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Everything posted by Aora

  1. Everything in your post is moot as per the statement released by Ray and Greg this morning. Please read the stickies. The official release may be the 20th, but it has launched. Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 07:16 AM This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.
  2. It's logic like this that makes no sense. I guess after you drink the cool-aid common sense goes out the window. If you have X number of pre-orders, you've done the stress tests to determine what the servers can handle, isn't it simple math to determine the number of servers required at start? You've already assigned guilds to servers, so you have already decided where a lot of people will end up server wise. Why not just put the artificial cap just over the server pop using this info. Now add in Y number of players as new subs as of the 20th and fill in the gaps and add new servers as needed. You know you are going to get an influx of people, why not use them to balance things out as they stream in? It's the artificially low number of servers that are currently being used that some of us are questioning.
  3. Are you not aware they are bringing all servers down right before the official release on the 20th? If their servers can't handle pre-orders all trying to log in now, what do you think they are going to do when all pre-orders + new subs on launch day all try to log in at once?
  4. And i believe that the real problem of these forums is the ignorance of those that dismiss "QQ'rs" that have legitimate concerns. BW could have provented this by providing feedback and more communication about said concerns. I agree with you here!
  5. My only question is why throttle the number of servers so much before the official release date? Are they scared that there will be no further subscriptions after that and already have to be worried about server merges? If they had any faith in their product they'd expect more expansions. This is their biggest failure in my eyes. They have shown they already can manipulate the server capacity. They have already spread the guilds out amongst the servers. Why don't they put an artificial cap on all servers just above the server pops with all the guilds on it and have all the non-guilded people fill in across the boards to evenly fill them? They can then fine tune capacity on the 20th and then open servers as they see fit.
  6. If they were concerned about server economy, there wouldn't be a "waved" release. I do agree with prior posters that all guilty parties should be rolled back to lvl 1 and account suspended til release.
  7. I have a question to BW about this (no, i don't expect an answer). Were the people involved Beta testers? If so, they could easily have known this all along and chose to not have it corrected until after they had their use of it. I'd expect a harsher penalty to apply if so.
  8. I called dibs on it already. I won't get in until the 19th, so I'll take it on your word that you won't use it before me.
  9. This would be the group of people w/o access while access was given to people not playing. This would be the group of people with 9-5 jobs and all getting home at the same time. Seriously, I still have issues telling the difference between ignorance and trolls looking to be fed.
  10. It's amazing how many people don't know the difference between a launch date and an official release date, nor take the time to read the first sentence of the Welcome Message sticky. "Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 07:16 AM This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."
  11. Get off your high horse and read the first sentence of the Welcome Message stickied at the top. "Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 07:16 AM This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."
  12. "Cuz" BW/EA can't realize they have a bigger draw and plan accordingly with more servers & staff to handle it? fail. And yes the game has launched. Why can't you and the rest of the "it hasn't launched" crowd visit the very first sentence of the welcome thread this forum to read - "Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 07:16 AM This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you." If you must cling to Dec. 20th for some reason, that is the official release date. There is a difference.
  13. * It's not like needing more servers is a new revelation as of today. There was a beta and stress testing for a reason. * Are you really implying that the people monitoring the servers are THE SAME employees that are in charge of distributing the product to retailers??? /dismissed
  14. This thread is WIN simply due to the shear number of *********s that have gathered here to talk down to others. ^ This
  15. +1 And if you wade through the QQ you can see that a lot of them have a point questioning the limited number of servers rolled out when they know so many more are needed. The only bottleneck is the one BW is creating on itself. Another great point is not about the days of play time some have over others, it's the resulting unfair advantage on the AH that they will have because of it.
  16. I'm just glad that on the biggest day of the year for them, they were able to restrain themselves to an 8 hr workday. /clap
  17. Then my question is why didn't EA/BW plan for this and have more servers (login & game) available? Just admit that they borked it with bad planning and poor communication.
  18. There is no point in QQ'ing about the staggered launch at this point in time, so let it go people. The point that should be addressed is the lack of servers up at this time. They know full well that they will need a LOT more then currently exist (as of the last official update they are still on July 21st date and server status shows nearly all servers at medium+ capacity). Why not add more servers now and open up the stream a bit more? And for those that insist this is PGA and not launch, take your heads out of the sand. We are past beta and everything is now live. The 20th is just for sales records.
  19. You don't need to "test" to see your number, just hover over your name at the top of the page.
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