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Everything posted by Blackardin

  1. When "people" hit 50, the content will be there, same as it was with wow and every other MMOROG ever released. They are on a time schedule that is set for the bulk of their demographic, not the few that locked themselves in their bedrooms and raced to 50. For the 500th time. MMORPGs do not ship complete. They ship with enough content to launch, that's why the call it a launch. If people are looking to race to 50 and raid, they are not only in the wrong game, but the wrong genre.
  2. Boards are alway depressing because they get clogged with the ranting of a very, very tiny minority of players that are either never satisfied, have not researched what they are talking about, or are expecting something different from a game. The game boards are never a good place to find information. Fan sites are. In WoW, I was a tank. I'd go to, Tankadin, Bosskillers, tankspot, wowhead etc. Try them OP. Unless you ask a direct question, you will not get much more then complaints on these boards. Unfortunate, but true.
  3. No, no. It has to be the games fault. It has to be blogged with a hysterical title too. You gain faction that way. ;p
  4. Once again, not true. Well, depends on the fights you are doing. Have you done Ragnaros? Have you progressed through Litch king? Have you tried some of the timing fights in Cata without Boss mods present? Have you done them on heroic? Have you tried to lead a progression raid not knowing exactly what your dps are doing, exactly when the fire was going to hit? or wiped at 1 or 2%? Again, my contention is that mods ramp up content. Content becomes ramped up to the point where it will not be completed without mods. People are turned away for lack of mods all the time. Heck, we even saw it for not having Pally power when it was needed.
  5. Not if its clearly common knowledge, which this is. However, if you insist, then simply go read the wow developer blogs. I've followed this issue extensively, because I was a raid leader and raid tank doing current content. You will also find information on "learning curve" and how it affects new players. I don't agree with him in regard to new players, but new raiders, or casual raiders? Absolutely. Again, I will reference the developer blogs over at Wow. It is the very reason they enacted the sudden change in raid content and difficulty in the latest patch. It was a means to bridge the raiding curve.
  6. Human nature really has little to do with it. How much raid content have you done? Have you done heroic raid content? Have you run with a guild capable of doing so? Every true raiding guild requires addons, a number of them to be specific. The content ended up built around them, so yes, if you did not have them you would fail, and you certainly would not be raiding with a raiding guild. ....and pugs drop people all the time if they are in a fight that requires mods and they do not have them. To not do so would be self defeating in a completely unforgiving raid environment....which, btw, is that way because it is designed around having mods.
  7. Its not anecdotal. It has been demonstrated. The wow developers even stated that they ramp content to be inclusive of mods.
  8. Yeah, that was one of the biggest issues with WoW....not being able to have the correct group for the job, and beating one's head against the wall, wasting time, ruining the gaming experience. Dual specs eliminated this flaw in the game and allowed the designers to continue to build solid, enjoyable dungeon content without regard to making it bland enough that "any ole group can do it". You argue at once, the need for challenge and the desire to dumb the game down.
  9. Dual specs will not damage the game at all. They will have no affect beyond making the game less tedious. The current shortage of healers and tanks is a clear indication of how the lack of dual specs can hurt the game however. This is a non issue. There is a clearly defined result demonstrated with Wow, and the success it had in doing so. It should be implemented.
  10. Actually, the largest problem I see is people that have an ill defined idea of what a MMORPG is, and then complaining that this is not one. The second problem is people racing to 50 in the first three weeks of a 7 to 10 year MMO, not understanding that high end content is never, ever, ever ready at release, then complaining that there is no end game content. Third, people clogging the boards with this type of nonsense. Eliminate these three, and it will be a much better game. ;p
  11. Do you know that attempting to resuscitate a well person can actually harm them? You make a huge leap there, OP. The game is fine. Bugs will be fixed, content will be expanded, issues will be balanced just as with every other MMO every created. I think the problem is that you are just playing the wrong game.
  12. You are doing something wrong if you can't get through content with your companion. All my companions are adequate for the game. My tanks tank well enough, my healers heal well enough, my dps do well enough to level. Are you trying to do two player heroics with you and your pet?
  13. You do that and content will have to be ramped up to accommodate that advantage....and off we go...
  14. You can follow everything they are talking about, thinking about over at twitter. You can read the Developer blogs.
  15. Not true at all. I was a raid tank, raid leader in two very strong guilds. I've been there for server firsts, been in the top few of a server. Raid tanked everything. The reason that I do not want DBM, Damage meters etc. is because it does, in fact, alter the game from a MMORPG. You do know that, in the end, Blizzard was actually designing its raid content around the use of mods such as DBM? Content is created, mods trivialize it, the content is ramped up to meet the mods, more mods come out, content gets ramped up. This cycle continues until content is so ramped to the level so unforgiving that mods become a requirement just to meet the content....which, in turn, discourages the main bulk of your demographic....who then leave to go play SW. ;p
  16. 1. The UI will be customizable. No brainier there if one bothers to follow the information plastered all over the internet rather then Blog the boards with irrelevant information. 2. Macro's will come. 3. They are looking into a personal damage meter, for self only. 4. The game is brand new. NO MMORG ships complete. None have had mods at this date. 5. Can we please stop clogging the boards with this stuff now?
  17. Excellent. It has become clearly apparent that people are tired of such blogs clogging up the board with hyperbole, conjecture, and wasted bandwidth. You don't like the game, cancel your account. Its that simple. The more Bioware does to counter subjecting the rest of us to these inaccurately written, often ridiculously hysterical posts, the better. There was one on here today with some jackwagon declaring it a world catastrophe because EU player are paying four dollars more a month then US players. Four dollars.....in a month.....for a game that only costs 15 per month. I mean really.
  18. *Boggle*. How much time did you "waste", playing day and night to race to fifty? I've been off for a few weeks. I've been playing alot. My highest is 30. See, you are talking about how much time it takes, but that's your choice, not the games. I raided wow too. I played for 7 years, raid tanked, lead raids, was a guild officer. It did not take up all my time. That's a choice we make, not something dictated by the game. Its not the games fault that you chose a playstyle that does not work well with a MMORPG. I would say that this is more a bid to placate those that did exactly what you did, and are now clogging the boards with "there's no content at 50", threads. Talk about wasting time, pandering to that small group when there is so much more to be done before the end game.
  19. Another one that raced to 50, played day and night, skipped most of the content and now blames the game. Its not the game, OP, you are doing it wrong.
  20. New game. Everyone played excessively for the first few weeks Was the holiday season, many people were off (see number one). They increased server population. These are not the droids we are looking for. Move along.....
  21. Fully agree with the customizable UI. I honestly believe this will be implemented as we go on. I do not agree with third party addons. As we have seen in wow, they are a self perpetuating downward spiral. Addons trivialize content, content is made tougher, more addons trivialize content, content is made tougher. Before long, we have fights built around third party addons as we did in wow. Our raids required addons as (admittedly) the content was tuned to include the use of such addons. In the meantime, all those that did not want to spend the time, or did not have the time to research, min max, dedicate their lives to a game were alienated.....and came here. ;p These games do not need third party addons such as recount, dbm, healbot. They are tuned to the tools we have and should stay there. Such in game additions as TOT, Focus target, raid frame management can and should be done totally ingame.
  22. They have this. It just needs to be expanded a bit....and yes, I agree with expanding it and refining it a bit.
  23. What I am seeing more of here is people that do not understand what an MMORPG is based on misconceptions derived from games that have skewed, and failed. This is where I disagree with you. You do know that combat mods are a self perpetuating black hole, right? You introduce them and they trivialize content because of the advantage that they bring. The same hard core players that demanded them, then demand harder content to feed their need for challenge. The content escalates, and then so do the mods. Before long you have wow, a game where the content (admittedly) is centered around the need for addons, and so unforgiving as to shut out all but the hard core, min max, addon filled raiders. You are also placed at the whim of those addon developers. We can get into that, and all the problems that will cause in another thread. ;p Now, target of target is not a addon. Neither would be a UI than can be modified. Heal-bot, dbm, recount, and all the rest are not needed. The content is doable without them and as I said, they will only server to self perpetuate a downward spiral for the main demographic. Again. An MMORPG is not defined as "a game that requires third party addons". Anything incorporated into this game, I would have remain an integral part of this game. I've seen the "worse" in wow. I'd rather stay with the "better" here.
  24. If "neener, neener, a fanboy" is the only argument you can put forth, then please don't waste your time. I have no desire to discuss adult issues with children. You are making claims that you cannot support. You are using "we" where you should use "I", as you have no quantifiable data to demonstrate anything else. If you do not like this game, then go back to Wow. Its a fun game. I played it for 7 years. However, I'm seeking something different now so I am here. You seem to be seeking that same thing, but are attempting to bash another game to conform to your desires. Does not make sense at all. Play wow and you will remain happy.
  25. I can show you posts, threads over at the wow boards, complaining about how that tool ruined the game, that will dwarf that single thread. Eliminate the additional posts, the posts arguing the contrary, then figure out how many people are actually asking for this. I'm sure that you will find, when compared to the 2 million players, that the percentage is minute. Point here is that if people are not interested in grouping with you, or for the content you are looking for, a Random LFG tool will not help. They will however, hurt the game, especially a cross server tool. An expansion of the current idea, in the "who" tab will help. Summoning of your group mates will help. Anyting else will just detract and allow a negative, anti-social atmosphere to permiate the game, just as in Wow.
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