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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. I've never played a mmo before :)


    I'm having a seriously hard time understanding how people can handle more than 1-4 abilites without needing to look down on the keyboard. I'm serious now but I actually CLICK on the abilites instead of using the 1-9+- :o Guess it's a learning process. Also there's so many stupid words like CC, DoTS, Pots and Bowls and what not xD It would be much more easier if I was allowed to aim/shoot myself instead of clicking the target like a fool all the time haha :)


    Nothing wrong with clicking it is the default method only used by the lazy casual players :D

    The selecting target mechanism is pretty standard tbh

  2. Not really no. MMO cater to different kind of people, PVPer , raider, etc...

    For example I like to explore, find niche stuff, boss not everybody find, read the story, sniff at the flower, etc...


    As a raider, YOU think the level 1-50 content is just there for the grind after 50 to prepare you. You are only 1 type of gamer MMO cater to.


    In fact TOR is catering to single story player a LOT, by having all those 8 different story. I can tell you for one I have no intention to speed through those and no intention whatsoever to raid.


    None of your and my gameplay is the king or whatever. We just have different approach and neither is better nor worst than the others. Just different.


    I wish those people which psot "1-50 is only a speedbump" would start to realize that it is only their viewpoint and not really more valid than other's.


    ETA: to make my point clear , WOW is DEVOID of content comapred to TOR's 8 stories.


    I agree with this

    If you want a game to have mass appeal, you have to cater for everyone not just a niche market

    Films that are blockbusters do this too


    The trick is to give all what they want without pissing off another part of your customer base



  3. My post was actually tongue-in-cheek. It just seems like whenever something goes wrong it must be because of us "dirty Americans". It gets old after awhile.


    Do you ever get the feeling people are not reading what you write ?:)

  4. I CANNOT wait till the 30 days are up!


    Then all those threatening to leave will do so - and the rest of us can enjoy the forums in peace.


    Well, not enjoy. Ah ye know what I mean.


    I sort of agree with this


    Clearly the Devs are not going to implement any of the features the OP wants before the free 30 days ends.


    So maybe he should check back later.


    I am sure we all wish him well


  5. I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


    You fit all the criteria for hardcore players.


    Them casual type players you dislike make up the bulk of customers playing these games.


    Its not their fault you finished the game.


    Maybe you need to find something more difficult to do.:)

  6. I am happy to play other games as well as MMO's.


    I play what i want when i want and lucky i am not bound to the concept of having to play a subscription based game 24/7 just to justify a subscription.


    I rolled my first alt yesterday and found it hard to go back to my 'main' so for me this game will have plenty of life in it as i really do want to see the class stories play out.


    Do not feel bad for playing other games that is what being a gamer is all about.


    I agree with this guy.




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