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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. My issue again, with posts like this, is that Bioware never hid the fact that the game has levels, and level gated content. They said over and over again they are not trying to break the mold. Then you have people who hyped this game in their own mind to be some insanely ground breaking thing.


    If you thought the game would be anything more than Bioware said it would be, that's your fault.


    That’s because some cant see further that the end of their nose.

    Its all about look at me ! I have this great idea.


    The OP needs to start his own company and produce this innovative type of game himself.


  2. No thanks.... i like the semi challenge. i dont feel like brainlessly pressing buttons and win with no effort.


    I have a lvl 50 powertech and a lvl 35 sniper i really dont think its that hard.


    Just my opinion though


    Agree with this guy:)

  3. LMAO!!!! Seriously......... a medal for those who will pay 14.99$ for their second month!


    Thinking about it... if you pay 14.99 to suffer another month in this game, you truly deserve a medal!! :D


    We will be suffering a lot less when the hard to please crowd disappear.


  4. I hope English is not your first language !

    The game is like most others.

    You can level as a solo player and I bet you can level hardly doing any solo content.

    Not all of us can log on with a bunch of friends.

    If the game was just waiting to find a group it would die very quickly.


  5. Reported a few already, but don't expect Bioware to treat those tickets until after launch rush calmed down. Won't name them here, for obvious reasons =P


    Yeah it was one of my hobbies reporting the rude names in WoW


    Saw this guy called Motherlicker reported it and he changed it to Mooseknuckle:rolleyes:


    Looked on armory 30 other toons with same name and even a Guild.:eek:


    So I admitted defeat and gave up


  6. Because every MMO company out there knows you can not possibly develop enough content to keep people playing that play a game over 40 hours a week. It is next to impossible to develop anything that isn't just pure grinding. That is why Blizzard has changed the direction of their game and are developing Titan as a casual based game that will be even more casual than WoW or SWTOR. They know it is impossible to compete with WoW in this department and you will see fewer and fewer games come out that are focused on hardcore types. It sucks for that segment of gamer but these companies go where the money is and that is with the casual type gamer.


    This and clearly the casual players have not run out of content


  7. It's funny, this complaint from the OP... yet there are others that want longer time sinks between travel because it's more immersive. So we either got people quitting because there is too much running around, or there are people quitting because there is not enough running around. BW can't win for loosing. I guess they should just settle for the general populace and let the people that are a bit nitpicky on both sides of the fence fall to the wayside.



    If the game is not fun, don't play. Simple. You don't have to come to the forums and whine about it.


    Yes but some of us come here to laugh at them:)

  8. Playing on a RP server, I find myself constantly putting people on ignore and reporting their names, and some do actually get taken care off. Some might call it overzealous, but hey - if they break the naming policy, it's their own damned fault.


    What really ticks me off is the people who use "lol", "lmao", "noob", "haxor", "troll" and so on, in their names. I honestly thought we'd gotten past that, it was sort of funny in 2003, it had gotten really old in 2008, and right now it's just so aggraviting to look at.


    Sorry but this post made me lol

    I think other people have covered it but seriously if this is your biggest gripe


    Then you have little experience of things that are really important


  9. Apparently Eve online may be right up your street.


    Games that do well try to have mass appeal ,but there are always niche games for those who like boring stuff.


    I think you are trying to tell us you bought the wrong game again.


  10. my dad is 47 and he's played more mmorpgs than me (bout 10 years of playin em) and i know he would for sure not notice the delay. he's the kinda guy that i would dance around in duels jumpin behind him right when his spell was about to go off.


    there are tons of guys like my dad - slow paced, clickers, etc


    I just thought it was working as intended.

    I don’t press any keys very fast so I never get any delay.

    Must be the first game where being quick is a disadvantage.



    From a slow paced clicker

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