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Everything posted by Cebby

  1. Hate these threads.. a coordinated groop rocks pug film at 11... hippys cry fer nerfs and more gun control. Hate these threads. How and where did all these people pvp in other mmo's. (retoricle)
  2. raise the immunity timer to 15 secs imho, not lower it. Resolve does need a fix.
  3. You wont see healers, atleast sorcs after 1.2 As it is right now, without a guard i get torn to shreds by every mdps in the game. With a guard it takes people effort. I am tired of the nerf everything threads.. and again they get their way. Wanna kno if anything can kill swtor. The community This thread is a joke
  4. never ever seen a match start with people still on the bikes. nerf bikes? qq about everything?
  5. she is not cheating.. mauraders are brutal
  6. Hate this thread.. why cant i kill who ever i want. There should be people you can kill.. or does rock kill paper now? Hate this thread
  7. Cebby


    think ur trippin dood, no seriously... i dont cheat, im too easy to kill.. I have not seen a hacker on krayt dragon I am no a 'your too nice to say' I am sure their are cheaters.. but very few. Accounts get banned is why, who wants to put in all that time and lose it. Get a groop and fight it out.. stop trippin out.
  8. ps innervate crits are not the crux, its the combined total of all three heals. poepl unable to kill someone being healed must be missing a guard aswell or a second healer.. Unless they are useless and running solo trying to hero the whole warzone. very disappointed with the nerf, with the squishy nature of the sorc i would love some insight on how they are supposed to heal in 1.2
  9. I like it, after 7 years of daoc and 3 of Warhammer. Although daoc and war were much better.. the fickle community ebbs and flows as each release and they wonder why. Each time you leave a sub game you are sending a message.. and it isnt get better and making the games. Its pvp in mmo's is a secondary mini game. Think of the progession from a huge pvp game like daoc to a more user friendly, smaller scale game like war with warzones.. to swtor with just 3 warzones.. They are getting the message and soon we will have zero pvp in our mmo's
  10. With the derailed thought train of this thread and the nerf in 1.2, all those healers need to roll mercs and tracer down the opposition before they can kill your groop.. Would be a lot easier than actually trying to heal thru it. 62 sorc
  11. Open world pvp has to have decent rewards. Valor that unlocks gear is a poor choice. PVP drops and cash is a great way to reward players for trading objectives. Defendable forts would be a great mechanic too, give people a roll on the place changing hands and or like daoc give the realm a bonus for holding it. Give guilds a roll by giving them a reward for claiming/holding
  12. Cebby

    PVP music

    thats so sad.. System of a down ftw
  13. stoic Raven is not stoic.. discuss.
  14. Last night, someone on the fleet said,' I understand why no one tries when 'guild name' is in the match.' I replied that people who are wussie dont try maybe. Drew a few insults and laughed it off. After helping lowbies in my guild we logged in mains an went fer dailies and drew the 'guild' had an epic match won 4-0. They had finnished their dailys and were in kill mode. We do the same thing.. point is its fun. There arn't teams that we dont try against, we lose and we win. People who give up are lame, people who take up a spot and cant be bothered to try are the werst part of the mmo experiance.
  15. me too, about 20 bags no drop. I assume its karma for all the lil kids i face washed with snow in the 3 rd grade.
  16. Wow, people aren't thinking are they.. You are getting huttball because there isnt enough pubs to populate the faction warzones. If you eliminate huttball from the mix, you get no wz's. To simulate you option to choose... just dont que. They are increasing the same faction warzones, but still some complain. Faction v faction only works when the other faction cues in the same numbers. The mix of WZ's will be better after 1.2 but they will be same faction unless the pubs get their numbers up or they actually cue up.
  17. Cebby


    @OP Don't leave, and try to help. I have never had to leave a warzone, although usually I look at my own play first.. perhaps i was too busy focusing on kills? Maybe I wasn't supporting the game or objective enough. I seriously doubt all the people who think they are too awesome to stick out a match are as awesome as they think they are.
  18. Cebby

    No exp option?

    @op ffffuuuuuu!uu!!!
  19. PVP gear gap is still pretty big, and the time invested arguement does not keep subs. In reality most people only have a few hours a week. The gear should come quickly witha marginal increase taking a much longer time to aquire for the very top end. The gap between quick and very long should be very small. give the cronics tons of thing to aquire and give the casuals a ton of early gear so that they can compete gear wise. Now skill or practice however you want to spell it out will seperate the groops even more, but thats a community issue, one for guilds to train their people. not bioware.
  20. +1 deathmatch or at least king of the hill
  21. bump to cover the new 1.2 protests. seriously u guys, seriously
  22. Communism is good? F these posts.. I am the guild leader of a casual guild and we have no trouble competing with costs of new gear and enjoy the options to what gear we caN WEAR. wow, enough of these threads already.
  23. Here is the other thing.. rated warzones will be hard. Folks will be bringing balanced groop to the party. With little to no information on the new sets, all the whining and conjecture is a little ridiculous. Why pvp in 1-49? Its great fun, challenging and gives great xp and rewards.. help you prep your rank for pvp gear tiers. Why pvp in 50 Its great fun, challenging and gives great xp and rewards.. help you prep your rank for pvp gear tiers. Why pvp in ranked wz? it will be great fun, be very challenging and you will be able to put your guild/name where your mouth is. These forums are becoming useless.. this thread proves it.
  24. crying over balance, when balance is fine..
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