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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. Well I think I can help you...


    This is the greatest MMO in history I am 38 and speak from years of experience...


    Ignore all the noise around you and enjoy the ride...


    Hey I am 51 do I get a prize ?

    I honestly don’t have it down as the best but it is ok.

    Also the op was too long to read but glad you are enjoying the game


  2. I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.


    Sounds like blackmail.

    You know you wont get a yes or no answer.

    What are you going to play instead ?


  3. Im not even 50 yet. Just came back from 1 week hiatus working and have noticed ALOT of 50's running around sporting high end gear. Not cool.


    I like to look forward to doing hard content and doing something that takes a long time to accomplish so i have something to strive for. Looking at all this purple everywhere disheartens me immensly.


    Remember in vannila wow where someone had 2 epics and a mount. THat to me was epic, i used to think one day that would be me, and it was, eventually, when i put in the time and effort and earned it.


    Now they give out everything for just buying 1 months sub.......




    I am sure they put in plenty of hours to get the stuff.

    But that’s their choice, after all its not a job.


  4. The true "Hardcore" players are the ones aiming for the world first kills and stuff.

    They do not care about what "Casuals" have and get in these games. They know they are on top of that and they aim for the very end as fast as possible.

    These people kill the bosses even before any "Boss Kill" websites are updated. Heck, they are the ones giving others the tactics.


    Then we have these people who THINK themselves as "Hardcore". They moan and whine on the forums about "Casuals" destroying the game, about free epics and stuff.

    These players are NOT the real "Hardcore" players. They are just crybabies who think too much of themselves.


    Agree with this and hey they probably do hard modes without addons

    It’s a bit like climbing Everest without oxygen.


  5. I feel quite the opposite.


    PvP is repetitive. You fight other players and....what? Get better gear to fight the other players some more? The tactics are ad nuaseum because you are always facing the same enemy classes. You do get much better at "twitch" gaming. And if that's your gig then PvP is for you.


    PvE, especially instances, has fun story and great set-piece battles. There can be enemy encounters that require you to solve tactical problems, do puzzle work, or simply enjoy the view. It's the good bits of KOTOR with the added benefit that I can play it with 3-7 of my friends.


    This about sums it up

    Very well written:)

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