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Everything posted by dmanlong

  1. Thanks for doing all this work. I hope that this gets a good look by the developers and It would be nice to actually get some responses to the lack of balance between the healing classes.
  2. I am gonna reword and post this thread again later. Not sure how to delete.
  3. I believe you misread the notes. Here they are again pertaining to Sawbones/OP: "As for Scoundrels having no tools for short burst healing, we don’t agree with that assessment. A scoundrel, for example, is capable of producing rather significant burst healing output by using Upper Hand gained from Underworld Medicine or Kolto Injection to trigger an instant Emergency Medpack or Surgical probe when needed. That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements). For example, we are shifting the healing created by the Kolto Cloud ability to be front loaded in 1.2 to allow it to act as an emergency Area of Effect healing tool. " They are making changes, but there are no specifics yet except to Kolto Cloud/RN: They are changing it to fronload its healing. This means they will probably have it only tick for 6 seconds but its intial heal will be most of the full intended heal. It will work much like a druids WG in WoW works now instead of being a really long slow AoE hot.
  4. I don't like beets. They don't taste good and I think you all should stop eating beets as well. BB
  5. Guyz I play 15 hours a day, 7 days a week and this game does not have enough content for me to do. I spacebared my way through every quest so I could be the first to level 50 and then when I got to the fleet I could not find a group. I am bored at least 5 hours of my 15 hour play time even though I have not found all the datacrons or lore objects. I have not leveled my professions. I do not do dailys and and I do not like PVP. I have only ran normal mode operation and 2 flashpoints. This game is supposed to be the only game I need to play and I should not have to do anything else in my life. There is nothing to do in this game.
  6. You are playing a MMO. I hate to point this out but the entire point of a game that never ends and cannot be beaten is to .... take up your time. Also, it kept them from having to create a new space port with your specific ships graphics at each planet. Obital stations create a time sink and also the illusion of travel. Why not make everyone teleport and fly everywhere? Why cannot I run 300 mph? Stop crying about little details and enjoy the video game.
  7. I have a level 50 smuggler healer and now I am rolling a IA. I love the mobility that comes with the class and the senergy of abilites. I have played a healer for 7 years now in MMOs and I really enjoy the smug/IA healing class. I would like to see DS heal for more or return more energy. Also the AoE is pretty poor for how much energy it costs.
  8. Give Republic Yoda Race to choose from and watch people re-roll in droves. /end thread
  9. Not all mobs are meant to be tanked on pulls. This is not a wow clone where you need to have ever single mob attacking you. Pulls are also designed with CC in mind. I think they need to buff our single target threat and fix the stupid knock-back mechanics. Being CCed as soon as we leap into melee range or immediately knocked back is frustrating and stupid.
  10. Guardian threat is very poor. It really needs to be looked at. I feel like I am playing a mini-taunt game the entire time.
  11. 4-5 seconds really? Your concept of time is really out there. How about .2 seconds before you can move?
  12. I do not go to Illum. I am not giving free kills to the empire.
  13. ^this. You guys complain about things that are not broken,lol.
  14. I think Bioware poorly marketed this MMO from the start. In the very first trailer is shows the Sith Destroying the Republic and the Jedi on the cover of the Game gets killed. Also features a bad *** bounty hunter who kills a bunch of jedi. The second trailer shows a Trooper getting steamrolled by a sith and a female Jedi having to save him. Then she gets her butt kicked and it basically takes two of them to beat one sith. The 3rd trailer shows a smuggler shooting some robots and then flying a ship ( impressive - not). Then it shows 2 jedi fighting two sith. The female runs away after getting beat yet again. The one jedi manages to wound, not kill a sith,and then gets killed himself. The Female Jedi who ran away and happened to get beat 2 times ends up being the defacto leader of the rebublic. If you look at the coolest characters in the star wars movies it was always - Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Bubba Fett, Jengo Fett, Grevious, Dark Anakin, Luke in Return of the Jedi wearing dark clothing. It is no wonder there is a serious imbalance. I was worried about it before the game launched and I see it happening exactly as I knew it would.
  15. While this is a logical argument - it is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to combat log evaluation than DPS. As someone who ran a large guild for many years, I spent hours each week going over combat logs looking for way to improve our performance. Many encounters have very specific climatic points which can be the difference between success and failure. I would look to see specifically if players failed to avoid boss mechanics that were designed to give players trouble along with a hundred other situations. These things go way beyond simple damage output and the obvious - did the person stand in bad stuff.
  16. I fully support an in-game version of recount and combat logs so that I can evaluate my performance as well as others. I honestly cannot see how any logical argument against a combat log add on could be valid. This game will not be taken seriously without some way to evaluate other players. This cannot be done with normal observation.
  17. It is not a button mashing issue. There is definitely a delay. Sometimes I have to hit a button multiple time in order for it to fire. It is not me rapidly pressing one button after another.
  18. Same issue here. Last night I noticed I had to hit an ability 4 times before it went off. This is a big problem.
  19. I think the current travel system is fine the way it is. Good Job Bio-ware.
  20. Anyone try leveling focus after 40? I looks like you can just basically force sweep the packs to death.
  21. Actually yes. I am in Voss and nearing the end of the road. Go ahead and keep Doc if you like killing at a incredibly slow rate. Kira stil works great. I have 3 cooldowns and a medpack that I can use if I get into trouble. I don't see how need a healer.
  22. Guardians feel very powerful until about 35; then every fight turns into a battle of attrition - at least with a tank spec. This is especially true if you use Doc. While your chances of dying are very low, you will find your and and wrist hurting from clicking so many buttons for each pack.
  23. After using Doc for a bit I have swapped back to a DPS companion. As a tank specced guardian I am able to survive any fight long enough for the dps to do the job properly. All high level elites have some ability or combination of abilities you are supposed to interrupt -which we excel at. With kick, hilt strike, stasis, and force push you can pretty much lock a elite down for half health without even using cooldowns. Honestly Doc probably makes you a worse player as you just stand around and faceroll without using your abilities. You will get to 50 and be a worse player for it.
  24. I am almost level 40 and have had no issues leveling as full tank spec. I suggest starting out with 3 points in swelling winds and the going straight up the tanking tree. Also grab some points in Pacification when you get high enough. Force sweep is strong enough to take most normal mobs to half health allowing kara to kill them off. Most hard mobs have some sort of interrupt able ability that is the key to their damage. Once you get stasis and force push you can stop almost any bosses attacks.
  25. I unsubbed my WoW account last night too and I have been playing for 6 years. It was a great game but old is old and I want something new. Also, WoW releases buggy content as well. When Dragon Soul released last month, we had the first boss de-spawing on the pull and we had to do a hard reset to get it back. When Firelands launched, our raid had bosses not spawning or becoming friendly and had to put in tickets to a GM to get them to reset the boss. I can go on with every content patch which gets increasingly worse the further back the game goes. Bugs are typical with a MMO - esp a new one.
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