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Everything posted by Volantiz

  1. Only 26 people on the Imperial fleet tonight at 6.30pm on Peragus Mining Facility which is prime time for us. With such a low population, its nearly impossible to get a group, and the Dungeon Finder will be very unviable, its hard to get into warzones atm due to no one doing them. Wheres my motivation to play the game?
  2. Yes to cross server. I logged on this morning, wanted to do a HM flashpoint and I was the only person on fleet. And Ilum. And Belsavis. There's no way I could have done a flashpoint with that many people online even with a LFG tool.
  3. Fair enough, we disagree with your opinion of the game and how we support our healers, enjoy Diablo 3.
  4. Saying that, a mercenary guildie started playing again after see the support I give to the rest of the guys.
  5. All of my guys decided to stick with the changes regardless of what 1.2 meant for their classes. No hissy fits, just discussed what we can do to support them. A couple of people have come up to me and we had a chat about concerns over their classes, and I like to think my guys see me as someone who will support them. At the end of the day I run two raid teams and they're ok with the changes. There's some group makeup changes coming later on to one of the teams in order to support the healers in that group I want to implement but otherwise we're happy. Theres something wrong if your guys rather rage quit rather than approach and talk to you regarding what this means for their class. And my guys know they can talk to me and I will support them as best as I can. At the end of the day, the changes to med-pacs are bad, but I will support my guys in-combat in other ways.
  6. When i hear a sorcerer singing in voice "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds", then I understand how someone can think medpacs can be abused. Seriously, I think its a daft change. As a tank i like those little saves in a fight to support my healers so they can look after the rest of the raid.
  7. My ideal setup which has only happened on odd nights is: MT - Juggernaut (Guardian) Healer - Mercenary (Commando) DPS - Marauder (Sentinal) DPS - Mercenary (Commando) OT - DPS Specced Assassin (Shadow) Healer - Sorcerer (Sage) DPS - Sorcerer (Sage) DPS - Sniper (Gunslinger)
  8. From the same group/guild as Yks - 4 of our guildies inc myself were in Black Talon prior to raid, and were thrashed to a inch of our lives by the end boss of the zone whereas normally she's a breeze. At the end of the night which we spent 3 hours trying to kill Bonethrasher easy mode, I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out where we were going wrong. Each time we went in there before we get him down first time normally, the mob we struggle on atm is the Fabricator. If no ones noticed anything from their own experiences, I guess we just got to pick ourselves up and head back in. Jagganath
  9. attempting? You sure I wasn't proposing a constructive argument? An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. To take up one side in a argument I must take up a contrary position. Although your announcement that this thread was a bit of fun, that "You guys still don't get that I wasn't serious after all that?" showed that you claiming previous posts were in jest. Bioware gave us a game told us what it is, and we paid for it expecting to play the game as it is, and that we will get future updates either through game updates, or paid expansions. Unless you are getting a refund for Mists Of Panda Muffins because the vanilla and previous expansions were a beta for the current state of game? Either way... I think we were able to outline our respective views. And whilst the other posters succeeded in constructively arguing against your viewpoint, it seems the threads degenerating into one of "yes it is" and "no it isn't" repeatedly. Look up on youtube for Monty Python Argument Clinic, its a hoot.
  10. a reiteration, your replies seem designed to provoke and flame
  11. Your key point seems to be open to exaggeration... sorry, interpretation. Don't make me quote the very first post At the end of the day we all make our individual choices what we do with our own free time, if we choose to play SWTOR, then that's our choice, and we give our money to Bioware as a consequence of that choice. Of course if you are not happy with SWTOR, and you have fully illustrated that you are not happy, then you are free to spend your money elsewhere. One of the things I dislike the most on any mmo forums are the posters that rant about how we all should quit our subscriptions en-masse, and dictate how those who don't listen and agree with him are absolute twits. My view on such nonsense is very derogatory and I will not post it on this forum. I respect that you have a view of the game, its kind of you to do so, but you really don't need to share it with us. Decide what you want to do with your free time, play SWTOR or spend your money elsewhere. But there really is no need to post negative replies to everyone who posted something in response to your original post. Alas other posters may not take the helpful advice you give about the state of this game in the same light as you do, and may only cause extra confrontation.
  12. The key point the original poster has made, was that he believed he should be refunded for the subscription between launch and 1.2. The only response to this is that he knew what the game was like, and knew that the game will improve, and he paid for it and played the content he expected to play. 1.2 is the part where the game will improve. Yes the game was full of bugs and some bits and pieces really should have been in the game from launch. But we knew what was missing and what was present and we paid for it.
  13. I'm guessing someone didn't get any last night. When you subscribed, you paid for what you expected to play at that time, and we already had the information on what the game is like at that point. No matter how undeveloped you think the game was, you paid for what you expected to play, so no taksies-backsies. All MMO's regularly add more content and better systems after launch, SWTOR is no different.
  14. He's not following the emote script as well. Proximity Alert seemed to not correspond with teh right aoe. We tried him on 16man the other night and just got wiped in the first 20% each attempt. 8man raids we breeze past him no probs
  15. Tbh, i'd take players of any health above 11k into Black Talon HM and still clear at the same speed and success rate. If a group decides that they want to only bring in 14k plus health players they more than likely finish the instance later than I would due to their vetting players health. BT is a easy zone. It doesn't need a perfect group to clear it. And players who do want a perfect group are very insecure about their own ability that they need better geared players around to hand hold then so they feel that they can do things worser geared players can do with ease. I tend to find better geared groups go slower. My advice to players who think BT goes faster and easier with a 14k plus group is to first learn how to play their class so they don't need hand holding.
  16. Dont forget this is vanilla, I am sure the first expansion end game will be a bit more interesting and innovative.
  17. Someone mentioned in General chat on board Imperial Fleet on the Pegasus Mining Facility Server (come play with us), about the possibility to initiate server patches via a staggered approach dependent on local time which euro being one of the earliest on their schedule would get patched during the night about 2am GMT, and Pacific West Coast being last on the schedule will get patch at the time it is currently being done at which is 2am local time.
  18. True, but they are trading within Calamity Europe, selling units either physically or digitally which does tie the powers that be into certain legal obligations, or else they wouldn't be able to sell in Calamity Europe in the first place.
  19. As a guild on euro based times, this is half our day gone (if we are awake for 16 hours and get a healthy 8 hour sleep), but we just work around it. Its when they patches eat into 8pm GMT then we do get concerned as we are trying to set up raids to start at 7pm. Its a shame that they can't have tighter patch downtimes, 4 instead of 8 hours, and 2 hours instead of 4. Saying that the servers do come up early on a lot of occasions.
  20. Interrupt interrupt interrupt. That class quest encounter is easy if you interrupt.
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