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Everything posted by Dominickz

  1. I felt as though deception was completely garbage until 41, I leveled as darkness mostly and had very little issues
  2. I want some decent looking armor I Also refuse to wear this ****
  3. Most of the hard modes are buggy as ****, only time will tell if they ever fix them.
  4. PvP Items that is dependent on luck is gotta be the worst implementation I have ever seen. At least in pve you expect it but usually there's not much of a grind Its expected in PvP to be a grind but also guaranteed PvP rewards not this ****** RNG based bag system
  5. I'd like to know which assassin your talking about and from which game... Im totally assuming your playing assassins creed now Fail exaggeration is fail Ill bet you play an operative
  6. Mainly because most people, Including me thought that assassin would be assassins AkA Rogueish type not crappy melee warlocks
  7. This is a huge problem and very frustrating This happens to me all the time when I go to maul someone and it the animation starts but then it gives me the classic "you must be behind your target message" then I see them slide across the ground way over ---> that way always lower than 100 ping as well and @ 60 fps When are server optimizations happening?
  8. assassin implies an assassin, not a melee warlock BW ****ed up royally on this class eh?
  9. how I wish the pvp gearing system was similar to the vanilla wow pvp gearing
  10. ^this I'm rank 51 almost 52, average about 3-4 bags a day with the exception of the weekly's and I don't have 1 piece of champion main-set, yet for some reason my guildy who just dinged 50 and was saving his mercenary/warzone commendations gets 4/5 champion main-set and hes rank 30, How on earth is this fair bioware? Bad system is Bad system
  11. 6-8 k opener is stupid I wish my assassin did that damage with opener
  12. Its stupid how Spike is so useless and to top it all off, No separate stealth bar! Maybe its time to re-roll scoundrel since its looking like they wont be doing a balance patch anytime soon
  13. 1. Make Sprint passive and always apply out of combat once learned. 2. Add Stealth bars to the classes that stealth... assasin/operative 3. Give the option for a third bar in the middle, and also the option to change scale of the quick slot bars. 4. Add stance bars 5. Add pvp button that would have "throw the huttball" , kind of like a stance bar. 6. Macros.
  14. im 42 1/2 and just completed belsavis and now im stuck because im probably too low to go to voss.
  15. Well, im 42 1/2 and im completely done with belsavis and it expects me to go to voss, Im confused as to whether I should just go to voss or lvl through pvp. Either way its annoying
  16. I find the amount of CC in this game horrendously overkill.
  17. all the people posting against OP, has slicing so yeah, new skills do cost too much at higher levels if you do not have slicing
  18. Slicing is out of control imo, not as much as it was but it is still too good.
  19. Sniper / Sorcerer are the most OP right now don't know *** they are called on republic tho
  20. melee sucks until around 30 range will be OP from 1-30ish just how it is atm
  21. dec 6th got in on the last (8th) wave and am so *********** happy.
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