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Everything posted by Scryer

  1. Oh trust me, the Sith Inquisitor can get very nasty. Perhaps even nastier than the Warrior. While the Warrior is more drawn towards patriotism to the Empire, the Inquisitor sees everyone as weak fools to be exploited for his personal gain, you treat anyone that isn't a higher ranking Sith like something you scraped off the bottom of your boot. If you're looking for a complete and utter callous psychopath who enjoys making people suffer and delights in death and destruction, look no further than the Inquisitor.
  2. The best line in the game for me so far, I simply love the way he says it, also happens very early on in the storyline, before you even get Khem
  3. I found the enemies to be a little tougher that the ones in Tatooine but not a drastic difference. When I finish a fight with 3 regular enemies, or a silver and a regular or an gold, Khem is always at half health and my Force is a quarter empty. Granted it takes a little longer to kill enemies but I expected this, we are only 20 levels away from 50 after all, it's natural for enemies to become a little tougher. I'd say gear is your biggest problem right now, you should invest in some blue level gear for Khem, a nice helmet, some good implants and earpiece, maybe even a Relic or two. And of course, get some great gear for yourself, if you're Lightning specced, get gear with as much Crit as possible, it will really help you out with the Lightning proc's. Hope this helps
  4. Many cartoonist design their character in a way that even a silhouette can be recognized. WoW did the same, however, TOR went the lazy route and just re-skinned the same models. It's just something we'll have to deal with I'm afraid.
  5. Does anyone else think this sounds terrifying? Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I have also noticed the delay between Project and Shock, but if what Caonimah says it's true then it's just an animation issue. However, Empire still gains an advantage since when you cast Shock, you can instantly do something else (well, after the GCD wears off of course) whilst with Project, you have to wait for the animation to finish.
  6. Personally I would have attacked you until you have hardly any health left and let the elite finish you off. That way you would have damaged gear (I'm not sure if dying by PvP damages your gear in the game or not, I haven't checked yet). Yes, I am a bastard. But I really enjoy it, especially if someone creates an Empire character just to insult me, makes it more sweeter. But some players don't attack you on sight, which I find strange since they consciously made a character on a PvP server, the game even gives you a "are you sure?" message when you select one. Some people are strange.
  7. The more commendations you need the spend, the higher the chance of something good will come out should be the way it works. Or, add a way to exchange an un-opened box for a large amount of credits, the more commendations it costs, the more credits. That way, if you're short on cash but have a lot of commendations to spare, you win either way. Just my 2 credits.
  8. I was sympathetic about your plight until I read this: Why? Why ruin a valid complaint with this pseudo-emotional "woe-is-me" attitude? Is it relevant to the situation? No. Does it shed meaningful light to your argument? No. It's just a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy. I don't care if it's true or not, nobody cares, and furthermore it doesn't give your complaint any validity. Also, why did you wait this long to post this?
  9. And you felt the need to tell everyone because... ?
  10. Nice try. Please don't try to be witty, it doesn't suit you.
  11. That is definitely a problem with you, not the game itself because I don't have that issue. Also, I find it funny that you immediately assume it's the game's fault and come here to complain. Good job!
  12. So one of your reasons is that it runs smoothly on your PC, so does Notepad, why don't you go play that instead?
  13. Hey, this is Scissors, please nerf Rock, Paper is fine! /thread.
  14. If that's the case then he should have specified.
  15. I'm sorry but why are you even playing this game?
  16. 0/10. 1. The story, I have levelled all classes to 20 and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of them, but by far the Agent is my favourite. 2. Space combat is actually fun, and it's a very enjoyable way to make money. 3. Heroic missions are always fun to do, especially when I make a few friends a long the way. I really don't like the fact that there are so little choices for character customization, I mean, many races share hairstyles and I wouldn't call Cyborg a race...
  17. I have no trouble finding a group for Flashpoints or Heroics, here is a few tips. 1. Try and find your group during peak times, usually in the evening when people get home form work/school. 2. Be patient, don't spam "LFG Flashpoint" every minute, post it once, wait 10 minutes, if nobody replies, try again, in the space of 10 minutes, new people would have logged/zoned in. 3. If this fails, open up the zone list and see who's marked as LFG, then send them a whisper. If nobody is marked, there is no harm in asking someone close to your level if they would like to group up, don't forget to be polite and offer to share the quest with them. Here are some handy tips for your gaming pleasure, good luck, and have fun.
  18. This should be moved to the Bounty Hunter section.
  19. I'm always a little annoyed when someone uses WoW terms when talking about this game, terms such a s "AH" or "Pet" really annoy me when they really shouldn't I realize that it's hard to break a habit, I myself have been playing Wow on and off for 5 years and those terms have been long engrained into my subconscious to the point where I begin to type in AH but then stop myself and type in GTN instead. Do you want to know why? It's because people who never played WoW or any other MMO before TOR don't want to start picking up bad habits, and let's face it, it is a bad habit using terms from another game, it's like asking for a BFG 9000 in a Call of Duty game. You can and should restrain yourself from using terms from WoW, this. Is. Not. World of Warcraft. TOR may have been heavily influenced by World of Warcraft, but that does not give you the excuse to treat it like "WoW: Wrath of the Sith King".
  20. So long, and thanks for all the Fish.
  21. I usually find it's Brussels Sprouts that does it, especially at Christmas.
  22. People aren't happy when it's broken, and they aren't happy when it's fixed. What is wrong with people, I wonder?
  23. The problem with this is that people will abuse it.
  24. 0/10. Anyway, Male Body Type 4 is so ridiculous I actually can't imagine anyone picking it and sticking with it all the way to 50, I mean it works for a joke character you make as a bank alt or to mess around when bored but taking it seriously enough to level it to max? That is something I will never understand.
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