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Everything posted by tamgros

  1. This sums it up pretty well, i just think he overstates the dmg difference. I'd also say that Sents/marauders have the best group buffs in the game and it's an underplayed class, that is rarely played well. If you really are good at it, I see no reason to switch as you'll be extremely highly valued in any Warzone group. That being said, I <3 my shadow
  2. Well that is a bit of it too. When you're really low level most of your GCDs are spent just damaging. Once you get more control skills you do less dmg potentially, but you sacrifice dmg for preventing your opponent from doing even more dmg. I'd say if he's doing thaaat much more dmg you might want to look into your spec/rotation.
  3. You can give it a 4 sec cd if you use your interrupt button. But I agree with a lot of people that this is probably the most balanced MMO out there right now. Which is crazy considering it's only been out a few months. Sorcs have a lot of utility, but interrupt tele throw/Force lightning and they are useless (at least the ones running the spec that everyone is complaining about). Same with Mercs, just interrupt tracer missile and you're set. If you aren't countering a class that is so easily countered, then they should be powerful, otherwise they are utterly worthless.
  4. Wait, I thought we were just discussing what they could be doing. It seems you think they have already released their decision? Or are you saying that without a confirmation? If they have released how rated wzs will work can someone link me?
  5. I'm really hoping that they have some non 8 man premade ranked. The main problem is that smaller guilds won't be able to field 8 mans consistently. I'd like to see two different ranked queues, one for solo (or small group) queueing, and one for full 8 man premades. This seems to make the most sense. Right now, Solo queuing is more of a challenge than if you premade, but it's silly to think that premade vs premade is less challenging than solo. They are different beasts. Solo queue is a lot of reaction, premade is a lot of preparation.
  6. Hello, I'm from the days where 10-49 isn't in it's own bracket and surge hasn't been nerfed. Please change these things now! ... Present day... Jug/Guard that spec the shared tree only have one defensive CD on a long CD and they are pretty much a one hit wonder with something that is counterable (cleanses/interrupts). So i think they're fine. There are certain trees that need to be buffed: -Combat/Carnage for Sentinals/Mauraders comes to mind. -A few 31 point skills like Powertech/Vanguard stuff I think the utility of Sages/sorcs is a bit much, but they are fine if you know how to use the interrupt button. Pro tip, the channeled pebbles/lightning is the key to their whole deal, interrupt that before they get their proc... I find it really cool that every class has been mentioned in needing a nerf in this thread, taht's as close to balance in an MMO as you'll get
  7. Then play rated warzones like the rest of us. Having a reward system that encourages people to farm and not try to win is just dumb.
  8. tamgros

    huttball sucks

    Huttball is a unique WZ in the MMO world so clearly it's going to have some varied opinions. I'll just say A Lot of people really enjoy the warzone, including myself. I honestly don't even know if I'd be playing SWTOR anymore if it wasn't for this warzone, true story. I do understand that you may want to pick which warzone you go to, but IMO you should just queue up, and dodge any huttballs you get. Out of respect for your teammates you should take the queue pop instantly and then dodge instantly upon huttball so they can get a replacement for you well before the match starts.
  9. Too bad we don't have a video showing that it does work.
  10. When I get stunned for a long duration it's usually because I got myself out of position. That being said, 4s long stuns are a bit long, but that's 800 resolve so ANY other CC on the resolve system will max out your resolve. The max you can really be stunned for is 8 seconds, which is kind of an eternity in PvP, but after that you get a whopping 20 seconds of immunity, so idk, it seems to be working pretty well for me. Part of the issue also be misuse of the CC breaker. It's very powerful. the "too much cc" croud would probably like to see the resolve cap reduced from 1k to 800, this would make all the 4s stuns and 8s mezzes max out your resolve (which is the durration of many mezzes/stuns )
  11. tamgros

    Healing in PvP

    IMO it's kind of odd to argue about trama, you're really arguing about healing being too weak. Trauma is always put on when someone takes dmg in pvp, so it's simply an adjustment with healing to balance it with PvE. PvE healing and PvP healing are two very different things so this makes sense. So again, you're really just arguing that healing in PvP is too weak. To that, I simply disagree. I have 3 lvl 50s atm. 1 healer, 1 tank, and 1 dps, and I have to say that healing feels really solid. I can steadily heal through 2 people on one of my teammates, 1 person beating on me (the reason it's lower is because of pushback), and 0 people if they are good at interrupting and I'm bad and don't cc/kite appropriately. I've also found that healing scales pretty well. In and Alderon/Voidstar I get about 2x the healing as the top DPSer on the other team, unless they are good and get on me/cc me appropriately when i don't have an offhealer/someone guarding. This seems about right. The power/output ratios looked pretty good from the sites I've seen. Most also scale really well with crit.
  12. If there are hackers, report and/or get evidence. I haven't seen any of this. People sometimes run faster than me if they pop CDs, and others take no dmg if they pop CDs... From your post it's hard to tell if you aren't understanding the game mechanics and just crying foul.
  13. ... potentially to fix the HUGE faction imbalances on some servers? Not that I'm totally endorsing the idea, they'd have to do it correctly.
  14. I have to say I agree with the OP. With DoTs and the direct flight path it's way too easy to defend nodes. Sure, to overcome the huge advantage as the defenders have takes some skill/tactics... but why put that much onus on the attackers when they are already behind presumably. It makes the first 45 seconds of the warzone way too important. I think it would be much more interesting with more node switches if there wasn't the direct path.
  15. Yep, my lvl 20 Maurader would take out 16k+ health lvl 50 Grav/Tracer spammers all day. Just lock them out and watch them run around as you kill them very... very slowly, but it works. It's similar for sorcs/sages really, just interrupt chain lightning/tele throw so they don't get their procs, or interrupt their big heals... it's really not that hard, i just think most people don't know how to use their interrupt. Hell, in that other thread the guy doesn't even think it works
  16. Yep, this seems to be the case. Objective score in all the maps comes from defending/capturing nodes. In huttball when you catch/have/pass/score the ball you essentially become the node and are awarded no points. But whatever, I still play to win. You get more points for a win and it feels less like a grind if I'm actually competing as opposed to farming.
  17. As many have said, ^ So you have a longer run when up to help out each side, but with cleaver use of DoTs/speeders you can pretty much defend one of the side nodes with three people against any size force, even if they are decent players. Edit, obviously there are multiple ways to keep 2 nodes... just gotta "take what the defense gives you" type of thing.
  18. Interrupting does stop them from casting that spell, for 4 seconds. Can't tell you how many times I've interrupted a tracer missile spammer just to see him stand there and do nothing for 4 seconds. Just gotta figure out what to interrupt for each class. All those people complaining about Grav/tracer missiles and sorcs would understand why they aren't being nerfed if they just learned to timely interrupt. When the warfronts weren't split I'd take down 15k+ health BH/Troopers all the time on my level 18+ maurader... just because I'd lock them out of tracer missiles.
  19. Melee classes and snipers/gunslingers are the only classes in the game that have uninterrupted burst dmg. Most melee also have shorter interrupt times. Besides sentinals/mauraders, the melee classes have plenty of hard CC. But, the Sent/mauraders they have the most defensive CDs in the game right now. Sent/Maur are, IMO, the hardest class to play effectively, but they are the only class in the game with a heal debuff, also there one of the only classes to have a group buff, and they have two of them. Their job is more of a dmg soaking support class that also does a fair amount of dmg. If they did the same burst as everyone else they'd be way overpowered.
  20. Is this some kind of satire of this thread, or do you actually think any of this is true? Either way, I laughed.
  21. Both Sins and shadows have an in combat mez and a out of combat stealth mezz. the in combat one just lasts 4 seconds. Lol, I mean, the ability name for the in combat mezz is even the same "Low Slash". Where do you people get this stuff? That being said, the shadow project's delay is not ideal. That being said, i can stack dmg out of a mezz due to it. A good player can see it coming and react to it, whereas you can't react to the Sin's shock. If there is any imbalance in a class, it is mostly this kind of thing. There were more in terms of duration of CCs but those mostly got fixed. IMO the people who are going crazy with QQ, just need to get over it for a bit. Yes, it needs to be fixed for competitive play, but it is hardly gamebreaking, just react to what you got...
  22. Well, you can... at least over the smaller wall. They probably just tried and failed at it. I play a Shadow on one server and a Maurader/OP on another... it's all about the same level of smart and dumb players. The thing is the game is new and many people just don't know how to play very well yet, and a good meta game hasn't exactly been formed for people to grab ahold of. I bet some people complaining about bad players don't even understand that they are the bad ones. Hell, i could be bad! PS. only the first sentence was meant for the person i quoted.
  23. I would say that currently the warrior/knight are the toughest characters to play effectively. That, and they are late bloomers. I have leveled 4 chars to high level, and I gotta say that while the knight/warrior is hardest to play, it is devastating once you get a few of your skills and learn how to use them.
  24. Video evidence would be nice. I have 50s on both empire and republic and see no differences. Some of the ability delay may make it appear like you have a full resolve when a CC happens, but really that cc caused you to be full in the first place... the resolve bar just went full before the animation completed. Obviously this could be wrong, but I regularly film myself on both characters and this is the only thing I can figure out of the complaints. One thing to note is that slows/roots aren't part of the resolve system. PS. this is a nice writeup: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/
  25. Healing can be tough until you learn how to use all aspects of your class. Using your CC; AoE knockback, speed burst, mezz etc go a long way. You shouldn't expect to stand and heal through dmg, how boring would that be? You need to force people to waste their gap closers, then use your cc/sprint to get away, only then can you chain cast. Until then use your insta shield and heal. Your heals easily out heal any singular DPS in the game, you just gotta put yourself in good position not to be LoSed and not interrupted/push-backed. Mainly, stand near your team and kite through your team so your team can peel the dps off you with their CC/dmg. Healers aren't god mode in this game, but they are very very good.
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