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Everything posted by Patstone

  1. See this I can agree with, seeing how you measure up against other players of the same class/spec. I would love a world-of-Logs type parser in this game, nothing better than seeing you ranked on X boss fight. I jsut don't think it needs to be seen DURING the fight.
  2. it's true that there is that group out there that believes this. I just wonder if they've ever participated without one. Again, I'm not against them, but any calculations that you would need to be able to theorycraft, check performance, see damage values, see who is standing in what, etc. can be done after the raid through the use of a combat log parse (I know combat logging isnt in yet either). I've seen far to many people give up when the boss is at 90% saying "oh we don't have the dps, look at that guy way down tehre" jsut because they have a meter to stare at instead of playing the game. Again, meters are fine to have in the game, and I will use one if they are, but some of these arguments are ridiculous.
  3. Extra !!!!!!!!'s don't make your post better On topic: If your goal is to be on top of a list, try competitive gaming as the above poster suggested. A DM is all relative, you can be the top in your group, but the bottom of every other group. The challenge in a place where you would use a DM is killing the boss, if that happens everyone did their job.
  4. There is a good chance of you getting in today, invites will go out in about half an hour for the first wave and at least every 2 hours after taht
  5. How does having a damage meter equate to having fun? Again, I'm not against damage meters, I just don't see the logic in that response.
  6. as has been said before, graph is only US pre-orders of physical copies, doesnt include the rest of the world and digital, and even the info it shows isnt accurate
  7. I wouldn't mind having damage meters in the game, but t all the "you have to have it so yo uknow if you are hitting the enrage timer" crowd: Did the boss die? Yes - You didn't hit the enrage and have enough dps, grats! No - Well did more than 1 person die during the fight? If yes, then you may have enough dps, but stop standing in fire to find out - Did no one die during the fight? You do not have enough dps
  8. Can we PLEASE get an off topic forum? It would by nice to be able to make a light-hearted thread to cheer up some of the negativity here without it being deleted in 10 seconds. NB4 closed.
  9. And chiken Licken has been part of MMO launches for 75 years!!! so he knows!!
  10. I was reading <random site> and saw "<random quote>". Look where it says <random snippet taken out of context>! That means <random sky is falling sweeping pronouncement>. I am <cancelling, suing, never buying again, etc.> Does that about sum it it for everyone? See you at launch.
  11. I think you have a good chance OP. If they don't get all the Nov. orders in today I would be slightly surprised tbh
  12. If he was actually trying to get his point to BW, he would have done just what you suggested. Thing is, its another late comer just trying to stir the pot.
  13. TO all these posts abotu people getting leveled faster, economy etc. I say: So what? You will be at no more of a disadvantage playing 3-4 days later than a small amount of the population, than the people who buy the game 2+ months/years from now will be. I know, I know, its hard to imagine that not everyone who plays a game pre-ordered it, but it happens
  14. The only twitter comments I can think he may be referring to are ones that people read and decided were snarky. the "led to believe" about teh grace period people blew up about and yesterdays "real problems" as far as teh "led to believe" please rememebr this guy is getting how many thousands of tweets and he's doing a great job answering alot of them, especially when he doesnt have to answer any, give him a break for a hastily typed response once in awhile as far as the "real problems" I agree with him, he is trying to help people that actually SHOULD be in game get there, not trying to help the people who just WANT to know when they are getting in. Thats all he was saying, if it offended you, never go to a comedy club.....
  15. NP mate, just odd to see someone with these parameters not trolling and by odd, I mean refreshing This reply relates to sillybill as well
  16. Indeed. WHOA wait a minute, a non troll post by a non avatar, Dec 2011 poster?!?! I need to get some more coffee, I think I'm hallucinating:D
  17. Definitely dark side corruption. Edit: awe someone beat me to it
  18. Grats! Have fun looking through all your cool new stuff and hope to see you in game!
  19. Other than the fact that teh people controlling and monitoring are asleep, or at the very least, still getting ready for work
  20. "You can't please everyone, all the time" I think I heard that somewhere
  21. OP much love, and sign my petition to ignore all non-avatar Dec. 2011 posters. They tend to harsh my vibe. Keep the happy thoughts going people its great!!!
  22. Yeah bro, me and itsshinzo are cool. Lil ruffled from the wait for access I suppose but we hugged it out. I mean look, the dude linked me a ball!!! (which I am totaly gonna buy btw)
  23. NO problem no problem. I can admit that I too have been tenderized by the last few days on this form and could be quick to judge. Here's good luck to you getting in today and thanks for the ball!!!!
  24. Intent is not relayed in chat very well, pal. A one sentence reply not answering the OP's question and ordering them to do something is not generally seen as benign. As well as this reply to me seems like you at the very least stumbed into this thread before having your morning coffee;)
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