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Everything posted by smartalectwo

  1. Chat Bubbles! Yes! I spend too much time looking at the interface instead of the gameworld as it is!
  2. Although still fairly ok, there's more than a few oddities in the Consular story that suggest it wasn't quite as well thought-out as the others. Nadia's late arrival and slightly hasty romance is possibly one of them. Looking on the bright side, though, that just means that there's plenty of plot threads in the Consular story to wrap up in expansions. Gifted but young Jedi given an undisciplined, emotionally compromised but powerful student by a dead man's wish? That always goes well!
  3. Any release date on Warcraft 4?
  4. Assuming you mean the song that kicks in halfway through the trailer and not the edit of various Star Wars tunes before... that's 'Protectors of the Earth' by Two Steps from Hell.
  5. You know, I don't think Revan is actually meant to be a hero. Looking at everything we've seen of him, from before KOTOR to now in SWTOR, the story of Revan seems like a Greek tragedy, of this gifted, brilliant man falling to the Dark Side and having it dominate his destiny from thereon in. Because no matter what he does, no matter what intentions he has... it always goes wrong. He's like Empire Strikes Back Luke - he has the power, but he doesn't have the wisdom. He flails about, trying to 'fix everything', believing that this time he can make all the sacrifices worth it and it never happens. He doesn't know himself and he can't let go of his mistakes. If he just stopped to think for a moment... But no. He's come this far, but he still hasn't learned anything. Compare and contrast to Surik, who spends a whole game coming to terms with who she is and the mistakes she's made. I think she might have to win this one.
  6. One of my favourite action cutscenes came just before the Consular's boss battle on Coruscant.
  7. Maybe she did get Dark Side points for some of it, but she's had a long time to do enough deeds to redeem herself and attain Light Side V.
  8. I dunno, man. If they were ever going to do this, now was probably the right time.
  9. It's true that the Jedi generally try to avoid going out of their way to get involved with some things - taking the view that doing too little is probably better, overall, than doing too much. And I can see where they're going with that. When it comes to working for harmony, it really is probably better to avoid introducing too many variables to a situation. But Ignoring the Force's proddings to act is considered as bad as ignoring its proddings to stop acting. Either way, you're not trying to do what it'd like you do to, and if you don't do what the Force wants you to... you're not a Jedi. So don't think of this as a ticket to a laissez-faire, getting-involved-only-when-I-feel-like-it life. Most Jedi take this stuff serious. Looking to the future for guidance, but trying not to be led by it and instead focussing on the present moment always, is hard to keep straight. Sometimes, yes, the thing that you absolutely must do is 'nothing' - deliberately avoiding getting involved with something - but that's not quite the same thing.
  10. It's a lot harder than you think. The upside is, you have the power and freedom to do what you must. The downside is... you have to do what you must, and no more. If you think that's easy, you really haven't thought this through. Reading up on some of the more in-depth nature of the Jedi Code, it makes one thing very clear: the Jedi are NOT the good guys, and they KNOW they're not the good guys. In fact, they don't even generally recognise terms like 'good' and 'evil' as having any kind of meaning. All they do is fight for peace and harmony, no matter what - not because it's 'good', but because what's best for the most people is usually best for the Force. The Jedi Code exists for one reason: to try and find a balance between doing what's necessary to serve the Force, and being able to exist in polite society. If the Force didn't exist, the Jedi would be terrifying. But thankfully it does, and the Jedi rely on it to figure out what to do next.
  11. Such are the demands of serving the Force, dude. No-one said it was easy...
  12. That's all you need to know, right there. The Code is really, really flexible. You can do anything as a Jedi - so long as... - you're doing it without emotions affecting your decision - you're basing your decision on knowledge of the current situation - you're being objective - you're doing something that'll benefit harmony in the end - you're making sure to listen for the Force telling you not to do it Killing a Sith Lord? The Force is usually pretty ok with that, and the death of a Sith usually removes an unharmonious force from the galaxy. All that's left is doing it emotionlessly and knowing that it's probably the best thing to do in the situation you're in. Jedi usually don't fight because fighting leads to discord, and killing hurts the Force. But if a fight needs to happen, they'll fight it. And they'll do everything they have to, in order to end a fight once it starts, as quickly and cleanly as possible. There's no hypocrisy there. The Code is so open because the Jedi don't do absolute thinking - they have no hard and fast rules about what they must not do. They just do what they have to.
  13. 'Jedi' is a religion, not a series of combat moves.
  14. The trailer says these HK-51s were built to fight in the Great War, which - presumably - means the Great Galactic War 10 years or so before SWTOR is set. Maybe someone found the plans for the HK units and started a new factory elsewhere?
  15. ... 'limited in every shape and form' as opposed to what? Completely unlimited? Every game's got limits you can reach, what are you talking about.
  16. I don't see why story has to be linked to leveling. Each character's personal story, maybe. Not all story.
  17. I would certainly love to be able to go through my class story again at 50. No interruptions. No levelling up. No crafting; no need to do other missions on the way. Just experience the class story as a coherent, step-by-step story. Increased, level-appropriate difficulty and rewards optional. I just want to see the class story again. They're the best part of your game, devs. Call it New Game Plus. Call it Movie Mode. I don't care, just let me be able to play it again all the way through! Edit: I know that some parts of it won't make much sense. Such as being a padawan or apprentice and getting a lightsaber when you already have one. But to some, that won't matter. To others, such as me, I'd have kind of a blast getting the right 'costumes' for a 'movie playthrough'.
  18. I'd heard rumours of one in 1.3 - some sort of galactic scavenger hunt. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=476074
  19. To clarify, I meant Bonus Quests, rather than Bonus Series. Thinking about it more, I can't think of any downsides to this. Alongside the 'makes some regular quests have a slightly different objective for different classes', we have: - Benefits us for playing our class according to the ideals of the class! Smugglers loot and smuggle stuff! Jedi try to avoid unnecessary conflict! Roleplaying! - It would mean that we'd all be getting less bonus quests, which lessens our busywork in each area but also slows down xp gain! - It would give a reason to split up those multi--stage Bonus quests, which I think many folk get tired of. "Kill 20 people! Now blow up 8 crates that were next to those 20 people, so that you have to kill those 20 people again!" I don't even think this would take much work to implement, comparatively.
  20. They put that on him after he died to make him seem ridiculous. It's ok, though. He forgives them.
  21. Not sure why it was changed. You can still bring people to those places by having them come aboard your ship, though.
  22. I'd like class-specific bonus quests, please. Something people often mention about the game is its saminess. Even when you play a different class. Making bonus quests class-specific would make even the non-storyline missions have a different feel. Instead of a mission having a bonus like 'collect x crates' or 'kill 10 mobs' for all classes, things are more like: Jedi: complete missions without killing more than X mobs, find artifacts etc. Smuggler: grabbing extra loot and cash, or making deliveries. Trooper: setting up forward positions or bombing stuff. Sith: Killing x mobs or corrupting Jedi stuff. Agent: steal intel, download files, bomb stuff. Bounty Hunter: kill specific mobs, find specific items.
  23. The Jedi work towards harmony. They work to becoming the ultimate in selflessness. They strive for connection without attachment. Every Jedi tries to be in tune with the world around them, and feelings are part of that. But as long as a Jedi Gets Job Done and doesn't let feelings cause loss of harmony inside themselves or between others, it's all good. The Sith work towards discord. They work to become the ultimate individuals. They strive for attachment without connection. Every Sith tries to be 100% self-complete and self-contained. Forming relationships with others - friendships, alliances, romances - is fine, as long as a Sith is prepared to betray everyone they're attached to in order to further their own goals. Between the two, the Sith seem more inhuman to me.
  24. It was probably less about hearing the noise, and more about sensing the sudden explosive deaths of the crew of their ship.
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