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Everything posted by Korevas

  1. I'd say this is arguing semantics. Whereever the difference comes from, the bolster system should take it into account and act accordingly. I for one agree that 30-59 certainly isn't in a good place right now, but changing it should not be neccessary *if* bolster actually worked correctly.
  2. You might also consider chaining yourself somewhere, shouting your declaration: "What do we hate? REASONABLE POLICIES! Why do we hate them? JUST BECAUSE!"
  3. Well, the PTs shoulder cannon fits nicely with variants of the Powertech armor. The troopers version fits with nothing really because it looks like a 20 year old hairdryer growing out of your shoulder. Well, I guess it nicely fits the theme of trooper animations sucking in comparison, if you want to let that count.
  4. I don't know what gear specifically you are referring to, but pvp gear for example is not supposed to be optimized "out of the box". That's what those mod vendors are for. There is no objectively "being right" here. You are of course free to not like it, but it's still an opinion none the less. I for one was skeptical too, but IMO they did deliver what they promised. Of course some utilities will fit certain builds better, but there still is more actual choice than what we had with the old system while removing "noob trap" choices. That's called being an mmo. There will always be a next tier making your old gear worthless by comparison.
  5. Korevas

    Climbing the elo

    Actually, no. No matter what your rating is, you will always be pitted against whoever happens to be there at the time.
  6. Bear in mind that even the relative position in the leaderboards is not by any means an accurate number of relative strength. If there is only the slightest advantage for a single class, people will flock to it more then others, especially the better players who have stables of alts to chose from. This will exaggerate the gap between them to look more than it actually is.
  7. Korevas

    Climbing the elo

    The elo system is good but it was never designed to work within these parameters. The problem here is that the system was clearly designed under the assumption that matchmaking would field you with and against similarly skilled players. In practice though, matchmaking for all intents and purposes doesn't exist at all, it often comes down to "which team gets the noob", so it's a 3v4 stacked in their favor and the elo system doesn't account for that at all.
  8. Seriously? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=swtor%2C+How+to+tweak+and+max+out+graphics%3F+
  9. Server load is completely independent from the fps drops people are seeing. they may coincide because displaying more players will generate more load for your machine locally as well as for the server, but they are not the same thing. This is why I still think terms like "fps lag" are misleading and shouldn't be used by anyone.
  10. Not possible because wow invented mmos. /kitingdebate
  11. The parameters that trip their detection system are still unknown and somewhat awkward. For example, it's pretty well known that spamming right click at high frequency at the slot machine for hours would not raise an eyebrow.
  12. First of all, I agree with all your sentiments, but most of them have been brought up again and again over the years, so you might not get that much feeback on them. Much of the blame for some of the stupid and half assed design decisions we have to suffer from today has to be assigned to early customer feedback in beta though. Originally, it was both planned that companions combat roles could be assigned, and that you could kill certain companion characters permanently at certain points in the story (most notably skadge and quinn). Apparently, the braindead monkeys they used for testing could not deal with that though, so they complained and the devs listened. The problem is that this happened kinda late in development, so they didn't have time rewrite the entire arc for those companions and instead just re-recorded that one line that would have you kill them, which of course doesn't fit very well.
  13. Absolutely. The fps payoff this engine delivers is utter crap, going by what it looks like. Everyone disputing that is just in complete denial. No matter what the specs will look like, you can be 99% sure that the answer is going to be "oh, in that case, you'll need a better cpu", because the game uses only 2 cores at most and it's so pooly optimized that no cpu on the market will deliver a constant 60fps anyway.
  14. It happens when temporary health, i.e. endure pain gets healed, and it does happen to healers too. That being said, it's really just an issue with the match report score and nothing else, so I'd say they have bigger fish to fry.
  15. What legal issues should that be? The same company already has the real data, I doubt character data on a gameserver is even covered by any law.
  16. It was always broken, but apparently since 3.0 it shows even more. If you want to cry a little, go to fleet, talk to a craftskill trainer and hover over the recipes. Nothing else. This alone kills fps for me already. The problem is, swtor is still coded as a 32 bit application that doesn't multithread to more then 2 cores or use more then 4gb of ram, and it does even that only in a kinda awkward way that eats up a lot of performance for no real gain. They have been piling new stuff up on this weak foundation for years, and it's starting to show more and more.
  17. SWTOR specifically is almost always bottlenecked by cpu, so a better card won't do much good. Sadly, the optimization of this game's engine is beyond horrible, so the only thing you can do is ridiculously overkill it with sheer single core speed. In the meantime, did you try swtor unleashed yet? With 8gb ram it's worth a try, but don't expect miracles.
  18. They didn't say "solution to fix ranked pvp", because the only real soution would be cross server and they don't want to do that. What they said was "something to improve queue times", and since it won't be cross server, we are left with only bandaid solutions for possible candidates.
  19. This people really need to learn to read PR-speak. What he really said there was "Shadow Realms cancelled, because developing new franchises is risky and we think this particular one won't make enough $$$. Also, buy our other stuff, now."
  20. Seriously who cares about Bounty week these days? It's going to be back in march anyway.
  21. Korevas

    best pvp merc spec

    Actually, anybody who has a taunt should be hitting them all the tim for free protection, especially dps specs.
  22. It's almost funny how they changed from "**** cross servers will be so *awesome* when we finally get it to work, it's surely gonna be the best thing since sliced bread!!11 Also, dual spec, that 1.2 patch will blow. your. mind." to "oh, yea, cross servers, well we've heard about it and thought about implementing it, but then we reconsidered. Nobody needs them anyway so it's probably for the best if we just never ever talk about that again, m'kay? And who needs dual spec? We already have that mentor guy on fleet that's surely enough for anybody."
  23. I doubt this. Two things can easily be solid in respect to each other while being "noclip" to everything else. The issue probably is more that this physics model would have to be done by hand for each speeder with potential clipping issues seperatly. And since there is no money in improving existing stuff, they don't have much incentive to go over them again.
  24. People vote with their wallets, and despite what they may say, it's a clear majority vote for rushed casual content. Make of that what you will.
  25. I'd be content if the thing could just remember to auto-sort to lowest price per unit. This particular scam only really works when there are other, lower prices to "hide in" so that would alleviate it quite a bit IMO.
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