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Everything posted by Saice

  1. it is a well known bug that UW cloths show in Diplo ... and it is on the todo list to get corrected. For now you can find them under Diplo.
  2. F1 targets you F1 again targets your pet F1 targets you again. Honestly i wished that F2 and F3 also worked like that it would make small group healing so much easyer.
  3. It is group content so you need a group. So no you can not complete them by yourself. The only time I've had an issue finding a group was when I was up at like 6am once. I have yet to see any world on my server drop below 40 people even at the wee hours of the morning.
  4. Nope they are a cybrog. Republic Cybrogs have they tech eye patch looking option.
  5. Talk to my freinds and then do it. At lest that is what I do. Freinds not around. Wait for them to come around or wait for it to turn grey which ever happens frist.
  6. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Run little jawa RUN!
  7. Get a Qaud core? No what the last guy said it ture. A lot of MMOs will grab as much CPU as they can get there hands on. You can limit it if you want you could use task manager to limit it to a single core freeing up the other one. But relize this will cuase a preformance hit in game.
  8. Nerf Hearder is nolonger an insult. Have you seen those guys the Nerfs are adorable.
  9. Saice

    Voss Lore

    never heard of them until SWTOR. Some google fu later ... Yep http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Voss_(species) frist apeared in SWTOR.
  10. Saice


    There are no Mods for the game client.
  11. sadly this is probly why. But bots can be coded to wiggle every 5 minutes to keep form logging out so yeah they might want to rethink that.
  12. Please relieze this game is part of the EU. As such trying to limit any topic to only the movies is going to run into issues.
  13. In all honesty if you want the BEST EVER you need only look to Cade Skywalker. But I still say HK-47 beats all.
  14. I have not seen a ornage version yet but Blastmaster armor looks pretty much spot on. me personaly I have trooper,jedi chest and legs. I look like most troopers until I whip out my saber. All my gear is orange so I just keep the mods up to date.
  15. dont even need to warn them. Just sit down do your regen dance and then just say. "Ready when you are" First person to comment they need to heal then remind them about there ablity and how they should use it when your resting. Most will get the idea and the ones that dont will learn when they get whipped by the the alpha strike on the next fight. Just say "Oh you should have resetted when I did it is not smart to start a fight at half health."
  16. I will admit some of the replies are vary amusing.
  17. Could you please add this to your OP. I fear most will read the OP and post trolly replies without seeing your answer to your own issue.
  18. That is good because that is how I was saying it in my head. Complete with some of the 1950s wartime PSA tv spot cartoons. Yes my head is a strange place to live.
  19. I understand the problem. But please note most Biochem blues are better effectively then purples. The purple is most cases is just a reusable version of the green. I think the issue really is with the stims I hear some of the level 50 end game purples are more effective as the blues. They should bring them back down to the level of the greens and just make them reusable like the other items in Biochem.
  20. Ok it seems there are two groups around here those that are aware just what Rakghouls are and how they have been part of the Starwars EU via games and books for many years. And those that just jump to Rakghoul = zombie. For those intrested in finding out a bit more about what the Rakghoul is I give you this link. Why A link? Well it is to just to huge to copy paste into a forum post. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rakghoul A same insanely simplified summory is they started out as a darkfroce created thing by a Sith lord. After finding out they could not just ZAP everyone into a rakghoul they created the virus that you might have run into on Taris. They are not zombies as they are not created from dead people. They are more mutant as they are people that the virus effects and converts into Rakghouls. At no point do they become undead and are just as killable as any other critter around.
  21. Rakghouls have been around for a vary long time. Years of work in the EU many books have had them in them. One of the great sith lords made them. This is not just playing the zombie card this is actully something many Starwars fans are aware of as being just one of the many things in starwars.
  22. Oh look it is this thread. The same thread that shows up on every single MMO forum since the dawn of time. Rigth up there with "Why do you play girls?". Simple Its slang it has been around forever. Heck I was calling characters Toons back in UO way before there even was a Toontown.
  23. Rakghouls have been a huge part of Starwars via the EU for many many years now.
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