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  1. First, this is not an attempt to QQ about the staggered launch. I am fully aware that admission to the game is basically "first come, first serve" and I can accept that. I haven't gotten to play the game yet, though I would obviously prefer to do so as soon as possible. However, I knew when I pre-ordered that I might not be able to play until the 19th. So there's really not much I can do about this but try to be patient. It's Bioware's game, and it's up to them how they grant early access. That said, I do have one small request that I hope that they will consider. I believe that much of the rage on the forums has been made worse by the current uncertainty regarding the correlation between dates of pre-order and dates of admission to the game. In other words we are largely in the dark, as far as I am aware at least, concerning precisely when we are likely to be able to start playing. So my request, or my suggestion if you prefer, is simply this. If at all possible, would Bioware please consider giving us even an estimated timetable linking pre-order dates to early access times? Of course there is the basic timetable of "sometime between now and Dec. 19th," but I would ask for more detail if that can be managed. If there is such a schedule, and I have simply overlooked it, I welcome somebody posting it (or even a link) in a reply. Anyways, thoughts anybody? Is this a reasonable request? Is it asking too much? Is it asking too little? Do you think that Bioware would consider it? Do you think that they might implement it? Does it even matter at this point?
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