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Everything posted by PariahMessiah

  1. Same thing that fits into ALL aug slots. Augments.
  2. They said pre patch augs cannot be RE'd Yeah Armstech seems lacking. Already got an augmented offhand just need an Augmented mainhand and I'm done.
  3. Well I can speak for Armstech. In PTS I found Custom built Rifle cannon and tech staff. On live I've gotten a custom Electro staff. all from investigation missions And I'm still finding armor/synth recipes as well. Boooo. Armstech still feels as lackluster it was pre patch
  4. Kinda sucks since it was handly to contain a group of melee weak mobs while running around doing dailies. Plus I used to rest soon as it cast to get most of my energy back before it hit.
  5. Oh hey Titles! Maybe they'll distract people from the class balance issues. Arsenal BH/Gunnery Commando still a 4 button class at endgame. (Hey BW how about reworking Missle Blast/Explosive Round to not suck past level 6?) Op/Scoundrel sustained DPS is already garbage why make it worse? Oh thats right, PVP.
  6. Well I can verify its not 100% for Armstech. RE'd the orange weapon you get at the end of the starter planet and just got Silica.
  7. Where? Investigation gives them to you (found 3 saw more on AH) What is needed to make them? Level 2 mats and level 2 investigation blues Augments? Only 129 armstech so far, but no recipes yet think slicers get them and you gotta buy them (start stockpiling augs on live to RE like mad) Other questions are beyond my level at the moment but something to note. I saw a recipe for 'custom built techblade (aim swords used by a few companions) and it had a barrel slot.
  8. Hes always done that if the person that has aggro is not in melee range.
  9. Lets say I level a Zabrak Trooper to 50. Do I have the keep that character to get the benefits or can I delete him and re-roll a new character in his place?
  10. You're gonna have energy issues for probably the first half of leveling, once you get trickshot (and supporting talents) and foxhole you have some tricks to push out a lot of damage while remaining energy neutral. Also grab Bravado from the sab tree once you finish the GS tree for 10 more energy (makes your regen point 66 energy)
  11. Was wondering as I have found several aim shotguns on republic. Honestly I understand random weapons are random but assault cannons should not have cunning, sniper rifles should not have aim and cunning class offhands should stop having aim on them (have yet to see a shield/power gen with cunning on it). Also non shield offhands should stop coming with shield/absorb. Or just go whole hog and put aim lightsabers and strength rifles out there.
  12. Do you ever find random vibroknives with aim on them?
  13. Its not a "known" issue, its an armstech sucks badly issue. As it is you cannot make blue knives (or republic scatterguns) until you get the 400/400 armstech recipes that require hardmode FP mats. (Or you can run normal Battle of Ilum/False Emp and get the exact same drops)
  14. Baseless lies. Snipers have a 35 meter range just like GS's
  15. REing is "broken" in the sense that aside from (surprise surprise) biochem which has a liner upgrade path vs weapons/armor and only needs 1 purple item once done, the amount of time and effort spent REing weapons/armor/mods is not worth it since you can easily pick up better ones running dailies at 50. about a week of dailies will have your orange gear kitted out with better barrels/hilts/armoring/mods/enhancements than crafters can make.
  16. The off-hand pistol deals a few hundred on an aimed shot crit (as of last night with the 83% surge). With speed shots or sweeping shots you're looking at 2 digit numbers from your off hand each tick. Can someone confirm whether or not the sniper's knife tech power boosts his shots or not? This terrible off hand accuracy gives us the impression that the accuracy that they pour onto our raid gear is helpful but compared to our imperial mirror they can just rip the acc mods out and throw in something better like surge/crit/power
  17. Foxhole: Stats provides +1 regen in cover. This is incorrect it only provides a 20% boost (which turns out to be 1 during fast regen) Percussive shot: Knockback on aimed shot within 10 meters. Again, false. Its 9 meters or less. (Sliced a knockbackable droid, edged out to 9.01 meters fired an aimed shot, no bounce) Burst Volley: Not broken in a non function sense (unless its supposed to refresh itself after 3 stacks) but a plain terrible talent. Even with it refreshing I'd have a hard time justifying using it and that is with having to dump 3 points into "pvp" talents for a pve build.
  18. You're thinking of Biometeric Crystal Alloys from HM FPs and Normal Ops.
  19. Even as a Repub I don't see us getting that many people into the PVP area on a server.
  20. Scatterguns/Vibroknives do not RE into blues. In fact when you hit 400/400 you learn a few blue recipes for them (which incidently I've seen 2 of them drop in FE normal)
  21. Thing is as long as Biochem offers infinitely usable Medpacks/Stims/Adrenals (especially adrenals) it will be worlds better than the other crafting. Look how many times you pop your medkit/adrenals during operations. This is why end game players are going to focus on Biochem. Not to mention you cannot find adrenals on the GTN. No one sells them because the majority are gonna use Biochem and use their own infinite use ones.
  22. I'd settle for Hunker down actually WORKING as it reads(on boss mechanics it does not work. Its a PVP skill for a class that does not do PVP well)
  23. So now that 1.1.2 is out and we can no long smoke grenade ops bosses is our new cookie cutter build this?: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bsrrbRoRgzZbfZh.1
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