outnumbered, use terrain. etc. Its so silly that they basically OWN the company and arent stealing any of the good ideas they had. Ill be the first to say the forts/city sieges were done poorly, but take note of that and do something else. If that new attempt is bad, So what? Rework it at your own time. But give SOME kinda RVR stuff. People always say, Oh but most people all they did was queue and didnt do rvr. Cuz you had little to no incentives for it in warhammer. Fix that and people will. Plus when warhammer had like 25 warzones/scenarios to queue for. It's alot less noticable in the lack of **** to do. People always treat the pvp community like ****, oh the pvp community is smaller, yeah thats because so few games get things right, everyone caters to PVE and thats why they always hold higher subscriber bases with them. If you dont fail so hard out of the gate with pvp people will stick around and play it.
  4. Bbizzle


    Basically, we had better survivability/burst before. But now alot of other people got nerfed, so its more aware to people, You arent seeing 6 sorcs a game with thier aoe lul spec. So now people are noticing single target damage, and other classes SEEM OP due to thier hard counters being nerfed to the point people dont want to play them. The whole assassin tank spec DPS gear thing is OP now, but sorcs and sages used to shred these guys because they couldnt be deflected or what have you. But a vast majority of these guys quit or rerolled. And I know alot of you will say oh and assassin could **** a sorc, yeah, but a sorc could **** an assassin in a team pvp situation, with positioning and space. And thats what they were meant to do. Casters that arent effected by tank stats are supposed to **** tanks. Powertechs and vanguards in their current spec with plasma cell on in assualt, If you run across a not nerfed operative that knows what they are doing they will wreck us out of stealth if we dont have all our defense CDs. But even less of those play now days, So our hard counter is gone. I can tell you that any powertech or vanguard assualt spec that says he has an easy time with assassins or shadows is lying. Or they are fighting terrifail scrubs. Because thats another one. Despite people thinking its not, this game is very much rock paper scissors, its just not to the extent its been in other games. Ive ran into really pro healers and as long as they arent solo healing thier team, they can kick cleanses on the incindeary round and cut the damage a powertech/vanguard in assualt does by half over the duration of a warzone. Nothing pisses off a vanguard/powertech more than people constantly cleansing their **** before they can high impact bolt. And plasma cell counters it some. But not completely, it still has to proc the fire dot on the person. I kinda figure we will get nerfed. But I hope they dont absolutely gut the class like they seem to be doing for nearly every class they run across. Because after us, it would be assassins/shadows.
  5. I think the damage became more consistant. But if you use plasma cell you're going to be loll'ed on by snipers and marauders with thier buffs. Time to go back to shield and still put up 500k Or tactics and be an amazing ball runner. Still burst people and have a -6- second free cost interrupt.
  6. The knock back feed in used to take 10 seconds off the aoe knock back to get it from 30 seconds to 20. Then with 2 pc pvp gear it got it to 15 seconds. They took away 5 seconds from the feed in in the tree. So no 2pc pvp = 25 sec knock back. With pvp gear = 20 second. Not -terrible- I dont really care either way.
  7. I'd say 10% increase on fire pulse would do the trick, And Gut was nerfed pre launch in beta for being too strong. Maybe keep the initial hit where it is and buff the DoT a bit.
  8. Worst comes to worst I have 3 50's and a few 30's So I have options.
  9. Im not going full balance. Its another hybrid spec.
  10. I already have a new less aoe driven but FAR harder single target hitting still mobile hybrid spec already good to go, Im pumped for 1.2.
  11. That got nerfed. Its no longer spammable, Unless they run the DPS ammo cell, which makes them have like 3k less armor. Which means they are easier to kill than gunnery commandos in that spec.
  12. You can get to 50 solo pve'ing in 4-5 days, doing pure pvp it takes you much longer. I wouldnt say it promotes solo gaming in an mmo, but his point of one is much faster than the other is quite valid and true. I can stream through pve and level fast. Pvp takes much longer, I got my sage to valor 60 inside of 10 days played. Pve'd to 50, pvp'd my valor up. Ive been pvping much much more on my commando and keeping my valor in line with my level and its waaaaay slower. I have 2 50's and 3 other characters over level 30. PVE is at least 3x speed. (Considering lossess award less.)
  13. Bbizzle


    Show me a vanguard putting up 900k voidstar in assualt (the burst spec) with the ammo issues that spec has. Until I see screen shots its a complete overexxageration.
  14. Im all for arena's but 1v1 arena is where you lose me. To make a -good- pvp game you cant balance it around 1v1. Classes have to have roles and places. Meaning a more rock paper scissors aspect than anything. If there is no rock paper scissors aspect your requiring them to completely re-do every class in the game. Warhammer wasnt balanced for 1v1 in the least and yet that games pvp was extremely awesome, even without rateds. Some classes were built to kill your class. Part of the fun in group set up and tactics and having skill aid you is in taking into consideration your team build, what classes your vulnerable to. And skill in attempting to be better than your competition that you can overcome the rock paper scissors style. I feel 4v4 6v6 8v8 to start would be healthy for the game. Other brackets could always be looked into and added. Let's not get greedy, lets try to get some form of arena before we want the best arena system ever made.
  15. A couple points. 1) Some of the CC CAN be removed by certain classes, The force lift/lightning tornado mezz? Can be cleansed by any sorc or sage. Heal spec or DPS spec, doesnt matter, I do it ALL the time. You cant cleanse yourself, your mezzed, but you can cross cleanse. The from stealth operative mezz and such can also be cleansed by tech cleanses, scoundrel/op and commando merc can cleanse tech mezzes. Most of the ************ in this game comes from poor use of cleansing. The dots not affecting door capping should have never even been an issue for coordinated teams, cleanse people and stop QQing. 2) Sorcs and sages dont average 500k/200k Some may have incredible games to do that but its no where near the average. To go 500k plus you have to have been free-casting for a good amount of time in a warzone. Which means not being hit. And if your going 200k+ healing it means you either stopped owning people to kick heals. Or were forced in a later stage in the game to be completely selfish and just heal yourself the entire rest of the game to survive. Which means not helping the group at all. So you're blowing it out of proportion just a tad. 2) While I agree that bomb specced juggs and guardians hit like monster trucks especially tag teaming. Its not unstoppeable. Sorcs and sages are absolutely played enough to be kicking serious mental cleansing. You can cleanse force exhaustion, interrupt force choke, both of which severely cut the damage on bomb damage. perhaps even in half. 3) You also have to understand that there are absolutely more pressing issues than class balance, there is exploiting. Both with procs and the GCD. I know operative healing has an exploitable bug that causes thier healing to be incredible bursty. Sorcs and sages have an issue with a proc effect thats exploitable. As well as a couple other classes. The healing one isby far the most noticeable and game changing. 2 ops doing it takes about 6-7 people focusing to get one down. And smart use of CC. If all this damage is nerfed. Than healing even with the trauma debuff of -30% in pvp would be incredibly overpowered. Than again I take the time to play each class to about 25-30 to learn how each one plays to see how to counter them.
  16. Except demo round has 100% hit rate. And HIB is white damage and it affects shields, absorbtion, Defense chance, etc. Just because your class happens to be one of the ones we LOL on, doesnt mean it happens to everyone. And the damage is completely inconsistant. If were not critting were not bursting. Operatives could kill -any- class with the -same consistant- burst. Pre nerfs. If you couldnt, you were bad. All your burst was yellow, which means tanks fell just as easily as squishies. Especially considering a -50%- armor penetration for 15 sec buff you can put on. I've had times I pop all my cooldowns crit on assualt plastique on a sorc with thier bubble down for 3600, then high impact bolt for the attempt at crazy burst. And its deflected. Doesnt happen all the time no. But it happens enough. Ask a sniper what the down side ot having your highest DPS ability be white damage in pvp and then come back and talk to me. Especially considering that assassins and shadows are the new FOTM.
  17. You havent played against anyone playing this class worth a ****. Because tank spec DPS gear = alot of survivability, all the utility and good burst. And sprint, not the out of combat one bad. He's talking about the in combat force speed. All inquisitors and consulars get it, regardless of AC. And to also edit the OP's post. The immunity to tech kinetic and force damage is also CC immunity.
  18. I have both, Commando merc is easier. Sorc/sage is more fun.
  19. Bubbling doesnt heal you, The healing comes from force in balance. or whatver sorcs version is, the first attainable ability in the shared tree.
  20. You shouldnt be using that on tanks anyway. Its weapon damage. WHITE DAMAGE procs shields and stuff. ALL YELLOW IGNORES THEM. Maybe not 80% of YOUR damage. But think outside of yourself for a minute. What do people play more of? Sorcs and sages or gunglingers and snipers? I wonder why. Hell even scoundrels and ops are mostly yellow damage. Same with troopers for thier primary abilities. Minus H.I.B. The sheer amount of yellow damage in warzones makes it completely not worth being a tanky tank, you know, the ones that dont do any damage. Becuase minus a few actually useful tank skills that flatly drop incomming damage by a percentage, the rest dont do anything because they only effect a very limited type of damage. In assualt spec I tank pretty much just as well as I did in shield spec though I notice a little pick up in what mara's and snipers can do to me. But there just arent that many snipers, So I picked my poison. And my poison was bursting people for 9k with cooldowns.
  21. So you play a powertech and think sorcs are crazy? Your playing powertech wrong if they are owning you. Because Sorcs run on sight from my vanguard. DPS gear yourself up. Play shared tree. And start bursting them. People also seem to forget, KILLING someone isnt always the goal in PVP. Forcing someone to run away and survive is completely a win in pvp. If its a DPS sorc. If you force them away from nuking your team to LOS and heal themselves. He isnt nuking your team. Or if its a healer, if he is healing himself, he isnt healing his group. Forcing someone into LOS, killing them or not is taking them out of the fight. I have a sage, I have a blast on it. I think its easy to play DPS. But If im not allowed to free cast and have people on me the whole game, I can live a long time sure, but am I doing anything productive or helping my group? No, Im being forced into being selfish.
  22. Bbizzle

    Restuss VS. Illum

    I have alot of good stories about Restuss pvp, a couple about ilum but neither one are anywhere close to warhammers RVR. Not even in the same continent.
  23. Pretty much this. ^ I used to be shield spec, Then I got full BM DPS gear and went assualt and started having fun on the class while still guarding people in ion cell.
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