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Everything posted by Palathas

  1. PvE all the way. I have id Software, Raven Software, Valve Software and Splash Damage for PvP. Seriously though, PvE because I plain suck at PvP. If I want to PvP I play table tennis, soccer, football (rugby league), basketball, etc.
  2. At this stage the only way to heal your companions is to use the special Stim packs that jtzako mentioned or be a healer class, which Jedi Knight isn't. So if T7 is getting low on health you'll have to try to get aggro of the critter attacking him or just watch it fall.
  3. That's why I said you might get away with it once, if someone asked the "evil" guy to stop doing it and they didn't then the intent would be to cause distress or offend. If it was just a random player and they moved on it'd be difficult to prove the intent but if enough people reported the same character I'm sure something would be done. Ninja looting has been considered poor etiquette and unwanted for long enough to be considered an obvious attempt at griefing. I would imagine that the first few times they'd just get a warning if people complained though.
  4. No. It would be considered Harassment under the Rules of Conduct as it would "consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players." You might get away with it once but if you kept doing it you would most likely get some form of administrative action levelled against you.
  5. Be careful, I had a similar issue a few levels lower and blew a heap of credits getting gear but when I hit level 40 I had about 50K and did a face palm because Speeder training is 210K. One way you can make them at least semi-useful is to give them the trash mob green items if they are upgrades. They may not be ideal but at least they'll be better than the low level gear. The Droids are a little harder though.
  6. This'll be interesting because if you start a character on a different server then you have to unlock your legacy for that server, a legacy on one server doesn't carry over to another. What happens with a character that transfers though? They are investigating if it'll be possible to transfer to local servers.
  7. I'm in Sydney and have the same issue but they did say that they can't guarantee ideal conditions to those that tried to play from outside the initial release region. They said that they weren't going to block IPs and that they were accepting CCs from outside the region but 2am is a very reasonable time to be doing maintenance. If you don't want to be adversely affected by maintenance times then we'll have to wait until March when the game is officially released here. They'll have local servers and they are "investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March." http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=61243
  8. Heh, how do you think we feel in Australia? The usual 2am CST - 8am CST is 7pm to 1am here. Edit: I can't complain though as they've already said that it isn't officially released here and that if you connect from outside the official release region they can't guarantee ideal conditions. I would have thought 2am to be pretty reasonable though. The vast majority of people would be in bed asleep at that stage.
  9. Don't forget the hotbar with the Energy to weapons, energy to shields, ECM system and EMP. So that's the 1,2,3 and 4 keys as well.
  10. That may be true but as a lowly Inquisitor you did because on character creation you start with a Vibro Sword. So even if you got rid of it straight away, at one point you did have a sword. Hmmm, although you still may not have pulled it out..... Damn your wording!
  11. My Inquisitor only started Duoing with a friend from level 18, they are now level 25 and they are almost social II. Do you get far less points with more people in the group? With 2 people you get 2 social points for a loss and 4 for a win. EDIT: Actually, it's almost social III, not II.
  12. I get far more Blues and Purples off trash mobs than I do off Elites. 99% of the time I just get a handful of credits from elites, to me this seems odd. Especially from the Elite Bosses that you come across in story missions. I don't expect Blues and Purples every time but at least an occasional Green item would be good.
  13. What about the other Bounty Hunter? If they were second I might have agreed but to me it just looks like someone knows how to play the PvP system for a good outcome.
  14. That's our Autumn, not Spring! Although you did correct in the edit. I'm still glad I was able to get in early, I'm not sure I'd want to change to a local server as the latency to the US West servers is really good most of the time. AVG 150 to 170ms. I guess it'll only matter if I start getting into PvP. Thanks for the info.
  15. lvl 5 on Lord Praven and lvl 4 on Soresu. PvE, and except for 1 character on Lord Praven, solo only so far. The 1 character I have on Lord Praven that I don't solo with I duo with a friend.
  16. Personally I won't NEED an item unless it's an upgrade for a currently worn item. I can however see why some would NEED on everything due to the fact that when you have a full companion stable they can pretty much use all items. I still wish that everyone would only NEED an item if it was an upgrade to a currently worn item though.
  17. I guess one analogy would be that it's like comparing a rookie to a veteran at the top of their game and saying the rookie just isn't good enough.
  18. You get the Light Sabre as a quest reward so it doesn't automatically end up in your inventory. If it isn't in your inventory then look up to the top right corner of your screen and see if there is a "PENDING" there. If there is a "PENDING" you'll need to left click it. Edit: Oh, Stealthy_Monkey beat me to it.
  19. A free form aspect similar to the simplified controls of SWG or games like Freelancer would be cool but seriously, I'd be happy if it is not changed at all. Keep it as a nice diversion and way to make a little extra cash on the side.
  20. I've got my Jedi Knight Sentinel(Combat) up to level 42ish so far and the only battle I've had real problems with was the end of Chapter 1 boss, Darth Angral. Unfortunately the JK doesn't get Doc until it's far too late. By the time you get him it really doesn't matter which companion you take as it's fairly straight forward to cope with everything, well so far up to Hoth. Darth Angral cost me just under 32K credits in repairs but I don't know if he's been adjusted at all in the last few patches. As at least one other has said, interrupts are very important. I also find that killing all the trash mobs around an Elite Boss works best for me. Stims are also quite important and try to get some relics to use the abilities off those as well. I've created a Crit/Surge geared build so I use the relic that boosts crit chance to do even more spike damage output. I also use the Command stim to increase my Presence stat, thus my companion is more effective. This is all from my experience with PvE only, no PvP.
  21. The big one this would fix for me are the chest ninjas. You fight the critters guarding the chest and as you are fighting, the ninja comes along and loots the chest. Same with harvest nodes. This happens to me so often it's driving me crazy. I've never seen it happen this often in any other MMO I've played.
  22. I pretty much view these as a nice diversion every now and then. Besides, I sometimes get down to no cash so I need them to get me money. Like at the moment my lvl 41 JK is on about 8K credits but needs another 202K credits to get Speeder (rank 2) training.
  23. I'm playing an Imperial Agent Operative(Healer), I also found that there were far more skills than I use, so I dumped the skills I don't or rarely use. I only use Kolto Injection, Surgical Probe, Kolto Probe and Diagnostic Scan for my healing. I've spec'd everything to maximise the chances of Tactical Advantage. Rationalising everything to what I mainly use helped a lot as I can get everything working together more efficiently so I'm never out of power. I also mainly use my CC abilities with corrosive dart and explosive probe to minimise energy drain and let my Ranged Tank companion do most of the damage. I'm only level 38 but I had found that all 4 of my hot bars were full yet I was still getting new skills. That's why I dumped all the rarely used abilities.
  24. I know for every point of Presence your active companion gets an extra 5HP, it also makes them do more damage/healing. Useless if you don't have an active companion. The lower level stims are called command stims.
  25. Heh... It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
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