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Everything posted by Darth_Gao_Gao

  1. i hope many install this, for it could reduce the amount of idiot posts on the forums for a few days.
  2. here is my question: are you guys even aware at how bad this game is?
  3. the super servers will be like walmart. a bunch of angry people crammed together in a mediocre setting, with their only motive for staying being their sheer trailer park ignorance. this game caters to the lowest common denominator: you people.
  4. if the game offered a reason to visit planets outside of questing, it would rule. guild outposts, that if maintained, would increase certain aspects of the owners gameplay, like increased crew skill chance, along with perhaps passively producing materials based on the location. they would need to be destroyable, however. there are several games that have provided a balance between city building and the necessity of their destruction though the use of reinforcement timers, or any mechanic that prevents property from being time zoned overnight. as they also intend on introducing new planets, it would be cool if some of those planets were lawless areas for colonization and conflict. none of this will happen, because such requests are niche, and bioware is definitely not capable. furthermore, such ideas promote world pvp, which as we all know, just doesn't work on the hero engine once you get past 16 people within a certain radius. so yeah, themepark it is. unsubbed it is.
  5. I skimmed your last reply again. I had a good laugh. You think that because I do not capitalize letters on an internet forum, that the habituation of this process has a direct effect on my neural processes that govern the use of language. As such, I am not totally aware that I am not capitalizing my letters, nor my pronouns, and that this is my shadow self typing to you right now. Thankfully my shadow self is aware of my faults within grammar, and speaks to my ear when I'm writing emails to clients, or in any setting where some formality is needed.
  6. OP, you are in for a rude awakening in due time. one thing to consider is that you cannot re-roll in the real world. when people think you're a nerfherder, that's what they will think, forever. and i hardly read what you just wrote. i think it concerns habituation. try to take this little theory of yours and apply it to your own notions, in both why you hold them, and in the manner you express them. lolololol
  7. it appears that comprehension or critical thinking doesn't apply that much in english classes. you should have taken philosophy instead. yes, i went to college, which is why i think your ideas are hilarious. take this paragraph i'm writing right now, for instance. if i were to have written this statement in a word processor, the type one uses when writing formally for a paper, my sentences and the pronoun "i" would be automatically capitalized. however, because this is the internet, along with the fact that i honestly do not care for such formalities in casual communication, preferring to harbor intelligent ideas within my walls of text instead of a blind adherence to The Rules, i find myself and many others writing in this casual manner. while we all want to get our points across using our language, there are limits in protocol that are socially acceptable in The Real World. you are basically "that guy" who thinks too highly of himself, and would be caught wearing a suit in a fast food establishment (your eventual place of work). this amazing realization is what you have failed to grasp in your pretentious drivel. grammar isn't as important as syntax. your claim would have more merit if it regarded the structure of one's sentences, and not the petty details that a teacher's assistant worries about. more concisely, and as stated previously: you are a nerfherder.
  8. OP, you are a nerfherder who thinks his college education is actually of importance. maybe when you get out of school and enter the real world, you'll realize the cold hard truth: nobody cares, especially on The Internet. since you sound like a stuffy english major, i'll help you out here: i'd like a grande mocha, with a twist of soy milk. thanks. edit: i'd like a bit of foam on top, as well. thanks again!
  9. a pointless thread that ignored basic realities. you are probably bad, too.
  10. there isn't much else one can do. i hope you find a better game. i'm still looking and waiting.
  11. i'd wish for such an amount of credits, but then i remember that there is literally nothing i could do with such wealth. sorry, i forgot about the awesome legacy features available. please disregard this message.
  12. your idea, though i didn't even read it, would maybe work if it weren't for one fatal flaw: the state of the hero engine at the time bioware purchased it. world pvp on such a scale cannot happen due to this, along with bioware's arrogance and incompetence. enjoy your instanced warzones. that's probably all you will ever get.
  13. liked (past tense): -the first month of the game, especially the story when i could actually bear to watch the cut scenes without spamming spacebar. -the warzones when i could actually get more than one queue an hour, and there weren't full teams of marauders and pyro powertechs. -the operations for that brief window when they weren't bugged out and when my guild didn't give up on our server. -tatooine: the first time i saw the dune sea i was impressed with how it looked. now i realize it's a total wasteland with no point. a complete loss of potential. the rakghoul event was nice, but the pvp in the area was horrible due to the fail hero engine. we will never have world pvp on the scale we originally imagined. -ilum: yes, it was fun even though it was bad. -cantina music: i still enjoy it. dislike: the game. it is my belief that even if they address the population problems, that the core problem that drove everyone away in the first place will still exist. the game is just bad.
  14. you really need to ask why? with all the fail crafting updates put out, i find your question to be just a bit hilarious. but since i'm feeling generous, i will answer your question. the reason why they are doing this is because they are bad. i hope this helps.
  15. your experience is universal, unless you are on the fatman. and in before the lock.
  16. bioware is too stupid to implement ranked warzones. i give them the benefit of the doubt in the regard that they must know they need ranked warzones, but the cold hard fact is they are incapable of doing it because they are terrible. don't worry guys, i hear 1.4 will fix the game.
  17. they are a joke, it's just that there weren't that many of them using the pyro spec with full dps gear until now. when you compare them to a merc, it's just silly. these guys can put out an incredible amount of dps, and they can do all of this while on the move. they are easily one of the best pvp classes in the game. given the dumb way bioware uses :metrics: for their decisions, we won't see a pt nerf anytime soon. expect to see many more to come (provided you can even get in on a warzone, lol).
  18. what killed pvp was the fact that it's pointless, and that ranked warzones are nowhere in sight. this led to a decrease in population, with the old players who returned for ranked leaving, again, and newer players becoming discouraged and leaving for their first time (diablo 3 added to this dramatically as well, along with the guildwars 2 weekend beta). those that remained were left with a ghost town, unless you are on the fatman. each day, another person gets fed up with hour long queues, and leaves for good, making the queue that much longer. bioware is an idiotic company, basically. they are like a doctor that has never heard of a band aid. completely incompetent, to the point where it's almost funny (if you forget that we all bought and subscribed to this game). so yeah, if you want to pvp, reroll on the fatman while there is still time. even the fatman is growing thin, which tells us population alone won't save this game. it's flawed at the very core.
  19. what an incompetent waste of time. the only thing bioware has improved is their ability to write vague nonsense like any big corporation. it seems they are taking notes from EA. they'll have this ability mastered by 1.4, i'm sure.
  20. i agree, OP. after DA2, i should have known. then ME3 came along and confirmed everything for me. SWTOR is just the icing on the cake of bioware's failure. i, too, used to be a fanboy, so it took me longer than most to learn the truth about bioware and their EA overlords. and you're right about the hero engine: bioware, like IDIOTS, bought the engine before it was finished, and that is why we will never have epic world pvp, why the game will always feel like an instance. EA will be fine though. this is routine for them. absorb a well liked company, make them barf out games and watch their loyal customers buy them. then laugh as their customers revile the product, and move onto the next host. EA is the cancer of gaming.
  21. doesn't matter. there is a reason why those once populated servers died a quick death. just think about it: every single server, except for 2, are essentially worthless. that's like 2 out of how many? it's a pathetic ratio. the reason for this universal exodus is obviously because the game sucks at the core. argue with me all you want, but numbers are numbers. server transfers, mergers, or whatever they decide to do will only clamp down on the wound, but will never heal it. this game will likely go f2p after server transfers, and that will be that. a game that cannot create it own stories for the users through an open and dynamic world is limited by the length of the content carrot. carrots suck, by the way. this is the lesson of swtor. a new mmo paradigm needs to be looked into, but the big companies are soulless cowards who cannot lead the way.
  22. you can either play on the fatman, or freedon nadd. enjoy it while it lasts.
  23. maybe if swtor was less like disneyland, there would be people playing it. the fatman is losing weight with each passing day, and his death will be the death of the galaxy. once people finish the rides, they will leave the park. this is the core problem with the game, and it will never be addressed. i'd like to conclude my statement by saying: "LOL BIOWARE".
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