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Everything posted by Sinemetu

  1. In the future I may just lie and say I've done it before and watch the videos or something.
  2. That's certainly the raid leader's prerogative, but I think it's a poor choice. Tanks are hard enough to come by already--by only taking tanks who already know the fights you're locking new tanks out of the system. If you know that a number of your pugs are new to the place and you don't want more than two or three newbies, I can understand that. I don't think telling tanks they need to roll an alt, level to 50, gear up, and learn the fights as a healer or dps is a very good strategy long-term if you plan to pug.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. With buffs and my Rakata stim, w/o Dark Charge up, I'm at 22815 HP, 38.59% DR, 29.15% Defense, 33.49% Shield, and 38.21% Absorb. The BM pieces I have are MH weapon and relics. I suspect some of y'all are right: he just wants to overgear the place in a pug. That's fair, I suppose, but I don't feel like getting to the point where I don't need any of the drops before I actually run it. Another pug I tried to get into told me they wanted someone with experience. Again, understandable, but there's a first time for everyone, right?
  4. The other day, on my tankassin, I was told my gear wasn't good enough for Denova. I thought that was a little strange since I've successfully tanked HM EV, and my gear is all Columi or better (with three Rakata, three BM, and two BH pieces). I was told that SM Denova is "significantly harder" than HM EV. I'm just wondering if that's true, and if so, what gear level do I need? Also, what drops there?
  5. Of all the tings to complain about, eh? This is a complaint I've honestly never heard before, and I've played a lot of WZs and lurked on the PvP boards since release. I mean, while we're at it, can we also make marauders take the same damage they deal from cloak of pain while it's up? This ability completely nullifies my assassin for the duration!
  6. Um... the logic flaw is in your response. He pointed out a way to get 90% damage reduction, using several cooldowns, to counter a sniper that just used several cooldowns (entrench, OS). What I'm wondering is why you think you actually need that 90% damage reduction to function, or why you think a sniper using multiple cooldowns should be easily countered by someone not using any.
  7. It offers almost none of the advantages sniper cover does and is impossible to enter in most areas of most maps. Keep trying.
  8. Ohhh, I see. It must be terrible for you, playing the class with the most interrupts, one of which also is on a shorter cooldown than any other, and not be able to completely lock down a single advanced class. My heart bleeds for you, really. Also, stuns work. But if the problem is only cover, you should just stop talking now because operatives don't have cover to cast this from. So, really, you're asking for a nerf to operatives as well (again) because one of your three specs has a hard time against their opposite. Wow.
  9. It's like they're saying, "You know, we got operatives nerfed twice, but that's just not quite good enough. We really should have been going for nerfs to the base class."
  10. I think the Inquisitor suffers from the medium they used. Everyone spends the entire game being told what to do by NPCs. Stop an pay attention for a minute; or just think back about the "decisions" you make. NPCs tell you what to do and you decide if you want to do it the LS or DS way. The Consular goes where Syo Bakarn says. The Warrior goes where Baras says. The Agent goes where Keeper says. The Inquisitor goes where Zash says. It just *seems* worse for the inquisitor because you want to pretend you're a free agent. For the Consular...
  11. Uh... okay. I thought it was frankly pretty bad. If you're into secrets of the force, inquisitor is much better. 90% of the consular story is being a diplomat in some form or another. I guess players who like diplomacy will probably enjoy that, but I sure didn't.
  12. Why? Should Forcequake do the same thing? Should knockbacks stun the user? Should defensive cooldowns decrease damage dealt for the duration? Switch targets; go somewhere else. That's what melee generally does if I get the cast off on my operative healer, at least. Orbital strike would become a liablity. You'd see operatives getting pushed and pulled into their own aoe to kill them faster.
  13. Most? All or none. Friendly fire in a game like this is an awful idea, though.
  14. Eh... stupidx3? Operative casts OS next to him. For whatever reason, you don't interrupt. Operative walks into OS. Three seconds later, the first round lands. What are you trying to fix? Sounds to me like you're just trying to make a simple mechanic clunkier. Stop.
  15. I have to laugh at marauders complaining about huttball. "Waahh I'm melee huttball sucks!" My assassin *always* has to run up to the sniper. I could stealth up the first time, but after that knockback, I still have to run back. I can sprint, but even talented it's a longer cooldown than leap. Deflection is almost useless in PvP against most enemies, since it increases defenses instead of reducing all damage taken. When I do get up there, though, and after dodging the knockback, I can shred most ranged classes cause they have nowhere to kite. Melee is much better for chasing the ball carrier, since you can dps on the move. You don't even have to go to the ramps if you don't want to. Hold mid. I've seen marauders pull off 300k+ damage and 100k healing just killing anyone who got close to the ball pedestal. Melee really doesn't have it that bad in huttball. But yeah, go ahead and take the range requirement off mortar volley. It's clunky and mercs have enough to deal with.
  16. You know, I've inspected a fair number of people in WZ's, and I'm not seeing this claim of "everyone is in aug WH gear" being even remotely true. There are often one or two people on a team with mostly WH. The bulk of the group is in some mix of BM/recruit/WH, and then there's a few in recruit, give or take. Mostly I see people at 1500-1700 hp and a little under 1200 resilience. I'm not saying normalizing stats in some way is a bad idea, mind you, but I am saying that the prevalence of WH gear is exaggerated by most people here on the forums.
  17. Um.... I have it bound to my "r" key. 4, 5, t, g, f, g, and v are also great. Or extra mouse buttons. Try holding "w" down to move, pressing "r," and placing it instantly since your mouse is already hovering where you want it. I kinda wish Wither were the same way, because Death Field is much better for stopping caps and such. I mean, Wither is better for a face-roll playstyle since you don't have to think about it, but ground-targeted aoes give you more flexibility. And I *really* don't understand how being ground-targeted is worse for casting behind you. I'm really not sure what macros you're talking about. I've never heard of anyone using macros, unless you're talking about external ones with your keyboard/mouse software.
  18. I thought this was pretty funny: http://what-if.xkcd.com/3/
  19. Actually, concluding that if you don't have *all* power you have *no* power is pretty ignorant of life and how the world works in general. It's possible to have someone in a position of authority over you--even many people--and still have real power. Maybe even more than they do. Power--real power--isn't about lording around and making people jump. It's about controlling events to go the way you want them to, and even when things go wrong, being able to salvage something. Keeper does exactly that.
  20. Agreed. And, I think it's ironic that a LS Sith Warrior feels a lot more like a romanticized knight than a LS Jedi Knight. @ProfessorWalsh: Arguing that Keeper has no real power (or, for that matter, the IA and the rest of intelligence) just makes you look ignorant. Kaliyo would just laugh at you. Maybe you should consider how it is that, despite the fact that theoretically any high-ranking Sith could kill Keeper, he's still alive and still pulling strings.
  21. ...yes? Your minimap? Up is north, east is right, etc. Never Eat Shredded Wheat or something?
  22. I think it's interesting seeing a number of people say they vote for the lowest person on the list if the team just sucked. I do the same thing. Obviously, none of us got together and agreed to do that, so it's interesting that a number of people independently decided to vote that way.
  23. First to whoever I saw contributing the most during the match. Maybe it's the guy who helped pull most of the enemy team to the wrong side in Voidstar, maybe it's a guy who gave good passes in huttball. Second to anyone who scored exceptionally high on the scoreboard, like pulling 500k damage when everyone else is around 200k or having loads of objective points. If none of those apply, the person lowest on the list. Unless I'm playing on Republic, I always give an MVP vote to *someone* because I want my fellow Imperials to gear up faster. I don't care about the pubs, though.
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