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10 Good

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  • Location
    The South
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    A multitude of interests .
  • Occupation
    Landscaper,Caretaker,Heart Breaker
  1. If thats the selling point then this game is surely doomed. If wanted to listen to a bunch of talking and see cinematics then I'd just watch a movie.
  2. That's a large part of what makes this game so unfriendly towards making alts imo. From now on all expansions and patches should not include this stuff and instead focus all that money and effort on better looking gear and customization,funner quests and brighter more inviting environments. The game to me is just depressing to play and I feel like I need to take a nap after doing a flash point because it's insanely long and drawn out and thats mostly from the cut scenes and dialog. Just wash your hands clean of it and work on making the game fun.
  3. Remember we're still in the early stages as the game hasn't been out a month yet so lets just see where some of the patches take us. Trust me I'm on board with a lot of the complaints as I haven't logged into the game in a few days because of boredom but we shouldn't write TOR off so easily. I know it would be hard for Bioware to do but they should wash their hands clean of this first edition of the game and do all future content differently. Like scrap voice acting and cut scenes for all quests. Next stop making every quest feel like a dungeon with sending us into all these little tombs,shuttles and tiny little camps. I think Bioware is trying to make the game look better than just be fun and that is their mistake. WoW is successful because although it looks bad it has so many little things that make it fun like tons of gear that isn't just a different colored pair of boots or gloves but a entirely different looking piece all together. Also the quests may not be voice acted and have cut scenes but they are more enjoyable to do over with alts than what TOR offers. WoW's quests are short and forgettable and that is actually a good thing because it makes repetition not so bad because you just blow right through all the quests. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that of what some of the other community has said and try not to make this game so story centric. Anyways I don't have any hard feelings towards Bioware and I know they worked hard but they're just ignoring all the fun elements of an MMO and giving us another Mass Effect.
  4. This could be the most idiotic and selfish reason not to add something in the game.
  5. It's more of a way to get the group together faster to start the fun quests and instances without everyone having to stand around and wait on other party members to travel. Sometimes other part members may have not discovered certain areas so they have to travel on foot to get there slowing things down. You pickin up what I'm puttin down?
  6. One thing I like about this game is the chat is available for more expansive areas for people to see than most other MMO's. Yet this is a double edged sword because sometimes people are recruiting for heroics,etc that you are a lot further from that other people in the group and the party is forced to wait for other player for a long time. Could we possibly get a feature for the group leader to summon party members?
  7. but i still get to make darkside decisions that give me sith points right?
  8. I'm a sith warrior and I created my character with red eyes and now they are yellow. I make all sith/darkside decisions so I don'y know if that has anything to do with it but either way I want my red eyes back.
  9. I just touched the game and it feels like polycarbonate plastic.
  10. Let Bioware know how much you appreciate all the hard work,be vocal! Post here if this will become your new MMO home. If you want to know my full opinion on the game just check my review thread.
  11. I'm getting worried about all these "We level too fast threads" because in my opinion the leveling system is fine and I don't want this flood of complaint threads to change things. What I think the problem is that some of these people spend too long without getting off the game. Of course you're going to get to the level cap quickly if you spend 18 hours a day on the game. Make an alt to play for a while instead of just rush one character to max. Make the game an enjoyable experience and take time to do more in it than just try and become the best in the shortest amount of time possible. So does anyone else think the leveling system is fine?
  12. It's great,my new favorite MMO! Bioware did a excellent job and you can see all the years of hard work that went into this game. I love the spoken dialog and choice. I stay interested in what the NPC is saying rather than just reading some wall of text of standing by while an animation unfolds in front of me as if I were just a spectator like some other MMO's. The amount of equipment is great too,I really enjoy all the different gear I pick up along my quests to make my character look very appealing. The vendors always have great selections and I like how their gear is just as good as the stuff you get from quests unlike other MMO's where vendor gear becomes obsolete after a certain point. On to combat. What can I say? It speaks for itself. Fun,smooth and I really enjoy how if you're holding a melee weapon like a sword and so is the enemy how you will go into a sort of sword duel with them that flows in sequence. So much going on in this game what am I missing?...Oh the environments look great. I just want to run around and look at everything sometimes and take it all in. Ok so as to not sound too over zealous or seem biased I'll point out my only two complaints and make a suggestion. My first complaint and I'm sure it has been mentioned before is lag, sometimes it interrupts battles and throws me off. Second server queues, I'm not a computer programmer so I'm not too sure of the technicalities behind them but I'm sure it has to do with Bioware trying not to over crowd things. To me these are all minor issues and I'm sure they along with any other little bugs will be rectified along the way. Now for suggestions. Just keep it up Bioware!!!! lol Stay on this path,keep giving us more customization,content and this enjoyment you've brought upon us. I really feel like this game is a huge success and for 4 years I hoped it wolud be and that I would not be disappointed in it like other MMO's I've waited on. You guys really delivered on this one. So thank you Bioware. I'll be continuing to play this game and look forward to see it grow. -TL;DR
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