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Everything posted by Patstone

  1. for the eleventythird time. Any time frame they give, no matter how vague and approximate will jsut result is someone not getting in on the minute, raging on the forums abotu being lied to, Trolls joining the bandwagon, and putting the forums right back in the state they are now
  2. This. 1000 times this. All this "they are gonna get to 50 first and destroy everything" is such bull. Let me type this slowly, read it slowly if you must.......There will be more people joining the game on the 20th that haven't pre ordered there will be in game on the 19th. It has happened with every MMO, heck I'd wager every game, that more people buy on launch day than pre order, and they pay the same thing you did:eek:. The notion that starting later puts you at a massive disadvantage is laughable. People will be buying this game (hopefully) every month for a few years to come, if starting days (months, years) after someone else was sucha burden, nobody would do it
  3. So let me get this straight, someone gets to level 50 and ''controls the servers economy'' before you get on (highly unlikely) is more enrageing than the guy that levels up and knows how to use the AH to his advantage and tanks whatever niche you think you've carved out for yourself in 3 months (more likely)?
  4. It was the same thing in beta, comp ran better on high settings than low. Not sure if they ever explained why
  5. about 20 pages before your post was the last word http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=106615#edit106615
  6. If you see a thread started by Cylak, it is not the thread you are looking for, move along
  7. I wasnt around in July (and juding by join date neither were you) but from what I've seen from people that did 1st day order, it has been said since July
  8. Its people basing numbers off the chart that has been floating around. Even though the chart is US physical copies only and SR said its not accurate, but thats what people have been using to make their assumptions Edit: I will try to find it but its rough numbers were July 119k orders Aug 228k orders Sep 62k orders Oct 220k Nov 220k Based off of 912k orders
  9. Grats! I hope your wife's get updated soo along with everyone elses!!
  10. /signed I'm really hoping for server forums in the future, can really add to the community
  11. As soon as they do that and someone doesn't get in when their APPROXIMATE time was, they will start raging and saying they were lied to and trolls would jump on the bandwagon and we would be right back where we are now
  12. You can enter any time, before after w/e, just enter when you get it, its in a Dec post somewhere
  13. I am still sticking to my notion that people are here right now trolling and instigating because its super easy to do. Lots of troll feed on the ground round here, like the guy "tell me were it says that on the box" from yesterday, and I see he's had a few new threads already today
  14. No the people who actually feel strongly on either side won't forget. Just all the people in the middle who dont care + all the people who play the game later and have no idea this is going on right now will outnumber them so much that any post about EGA/Launch will get buried on page 6
  15. Yup, the middle people are jsut hanging out eatin popcorn
  16. Because the game was developed and managed by people in america? Just guessing
  17. Nah I dont think so. All of the people who pre-ordered will be leveled otu of the starting zone. So there won't be as many people trying to get in the same place. Login servers might see an increased load right when midnight hits, since all the EGA gets cut off 2 hours prior, but I think it will be just fine.
  18. Internet rule: Everyone = Me "Everyone is so mad....." "Everybody loves/hates...." "Everyone says....."
  19. Yes because they got in line first. Oh wait im responding to Cylak....... Move along nothing to see here
  20. All the threads Ive been a part of werent closed for off topic, they were closed telling you to join the main conversation. But then again, all this QQ is from people that have no reading comprehension, so why would I expect people to read the reason the thread was closed.....
  21. These threads just get better and better. Are you guys using the Epic Keyboard that has +3 to entertainment?
  22. So you are mad because someone presumably got an email before you and isn't using it? Non staggered - Less people in front of you a que Staggered - If they aren't in game, they aren't adding to the server load, thus making the decision to add more people more likely (less people in fornt of you) I still cannot find a big enough difference in the 2 to warrant as much disdain as there has been. I suppose its just Rose colored glasses and all though
  23. /agree Although the internet is no place for logic. People on both sides of the fence have been fairly ridiculous
  24. The complaining here reminds me so much of the complaining when the NDA was lifted and everyone gave their 'review'. "I disagree with an executive decision made by the game's team and want them to change direction so that they do it my way."
  25. As I said with the last line of my post, Either way people are going to like it and hate it. Thanks for your opinions but restating them doesn't change anything. MY opinion is that either way I am waiting to play. BW has decided that this is the best way for them to approach it, you can disagree all you want but they aren't changing their minds. You will have people agree with you, and people flame you, but its not going to change the fact that you will get to play some time this week, and everyone that gets the game later, will play when they get the game.
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