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Everything posted by hardicon

  1. i just hate the fact you cant raise his affection. although he is pretty affectionate already. if his affection cant be changed take the stupid affection bar off him. i gave him a rank 2 purple technology gift, he didnt even say ty i just saw the fly text of plus zero affection gain. he better be glad he is protected by bioware or else at that point id be running around with a droid head for a helmet.
  2. active/passive, dont really matter, just click on it and have to remember to reclick after each death, not like it takes a while to do.
  3. it was the first tear, it gave the tier 1 mats for biochem. i sent khem val, and have a decent affection rating with him he brought me back 10 of the biochemical agents and 4 alien blood samples. color me completely freaking surprised. when i send that stupid little droid he brings me back a bunch of fibers and goo. gonna start sending khem val i guess.
  4. this is my build that i am gonna use http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_inquisitor/sorcerer/#::efe4fe9fef15ef17efe2f2 so far at level 27, only in the lightning tree, leveling is pretty easy, i never run out of force. i have chain lightning, lightning effusion is where im at on the tree. will pick up static barrier over the next two levels to get the 30 pt talent. so far im really enjoying it, instant cast chain lightning is very good imo. i heard the madness tree is pretty good also, but havent dabbled in that yet.
  5. ok thanks, was just wondering if i was wasting my time reverse engineering those or not. i made a ton of them and never got a single upgrade for them but ill keep at it, probably onto the level 2 adrenals now as i have completely outleveled the tier 1s, thanks for the help.
  6. you can run the bioanalysis missions to get alien blood samples. i got 4 from one of them last night. havent gotten the biochemical agent yet from one i dont think but you can make money from slicing to get those if you need. i just found out last night about the bioanalysis missions and got a ton of crafting mats running those. in the end do what you think best. i never had slicing so cant say but there are other ways to get those mats other than the gtn.
  7. I have a question about biochem and the adrenal stims. these adrenals are one time use and give a certain buff for about 15 seconds. specifically the first set of adrenals that you get. I have been reverse engineering these to try to get the reusable adrenals and not having much luck. i have reverse engineered about 30 of the battle force adrenal so far and havent gotten the improved schematic. so my question is does reverse engineering work on these adrenals, as in is that how you get the reusables and i have just been unlucky or is there some other way to get the reusable adrenals. thanks for any help.
  8. patience my young padawan. eventually you will move onto sith lords, although you better hope it is not me, bwahhahahaha. you will eventually fight sith and maybe evil jedi. just give it some time, right now you are not even a true padawan.
  9. and it totally needed to be done. some people were making hundreds of thousands of credtis off slicing. wouldve completely ruined the economy in a month.
  10. totally agree. I used to be a very hardcore gamer, played alot when i wasnt at work. then i got married and had kids so gametime had to be cut back. i really enjoy games now that dont require that huge time investment to advance in the game. at heart though im still just as competitive as ive always been and want to achieve everything in the game, just not with most of my life being dedicated to it. i expect it to take longer sure, but i still think it should be achievable. overall for me this game is a 10/10. great storylines, great questing, fun combat. i feel like i can live in the stars wars universe. the only thing i really wish it had was player bounties and player smuggling. pay a smuggler to transport goods for you and if he lost the load, you could hire a bounty hunter to kill him or get your money back. that would be awesome, but probably out of place in this type of game. overall love the game and am having a blast.
  11. i went sorcerer because i like lightning. what i found out that i can be very useful and versatile. ive healed 4 man heroics and lightning spec, havent tried a dungeon yet but some of those heroics are harder than the dungeons. i like having the utility to fall back on and heal if the group gets in trouble, and when everything is going fine i can just throw lightning at people. sorcerer seems to be the most played right now, that will probably taper off sooner or later though.
  12. yeah ive been playing alot, more than i play most games and just about to hit 23. i think im the lowest level main in my guild. the leveling is fine if you have things like a job to go to. if you dont and can stay home and game nearly 24/7 then you will level fast and probably get bored with the game. for me, im actually falling behind everyone else.
  13. i really liked the couple they showed at the end that looked totally petrified like they was about to be mugged or something by all the strange people.
  14. yes we do need a dual spec. that is one great thing wow did, wish swtor would copy it. dont like switching the advanced specs though, i think once you pick it you have five levels to see if you like it, by the end of those 5 levels it should give you a prompt to continue with this or go to the other spec and that decision is final. although i can live with no switching advanced classes whatsoever also, its only 10 levels to start a new character to get the other advanced class if you want, but dual specs are definitely a good thing imo.
  15. So you spent 170 dollars just to troll the game after release. Everything you mentioned has been known for ages. And seriously what is up with so many complaints about the follow system. I haven't used it once maybe try playing the game instead of leeching off someone else while afk.
  16. i wouldnt call it pointless. you can probably push it till later in the build if you want but i found it quite useful in working in force lightning into the rotation. i found the rotation pretty tight around level 25 and that definitely helped. but to each their own, im gonna use it and play my sorcerer this way for now. maybe later ill change but that is what im using. the guide even uses it, granted its a low priority over everything else until it procs but i used it every time it procced and was happy with my dps. op the one thing i can say that i consider very important skills to take is chain lightning at level 20 then lightning storm at level 25. the other skills can probably be pushed back into later or can pick when you want to get them but those two are very important imo.
  17. also subversion is probably more important for now, but get chain lightning at level 20 then get the increase in affliction time or lightning barrage.
  18. i would take exsanguinate, then chain lightning, then lightning barrage. that is what im doing anyway. start working on a rotation wher eyou keep affliction up at all times. my rotation in beta went like this once i had subversion and lightning barrage and chain lightning. multiple adds with a lt or boss recklessness chain lightning affliction on the boss lightning strike x3 to get max force regen shock crushing darkness then i just juggled keeping the force regen at 3 stacks from lightning strike and keeping affliciton up and crushing darkness up. when yhou get lightning barrage use force lightning when it procs and using shock. once you get lightning storm use chain lightning when it procs. just to give you an idea on how i worked out a attack chain in beta. it worked pretty well for me.
  19. how would a good rig speed up the server q. you cant login right away because there is a server q, no amount of high speed internet or gaming rig is gonna speed that up.
  20. its launch, its a big game with alot of players. bioware is trying to even the playing field out among all the servers. if there are still queues after a week then id say there is a problem, but not on day one, considering ive never played a single mmo without some q problems on day one or two. its not great, it can downright suck but they are trying to avoid having low pop servers that are dead later on and having to merge servers. im not happy about it either, but it is what it is, we just have to deal with it.
  21. get someone to help you do it. or go do some side quests and come back in a level or two. or pull him into the hallway. or do all of the above. seems like assasins are having trouble with it, was no problem for my sorcerer in beta, maybe the heals idk, never played a assasin.
  22. last time i played wow which was right before cata, wow interface was still pretty much the same as when it first came out. they let people mod it the way they wanted it with third party apps but left the basic ui pretty much untouched. wow was way worse in the stability department at launch. most uis are barebones in mmos and then they take player feedback and create better ones or let the players mod it themselves. what is the point in spending alot of time on a great ui if you dont know if the players are gonna like it in the end. release it, let the players comment and then make changes. the only thing this ui needs is ability to move things around on the screen. other than that the ui is fine.
  23. server queues were implemented to weed out the weak willed and crybabies. cool story bro.
  24. yeah if people think a 30 minute q is bad, travel back in time to world of warcraft, thanksgiving 2004. the q was generally about 9 hours for most people, some people the que was measured in days, not hours. oh yeah and when you finally got in, the server would crash and be down for 12 to 24 hours. then its back into a 9 to 112 hour q unless you happened to be at home and logging in when the servers first came up. the only people that got to play that first week, were non working people sitting at home literally clicking the play button every second to see if the servers are up and letting people in. 30 minute ques, hell after world of warcraft i can do thirty minute ques standing on my head.
  25. hey i want an ewok expansion. I want to stick my lightsaber in their guts and fry their brains with lightning and butter, and then eat them little fat suckers. we need ewoks, the preferred diet for true sith inquisitors.
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