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Everything posted by Cebby

  1. If your solo, you never know you might get lucky and get a team on your side.. then your allowed ;P
  2. Problem with killing healers is most people are solo. A few points. Healers wont kill you. Yet you want to kill them, because they add value to others. Tanks dont do as much dps as pure dps classes, but they can guard those classes. Most solo players play dps, or what they think are dps. They cannot coordiante attacks, have any cc that will stick longer than a couple secs as they are all spamming favorite dps abilities. (building stats and making a case of how awesome they are.) An organized team has tons of tools at their disposal to break down groops and especially healers. Mez, interupts and roots an punts all work together to remove guard interupt heals and remove second healer scenarios. Happens all day long on every server.. I know im a healer who gets destroyed by them. The experianced team player understands there is much more than just loosely tryin to acheive a WZ win. This is why you see groops stacked ( balanced and geared ) because of escalating goals of teams. The only solution is to play with a groop, be organized and beat the other team at their own game. So if its easy why not? Because its not easy, finding like minded players. Werking out bugs in team play and then after you acheive it, the same humungous egos explode and solo all over again. Good luck, see you on the field.
  3. We groop primarily caz were friends, and like to play together. Second we want to be competitive, as far as our own team goes.. usually vs other premades. Objective are simple, huttball is simple and overall tactics can improve because you are all on the same page. We have all had the wz where people all go to the same obj and leave something unguarded. Its not because they are stupid they just thought someone else was covering. Groop symetry is hard werk. Situational awareness and knowing where your own team is, when ur healer needs guard and support.. when your main assist has switched targets etc is the real reason to form groops. I dont like the term premade, because I only groop with my guild i call the guild groops. In other games it was straight forward, but in huttball with ramps and los it can be quite hard to get your groop together. Being part of a groop and giving up your individual goals is the hard part, restraint. That take a disciprine.
  4. BURN THE QUITTERS! Seriously, if your rage is that strong.. atleast its focused on a video game, and not women and children.
  5. WOW, foil hat anyone? Pubs are vicious on Krayt.. @Da_krall SO all your toons need a nerf? I dont get it, your server have some lame players on it or something? What are melee supposed to do after they get a nerf? Wack away at people who happily ignore them?
  6. shield mitigation needs a fix
  7. @ OP You have to experiance rank 50 pvp before you can even think about nerfing. Its a joke all the nerf threads from pre 50's? Melee needs all the help they can get in this game, not nerfs.
  8. Who is afraid of sorcs/sages anyways.. the werst thing about them is their force speed escape. I would rather have a sorc on me at range then a Merc, Sniper and their mirrors. Sure there are a lot of people undergeared, just plain bad at thier job but the only time you notice a sorc is at the end wondering how they got thier numbers.. AOE. Useless unless stacked. Now there are some hybrid specs that are hard to kill, but it takes 2 sorc to equal the burst of a true ranged dps. Let alone some close range dps like marauder and operative, even the smash juggy beats their burst. The lightning spec burst is noticable, but with interupts and los sorcs are not hard to live through. I play a rank 58 healing sorc for the record, so nerf their dps if BW wans i am sick of guildies thinking they are real dps.
  9. At rank 58 I have a ton of fun in pvp. My guild is strong and pvp minded. We have all the pve content to explore, let alone the edge all the datacrons give. Gear changes in 1.2 will give us a chance to trooly experiment with our gear set ups. Our groops are competitive but no where near the level that some stacked teams are capable of. We need to improve on our class symetry. WZ's are fun, competitive and the graphics are great. Warhammer was great and had a lot more to offer us in pvp but we have high hopes for more WZ"s rated WZ's and open world changes. There are a few of our guild primarily solo players who are upset too. I have played MMO's since EQ. SWTOR is not perfect but is the best currently. If that changes they will lose subs, I imagine a company the size of EA, made it a priority to get their peice of this market. I also think they will protect the 2 million subs at 15 bucks a month to the best of their abilty.. I hope they succeed, caz Heathen on Krayt Dragon is having a lot of fun.
  10. I like the ability to mask gear, rated wz's included. Everything should be about skill, and having to figuire out a team motives and which toons are a threat is par tof the fun. Dropping it down to a visible calculation lessens it for me.
  11. First link is broken and brings you back to the poor op's whine thread. As far as gearing at 50 its easy.. the best way to bridge the gap is to pvp and get ur bags, the best way to win and complete dailies is to form groops with balanced dps, and support. Please do not listen to the op, qq'in is the new cry for attention.
  12. Personally I would be happy with a death match WZ. Rated warzones would then mix up farily well from objective based (alderan/voidstar) Movement based(huttball) and dps/groop mechanics( deathamtch) People would have a hard time maxing the best groop for any one scenario. Warhammer did 6v6 scenarios and they were fun, but it didn't take people long to figuire out what classes were best.. Mix maxing groop set ups excluded classes and some players.. not cool imho
  13. You need a team to compete consistantly. MMO and all. In my guild it takes about 2 weeks to get 500 expertise. Some have done it in 1 week.
  14. Cebby

    Stealthing in Combat

    /signed get rid on incombat stealth. OR atleast make it so they cannot instantly re-attack.. a dps debuff for 15 secs or what ever
  15. It would harder for them to avoid the debuff, some wouldn't and we would get a repreive from playing with said DB. Also it sets a precident that the behavior is punishable, we could report those DB's Said DB's are the very small minority.. there behavior has encouraged other to do the same. Justification on forums and leaving losing WZ's has increased the population of people who practice this. It needs to stop.. There are days when I dont get my dailys completed. Thems the breaks, get better, werk with your guild so they can get better and win some WZ's
  16. Playing solo makes it very hard to win consistantly. Imp over population, gives very few advantages in WZ. Moar Huttball practice? Thats about it. The fight should start even teams.. finnishes even teams. On Krayt Dragon, our guild has many fresh 50's. We try to bring them along in WZ and because of the gear gap and the tough competition. ( hats off to our pubs an imps alike) It can be very challenging to win WZ's Night before last we won every 50 que 9 straight. The next day, we won 2 of 9. You will increase your odds by teamwork, and balanced geared groops. There are those times when newbs, who should be able to play, make it a lot tougher. Ship happens and you should make shiperade
  17. Cebby

    Told to leave

    Tell dooshbags to take a flying leap.. everyone gets to play, even the dooshbags. Now i read that u afk, and you maybe gettin aggro from your own team, caz you are a ****
  18. crack kills? Hippies can't pvp? jus guessin.
  19. lol @ OP rarely see anyone gettin 10 medals let alone 14.. never seen it. I play a healer and I play pvp to heal my guildies..maybe you just need a friend.
  20. you are your friends need help.. srsly I dont believe there are that many dooshbags in one place.
  21. Ops are fine on my server, they tend maul people as it is. Strafing is fine as is imho.
  22. well i for one will watch, who is getting voted on. Also i hope the folks who abused the afk/quit all this time get griefed. NTM, people who want to kick lesser geared folks from WZ are a huge minority, although I know birds of a feather tend to doosh together, I am sure it will be a rarity.
  23. Contradicting info about alacrity vs the GCD. Anyone have proof that you can lower the GCD? Because I kno gcd is 1.5 secs, and the way i understand it, any cast time under 1.5 secs wont benefit from alacrity
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