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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. You know your right. It's proven that catering to the "Self Proclaimed" Hardcore Player's is a complete waste of time. Don't believe me? Warcraft was doing great with Litch King, many called it casual favorite. Then boom, they changed everything. They added "Hardcore raids" so hard and a complete waste of time, have you grinding your teeth for hours.


    Then in CATA for the hardcores. They lost 2 million sub's in under a year and they might never get out of that decline. In fact, last quarter they lost another 100k and said they are going back to Lich King forumla. Like it or not, casual take over a majority part of the game. While Hardcore's are a mintory and it's proven failure even fatal to success of a company to listen to them.


    Agree, also think they may have to nerf some content when casual players reach lvl cap:)

  2. "A casual player" = someone spending more time on forum instead of leveling, telling 50levels to find another game for wanting more content when themselves have only gotten to level 25 since release. And thinking people must be cheating for having achieved it... because they spend so little time actually playing the game they might as well not have been playing at all.


    IF someone is that busy doing real life things like taking care of kids, working 24/7, washing your car whatnot. Maybe they should not be playing MMORPG at all. Perhaps a multiplayer board-game like Scrabble is more suited for their schedule.


    Made me lol


    The great thing about these games is you can do things at your own pace.

    Sure things may change nerfs buffs etc, but all the things that were available in the first month will still be there in 3


  3. BW: "We have this great legacy system feature that we will be putting in the game."


    Players: "Really, what is it?"


    BW: " We aren't ready to say, but we're excited about it."


    <Game launches>


    Players: "A last name. . . that's it? And it carries over between factions on a single server but not across servers even if the same faction? It affects all of your characters on that server, cannot be changed, does not have a preview, and the system auto-changes it to conform to the non-communicated restrictions?"


    BW: "I know! Isn't it awesome!"


    Players: "???"


    BW: "We'll released more stuff for it, eventually."


    Players: "What will the additional features be?"


    BW: "We're not telling."


    Players: "Should I hold off on rolling alts?"


    BW: . . .


    Players: "???"


    BW: "We're going to be adding features to the legacy system in patch 1.2. These will include new races. . . kinda. And then there's other stuff."


    Players: "What kind of other stuff? What are the new races? Is it currently unplayable races that are in the game, or just races that are currently playable by one class that will now be playable on another? Will there be a way to change our current characters with these new features?"


    BW: . . .


    Players: "???"


    This about sums it up:)

  4. WoW did it because all the casuals cried foul play and unfair treatment. If they would have just told then to just suck it up and play the part of the game designed for you then it would have been just fine.


    Dont blame a company (WoW) for doing something that another company (SWTOR) is doing the exact same thing.


    The best thing for SWTOR to do is tell all the "casuals" to either play the game the way we design it or go play WoW. Grow some balls and use them. You give in to them once and they will just step all over you while destroying your game but they dont care because they can just move onto another one.


    Get off your high horse

    We all start out as casual players and if you carry on playing you will end up as a casual player


    The whole point of these type of games is to cater for all playing styles and skill levels

    They want mass appeal

    How many casual players do hard modes ?

    Are they on the forums asking for them to be made easier ?


  5. The first problem, is that, as a customer community, we can only talk to the chef. Sadly, our opinion, and the chef’s opinion, doesn’t matter. It’s the store owner that has the bucks, the deeds to the store, and owns the land.


    The store owner sees tons of cake stores making money, sees the Pound Cake Emporium, largest cake distributor in the city, making the most money, and, therefore, s/he’s going to make poundcakes. The store owner doesn’t care that his cakes are the same, and possibly inferior to the Pound Cake Emporium. If s/he makes profit, that’s all he wants. Money > all. Good luck convincing the store owner to try dainty European French style pies, when a big old generic blob of pound cake has proven that it’s the main seller.


    Some owners will. But, as a rule, most owners will not care about pie vs cake. They will care about the money they make. So, if you want pie, actually, your best bet is at a Mom and Pop’s small little store, and that’s where you’ll find that succulent home made pie. But, going to a big new chain that has it’s eye on the cash made by Pound Cake Emporium, you’re going to get the same old cake, with, maybe, a different icing.


    Speaking personally = I’m here for the icing.


    Many posts say “Except for the Voice Acting and the Story, the rest is…”


    For me, there is no “the rest”.

    -Loading Screens? I come from EQ and CoH. Tons of load screens there. 10 minutes of my life going from one PLANET to another without an instant teleporter… oh shucks.

    -2004 Graphics and dead world? Again. I come from CoH. That’s perfectly good enough. 2004 was “only” 8 years ago (yeah, showing my age). I roll my eyes at the comments about water reflection, and shadows, and omg… my character isn’t a stick figure, I’m happy.

    -No endgame? Don’t care. I won’t group, let alone raid. I’m happy grinding for that 1.5 mil speeder or that 1 mil key waiting for new content. CoH only has 1 Signature Arc a month, and an expansion with 2-4 arcs every 4-6 months. An Arc takes an hour at best. Once you hit cap, story content slows. Grind for purples till you get more story is nothing new to me.

    -No real character customization? Sure. That one hurts, esp. coming from a robust character creator like CoH. But, TOR has VO (which is a big deal for me) AND the Star Wars IP, so it balances out, at least for me.

    -UI features? I don’t even know what a macro, combat logs, parser is (ok, fine, I do, just making a point), because, since I don’t PvP, or raid I don’t need to know if a power is X% better than the other. If I die against an encounter, I level / gear up / try a new strategy, and try again. Maximum level and gear and I still die? I do something else. Not being able to move a button, link 25 abilities to a single keypress, and min-max the experience… is so, so, so, not important… TO ME. (Stressing that one to not be lynched)


    Are those problems? Absolutely.

    Are those problems FOR ME? Absolutely not. So, back to the metaphor…I just want my icing (VO and Story), more of it, and whether it’s pie or cake, couldn’t care less.


    Now, if the chef can make pie, as well as make more icing, fine. I’m not that selfish. Fine. Go ahead. However, I haven’t found a shop in town with icing as good as here, and if that means pie lovers don’t get what they want if I’m to get more icing, I won’t feel bad, especially considering the store owner wrote in big letters “Great Icing Here” on the front door sign.


    (Yeah, s/he also wrote “Good Pie”, and that’s between the pie lovers and the owner. But I won’t ask for pie “to be nice”. I still want more icing. Sorry.)


    But, at the end of the say, the customers (us) can talk to the chef (devs) as much as we want, the store owner (Bioware) and the chain owner (EA) just want profits. And, if you consider how the same thing happens in movies (same formulae / special effects / blockbuster stuff), TV shows, music, and so on, good luck reversing the trend. If you're going to a big company, nothing matters more than the mighty dollar. I’ve accepted that. If you want a nice pie with a new taste / recipe, go to a small mom & pop store. That’s your best bet. Because, common things being common, big stores will cater to the common denominator…


    The pound cake eaters…


    Sorry… but so far… that’s how the business world runs.


    I liked this post a lot:)

  6. It's not about the haters. I love this game but find it lacking in some places, hence I voice my opinion on it :)


    It’s a computer programme what do you expect !

    If you want to experience a living breathing World get off your fat arse and go outside and meet some living breathing people.


  7. The best post I've read for a long time. That's exactly why I like SWTOR. It's unique. It has something other MMORPG doesn't.


    For those pielovers: there are plenty of other games to choose from if this game doesn't hold your interests. PLay them instead. Let SWTOR be unique and let those who like it as it is play and enjoy it.


    Well done, you managed to miss-read the OP



    But hey I like Cake and Pie:)

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