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Everything posted by Sinemetu

  1. Kaon Under Seige. The zombie theme they stole cracks me up.
  2. What I like better about the imperial side is that LS choices seem more realistic. It's less about making a heroic sacrifice (which is never an actual sacrifice) and more about doing the right thing. Also, the DS choice for imperials is often simply following policy, whereas LS often means being a deviant.
  3. Now hold on. In some of these cases, it depends on what dialogue option you choose. For the SI, you might get asked what you're going to do next (not infrequently). Only one of the dialogue options is correct, but if you choose that one, it does appear that your PC is making the decision. Since the game is on rails, they can't let you actually choose to run off and do something different even though they put those options in there.
  4. /shrug. Normals outnumber force-users. You'd expect to kill more of them. If we fought as many Jedi as we do commandos and agents, the Jedi order would be decimated. The fact remains that Jedi aren't as tough to kill as you want them to be. Also, I like the way you turn around and use a gameplay argument ("Mandalorians aren't very tough in swtor!") when it favors you. Classy, bro.
  5. Actually, for someone who knows the map and the game that well, calling out anything is really unnecessary a lot of the time. If you can't tell the other node is getting pressured you're just not that great.
  6. An easy one early on is your relationship with your master. You know her for a few hours before she gets sick, but for the rest of the game dialogue options imply you've known her a long time and she had a great influence on you. It's also one of many cases where the game fails to make you care because the relationship is so forced and artificial. An case where the story doesn't make sense when taken with the world quest: I haven't played every class story and my memory isn't perfect, but I suspect that in the vast majority of all cases, all anyone does is what an NPC tells them to do. About the most choice you get is choosing where to go after your starter planet (and that's only a choice of order). They certainly could have done a better job and been more createive making the SI feel more independent, but in the absence of concrete counter-examples I maintain all the stories are like that. I haven't played the SW far enough to comment on that.
  7. You gotta be kidding me. Act I JC is possibly the worst in the entire game. There's no tension and it's internally inconsistent. I'm not sure there's a decision in the entire story that actually felt like it had weight to it. And then you have things like... You're complaining about a feature that is in all the class quests but only appears wrong for the SI because you're supposed to be more independent.
  8. What's great is you can later claim not to know her when General Garza asks. Jorgan says, "Oh, you knew her sir. Very well." Trooper has one of the best shut downs in the game, imo. Talking to Elara on the radio: "You could always come rescue and search me." She tells you that using the holocommunicator for non-official business is forbidden under regulation x, y, and z. Jorgan: "I think that's a 'no,' sir."
  9. I think people who don't like the Inquisitor come in with certain expectations of what the story or character ought to be. See above with people wanting the inquisitor story to be all about being a schemer and scheming when really I didn't think it was awesome, but it was certainly better than the Trooper or Consular. One is a military story written by someone who is clueless about military culture and customs and the other... I won't even get into.
  10. Honestly, the gameplay difficulty isn't even central to my point. The fact is that the *game* treats them as easy enemies. You originally get a quest to kill them from a two-bit bounty hunter that doesn't have the stones to fill his own contract. Then you get a couple more quests to kill more of them as an aside, including a bounty-board message. Many mundane enemies are treated as more dangerous than them. It's true that they're just trash mobs, but the point remains that if Bioware is placing trained Jedi out there as trash mobs, that's part of the game world and therefore to some extent part of the lore. That is, they were a speedbump on the PC's way to the temporary conquest of Corellia. If I were really concerned about the gameplay difficulty, I'd have pointed out any number of elite invincible famous Jedi that also got summarily stomped. Heck, we could get really stupid and set up some kind of duel if we were really talking about gameplay (I promise your Guardian will die slowly and painfully to my Operative healer. There's really no other way to kill people, is there?) My unstated position (since the beginning) is actually "it depends on who is writing the story." Since I'm mentally writing this story, the agent wins. I haven't played the BH, but having played the inquisitor and consular, I'd note that the inquisitor seems more formidable, since most of the class story involves accumulating personal power and fighting to survive rather than building an army and playing diplomat. I'm probably biased by being disappointed by the consular story. My first two 50s were Empire, so I'm pretty familiar with the stories on that side, so when I play Republic side and run into things like (consular spoilers)
  11. I doubt it. Getting rooted in a fire pit with full resolve isn't something I see *that* often, it's just complete BS when it does.
  12. Actually, seeing as the Greeks and Egyptians and presumably others knew the earth was round (and even calculated its radius), I'm not sure where you'd get thousands of years. I'm not even convinced a flat earth was that commonly believed in the "dark ages." Every time a ship sails over the horizon, the roundness of the earth is demonstrated. Columbus didn't have a hard time getting backers because people thought the world was flat but because they suspected his math was bad. Regardless if you're right, common sense isn't necessarily common. It's stuff everyone should be able to figure out (like wash your face before your rear), but not that many people do.
  13. Definitely in favor of this. The explanation that they can be cleansed is complete BS. First, cleansing them isn't even the issue. If I'm crossing a fire pit with a full resolve bar, I expect resolve to work and get across. Even assuming someone is nearby and thinks to cleanse the root, pausing for even a second could prove fatal. Second, not that many classes have cleanses, and for those that do, they need to spec into them to remove roots, for the most part. And then, their cleanse is on a 5s CD so GG if they used it removing a stun.
  14. Err... no. You've proved nothing of the kind. All you've proved is your own preference. I like east/west. If someone says east or west, I can glance at the minimap and head off that way without even thinking about it. I've never used landmarks. If they say snow/grass and I'm at mid, I'll do the same thing, except I might pull up the big map to make sure I know which one we're defending. I play both factions so I don't have them memorized in left/right terms at all.
  15. If we're accepting quests as part of lore, then my post stands. The agent or the bounty hunter or whoever completely wipes out the Green Jedi, and it's not particularly difficult. Unless you discount all quests that disagree with your claim, it's pretty clear that normals can and do kill trained force-users pretty regularly.
  16. Meaning.... groups would almost never PvP? Contrary to popular belief, groups aren't that common, especially in leveling brackets. And what happens when you have a group of three and a group of four queued? They can't go into the same WZ. Guess they better hope there's more groups of the right size out there, or they'll never get into a WZ at all.
  17. You're assuming the enemies in the class quest are harder than enemies fought elsewhere.
  18. I guess the force wanted the Green Jedi on Corellia to fail hard, then, cause I was mowing them down and I definitely didn't have to vary my tactics. So as long as we're going with what "the Force wants" the question is kinda irrelevant because if "the Force wants" the agent to beat the Jedi, the Jedi is just gonna die. Between Order 66 and the various planet quests in swtor, I think the idea that trained "normals" can't take trained force-users is pretty much bunk.
  19. It sounds like you're using these alleged friends' opinions in an attempt to post your own while deflecting criticism. "*I* don't think PvP is an unbalanced travesty. That's what 'my friends' think." Grow a pair and stop hiding behind your friends.
  20. Recruit gear vs augmented WH probably is double or triple the power. Augmented WH can squash a recruit or two on the way to an actual fight and still have 50% HP.
  21. Social game, bud. Make some friends. Edit: New ones. That like PvP.
  22. You're confusing gearing for dps and speccing for dps. I don't think anyone is arguing that you'll survive and tank just as well if you skip mitigation and cc talents. You obviously haven't stepped into a WZ wearing recruit gear any time recently. The laughability of that claim at face value aside, most of the rest of that paragraph is just a long way of saying "tanking gear is broken in PvP." If your gear has minimal benefit to you compared to other specs, that's a problem. Really, what they ought to do is change Guard and Taunt to scale based off tanking stats. For example, have taunts scale to mitigate from 10-40% based on your defense, and Guard scale similarly based off your shield chance. It's like eviscerate in vanilla wow.
  23. It should be obvious from the people who quoted you disagreeing, but you're wrong. Some people assume left/right from the spawn point, and some people look at the map. They may or may not be the same. IMO the silliest thing about this debate is that the longer I play the less I care if people even call out incs in Alderaan. I can watch the health bars and figure out if there's more action going on somewhere else and if they're getting pressured. Although it's helpful for people to be smart and call out something like "3 inc west," it's even more helpful if players stop having tunnel vision and realize they're defending 5v2 and players at the other node are dying.
  24. Get over it. Not everyone plays DS. If you play a DS inquisitor, you have three solid choices for companions. Every class has LS and DS companions, and not every class gets a good romance option for their character. I'm not a huge fan of Ashara myself, but you're not going to like every companion by design.
  25. East and west never change. Left and right do, but not east and west.
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