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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. oh nice, the "get a job" defence.


    They simply disrespect the whole EU with this maintenance time, because it states "we do whats best for the EU customers and everyone else has to live with the consequences".


    If they countinue to treat me as a 2nd rate customer, as a nice low maintenance byproduct that donates money, i will simply stop paying them.




    Also, every other major mmo has this under control and isnt bothering their Eu customers with daytime server downtime, so stop the poor excuses.


    What’s the big deal here ?

    They told you about it and it’s the same for all of us.

    If it bothers you that much do as you say, unsubscribe and good riddance.


  2. It is simply /amazing/ how many software developers suddenly crawl out of the woodwork when the ability to judge a game's release is called into question.


    Aside from doubting that, I've learned in life that completed products in /some/ areas should be expected. I like my sandwiches whole, with meat in the middle. I like my food cooked.


    But you of all people should know in this day and age that software is not like it used to be. Used to be, you could download JUNO the mail client in 1994 and go to town on email, one disc, no online updates, the software was DONE.



    No longer. Software is catching up to hardware! Thus it is in a continous state of beta testing and beta updates. In fact, one might argue that most software is beta from "launch". Especially an MMO!


    What you're dealing with is an evolving product. If you wanted a "The-end" perfection game, might I direct you to:





    There are none. All games have bugs, all games have issues and all games have been fixed over time, somehow. When the human element is introduced errors pop up somehow. Computers are not ubiquitous across the board and making a program run on every machine possible while still retaining its beauty is a feat in itself.


    So, I might suggest that overtime as more data is collected the wonderful software developers at bioware will fix your glaring gamebreaking bugs and present to you a game you might find yourself pleased with!


    I for one am sorry you are so hard to please.



    I agree with most of this

    Its a shame most on this thread probably haven’t bothered to read it.


  3. The end game is when you quit playing.

    This game does some things better than WoW some things worse, forums for example seem budget.

    I like the game.

    I also like WoW but Blizz decided to cater to the hardcore gamers.

    The new raid finder in WoW seems ok but who would re-sub for 1 raid per week ?

    If Bioware keep adding to this game I cant see it failing.:)

  4. I've played since the release day. I'm level 18. I'm straight.


    I'd really like an mmo where nothing is soloable. That's the most drastic yet, fantastic change of pace for the way mmos have become. This whole LFD debate is misguided. MMOs should push community unification above all else. The syngergy in a game that is so ridiculously demanding that you NEED those other three players to get by at a reasonable pace in the game, is unreal.


    Instantly people will get defensive clinging to this point of not always wanting to group, or need, not want, assistance vis players and not gimped difficulty gameplay. That may sound biased or offensive, but it is not intended.


    The contradiction occurs when you consider an MMO to it's most literal definition of Multiplayer. If you're a game that requires teamwork, but only some of the time, appealing to two seperate types of players, you're bound to find friction. If you want to be able to kill stuff for an hour, still be top dawg in the gameworld, you should play a singleplayer game. If you're looking to play a game that requires more interaction then you play an MMO. I do not log on to an MMO to go solo quests and maybe interact with people. Some people do want to do this though, but it isn't fair to the people belonging to last sentence.


    We don't mix. I want a game where I can not solo anything stronger than weaker than me. I don't log in to kill everything with ease by my lonesome and then do an instance for an hour.


    You would probably complain of being forced to group with players who are crap.


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