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Everything posted by Teddygram

  1. I seem to play all of mine as light side (even my BH) with the exception of my SW. She is the biggest most hateful witch you'd ever meet and wouldn't lift a hand to save a kettle of burning kittens. If anything, she probably started the fire!
  2. Numen Brock on Balmorra for the female smuggler if for nothing else than his flirts. His witty comebacks to my smuggler's flirts had me laughing.
  3. Corso is a pretty romantic guy if you like the type that makes you go "awwwww" like a teenage girl. (I freely admit going "awww" A LOT! )
  4. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the smuggler story more than my jedi knight's story. Maybe because I know guys IRL that remind me of Skavak so it made it feel more personal.
  5. I was going to say everyone on Alderaan but...having just quested through that area, I honestly think they deserved it.
  6. There are children all over the world who can't play at all. Your two hours is nothing compared to never.
  7. I would soooo let my wookie babysit!!
  8. Signed x 2 (for Kira and Corso) Also, does anyone know if we have the ability to color customize our (or our companion's) armor? Corso currently looks like a Captain America cast off in his multi-colored gear and, while not game-breaking, it's definitely offensive to my fashionista eye.
  9. My smuggler started out in it only for the money and the chance to blow everything up in her path. Now, 28 levels and one romance later, her decisions are more nice than greedy and she's more apt to help the downtrodden and hopeless...and is a sucker for giving gifts to her man. Love makes people do strange things!
  10. Corso - He's awesome and I've been working on romancing him which makes him even more awesome. Bowdaar - Pretty cool but I never use him. It's nice having my own wookie though!! Risha - There are moments I want to push her out of the ship while in hyperspace. She's far too smug and acts like it's her ship and she's the boss. Kira - She's ok. Great fighter but a snot. I just brush her off as brash and young. I haven't played Imp side so I don't know any of their companions. I did see they get a jawa (after Tatooine, I think Rep smugglers should get too!) so I may give it a try.
  11. While I agree the Eps aren't nearly as good as the OT, I haven't missed an opening weekend for any of the releases dating back to when I was 5 and my parents took me to see A New Hope (yes I'm THAT old!). Anyway, going in with my expectations lowered significantly, I actually found it to be enjoyable. I also found it to be more geared to the group of kids behind me. That being said, I have a very fond place in my heart for the final fight between Qui Gon, Obi Wan, and Darth Maul and I must say, it looked pretty darned good in 3D. Of course, all of Obi Wan's scenes looked pretty good in 3D.
  12. Customers who "demand" things are referred to the "We have the right to refuse service" sign.
  13. I think they're both great ideas. Not every bit of this game needs to focus on PVP or raiding.
  14. Wow...shopping there would be like a Black Friday stampede at Wally-mart! You think you're going to go in, get your stuff, and get out safely only to end up brutalized and left to twitch in a heap on the floor!
  15. PRO TIP: Bonus quests can be abandoned by dropping the standard quest it's attached to. It's a subset of the main quest. That's why it's called a "bonus".
  16. Because Skyrim is fun...to a point. Eventually it gets lonely. I, like the person you're questioning, prefer solo play. I play MMOs (WoW for 6+ yrs, Rift, and now SW) because I like the ability to talk to my friends without bouncing between the game and some IM screen or sitting on a telephone. I say "to each his own". As long as they aren't bothering you, a person's playstyle shouldn't matter.
  17. Kira (after selecting the "do what you do best" option) - I'll reprogram the computers to call ME Master! And in the scene, I swear my jedi gave her the "yeah right" look.
  18. There are limited NPC responses in every game. See Skyrim. See Rift. See Wow. I would personally rather have them create new worlds than create extra dialogue.
  19. 10000000 x THIS! It. Was. HORRIBLE! And it remained horrible for months. And just when you thought you were golden, out came a new content patch and the issues would start again.
  20. SW isn't the only game that makes you level up before sending you off to the city. In Rift, you have to work through the starter zone before you can be transported back in time.
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