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Everything posted by Docsis

  1. just outside of the Dark Temple (top left of map). it is just to the left as you go up the 1st flight of stairs or so. It's a green instance.
  2. Ever since they announced the patch for next week, I am unable to post on these forums. I am NOT quitting because of this!
  3. Note to Self: "Do not group up with Brasherr. He is an angry elf."
  4. Thanks SO much for the helpful replies! I will try these out tonigh. Maybe ol' Quinn won't be dieing so often.
  5. I am not a new player, but have a dumb question. I am a lvl 38 Sith Warrior/Marauder with Annihilation specs. I use my healer companion (Quinn) alot when I solo, and I am having a hard time pulling mobs off of him. What can I do to generate some threat so the mobs will attack me instead of my healer? I know I am not really a tank, but shouldn't I be able to pull mobs off my healer? No flames please, this is a legit question. I played tanks in other MMOs, so this is a bit different for me. I seem to lose my healer companion way too often, which then gets me killed because I have no healer (on tough mobs and/or bosses).
  6. actually, I just purchased the item to disassemble for 8k. Still high, but better than 20k. I thought it was worth it for the bump I got for making a new one with newly acquired shards.
  7. How about free healthcare, free college, free Star Bucks, free HighSpeed Internet, free housing, free toilet paper, free WD-40, free chicken-pot-pie, free mousetraps, free candy canes, free wall-to-wall carpet with free installation, free batteries for your free remote control for your free 52" Plasma with free cable for life with all the free HD' and free pay channels, free lightbulbs (have to be florescent now-a-days), free USB drives, free 12 maids-a-milking, free tootsie rolls, free garbage bags, free Nike's, free toe-nail clippers, free Long John Silver's Fish and Fries, free styrofoam cups, free big Gulps with free lifetime refills, free hot-dogs with chile, free Dr. Pepper, free paper clips, free Tupperware, free Pawn Star bobble-heads, free underwear, free Willy and Free Willy 2, free corn-on-the-cob corncob holders that look like little corn-on-the-cobs, free butter for the free corn-on-the-cob with the free corn-on-the-cobb corncob holders, free #1 foam fingers, free massages, free airline tickets, free pogo sticks, free staples, free staple pullers, free door knobs, free green paint, free haircuts, free BluRay players, free 3-ring binders, free trees and bushes, free housecleaning, free sponges, free keyboards, free socket wrenches, free push pins, free photo albums, free Bic pens and free Bic lighters, free disposable diapers, free monopoly money, free eyeliner, free ear wax removal kits, free fire extinguishers, free lamp posts, free boomerangs, free meatballs, free antacids, free thimbles, free halloween costumes, free pop tarts (cherry only), free weight loss programs, free Tylonol, free buckshot, free fish hooks, free whistles, free compound W for the wart on my finger, free steel-toed boots, free hourglasses, free cheese, free lunchpails, free bananas, free roller-blades, free honey-crisp apples, free suntanning, free rowboats with free oars, free pirate hats, free magic tricks, free microwave ovens, free hunting knives, free scratch-and-sniff stickers with the smell of licorice, free tongue depressers, free eyedrops, free roller-coaster rides, free Lucky Charms, free lifeboats, free monkeys, free chia pets (except the one that looks like Obama), free red wagons, free spare tires, free buttons, free bandaids, free snuggies, free lip balm, free chicken soup, free mustache combs, free wicker baskets, free cup of tea, free bowling, free duct tape, free tie clips, free wooden canes, free toothpaste, free cigars, free clap-on devices, free Mad Magazines, free wooden spoons, free rubber bands, free Mr. T autographs, free matching salt and pepper shakers, free scotch tape, free sunglasses, free hard drives, free cardboard boxes, free vanilla wafers, free Christmas Trees, free postage stamps, free toy remote controlled airplanes, free stuff.................... Did I miss anything? Come on BioWare... where is my free stuff? The game isn't PERFECT, and we demand free stuff to compensate.
  8. not everyone knows what you meant by this... but I do! I keep up with the news, even stupid ones like that story.
  9. your post itself was a story.. a very L O N G story. But YES, it is important to me as well. And yes, this topic has been posted 234,895 times.
  10. TI-994a was my 1st. I then got an Amiga 500 from a pawn shop. Both awesome computers for the time. Now my watch has more processing power than both of them combined. Ahhh.. those were the days. Typing code for hours from a TI99-4a magazine, saving it onto a cassette tape, just to play the game. And playing "Willy Beamish" on the Amiga was a blast! It came on 12 floppies, and you had to keep loading the next screen from one floppy to the other (no hard drive).
  11. and leveling isn't hard 'cause there are people out there that will do it for you, and there are those out there that will give you all the credits (gold) you desire if you give them some real money. I am not sure what your point is. I am sure you found ALL of them without any help. You KNEW that you had to get on the balloon to get to that one. You KNEW that you had to jump onto a cliff to reach a hidden cave entrance to reach another... a cave entrance that you can't see from anywhere except the ledge you have to jump onto.. a ledge that you would have never jumped onto for any other reason than to enter the cave. Gee, I wish I was as smart as everyone else, becasue if I were, I would have absolutely no challenge, therefore no reason to play any game what-so-ever. It would give me more time to post how great I am at everything. Thanks for the encouragement to better myself. Datacron hunting will no longer be fun and challenging to me.
  12. I am not as superior as you, so it took me some time to find a few of them. Some day, I hope to be as intelligent as you, and when that happens, hunting for datacrons will no longer be a challenge. Iwill have no need to go in search of them, which will give me more time to belittle others on the forums. Thanks you for such an enlightening reply.
  13. I am sorry that I did not get your permission to start a thread. I posted 'cause I wanted to. Your permission was not required, asked for, or needed. Did YOU really need to reply?
  14. I hope BW adds more "hard to find" objects like the datacrons. I am having fun looking for all of them... even the ones that don't benefit my character....Yes, I have had to resort to some of the walkthrus on the internet to find a few, but it is still fun. Even with detailed, step by step instructions and pictures, some are still hard to reach. I have spent hours looking for them and enjoyed every second. Please BioWare, add some more... the harder to find, the better! I am enjoying the game. The whiners and complainers here will not keep me from having fun nor keep me from subscribing, so don't waste your breath telling me how crappy you think the game is. I don't care -- see my signature.
  15. can I play SWTOR on a slide rule?
  16. My legacy name is "Router". My main toon's name is Cisco. I also have toon names Docsis, Modem and Voip. All work related names if you couldn't tell.
  17. BioWare has added a new skill for the Forums... Fortune Telling. The forum is full of people who have already trained for this new skill, and are using it to determine the future of the game. For those that have already purchased this new Forum Skill, where is the trainer for it, and how much was it? Do you get a crystal ball with it? What is the cooldown? Can any class use it? Can you tell me this week's lottery numbers, or does it only work with SWTOR related posts?
  18. uhhhh, 1/2 hates it for this, 1/2 hates it for that. That equals 100%. So you are claiming that 100% of the people playing this game hate it. Hmmmmmmmm. And all this time I thought I was having fun.
  19. The US Constitution guarantees that we get uninterupted game time. It's in there, I promise. It is our RIGHT! Along with free healthcare, broadband internet, food, cars, houses, computers, i-pads and a college education.
  20. It has already started.... the forums are full of all the cry-babies moaning about this week's sceduled maintenance. Get ready for another 45,532,320 posts (at least) crying about it.
  21. I don't care that you don't care that I don't care. I am still having fun.
  22. You can try to convince me that this game suxs all you want.... but I have a mind of my own and have loved the 30 levels I have played so far, and look forward to the next 20.
  23. Please, Bioware... recall this game NOW. Forget about fixing the known bugs and forget about developing new content. You MUST unmap the "Ctrl" key so Fox can Teamspeak. It will be much easier for Bioware to recode the game than for Fox to change his push-to-talk hotkey. There are a gazillion people that will quit and go back to WoW because WoW's Ctrl key doesn't affect Teamspeak. Ok... there is only one complaining about it, but still.... This is a very serious, game-breaking bug, and must be fixed NOW! Take the servers down NOW and fix this ASAP! If you don't, I will go cry to mommy. sheesh. I use Vent, and I moved my PTT to the tilde key. Works just as good as the Ctrl.
  24. Please, Bioware... recall this game NOW. Forget about fixing the known bugs and forget about developing new content. You MUST unmap the "Ctrl" key so Fox can Teamspeak. It will be much easier for Bioware to recode the game than for Fox to change his push-to-talk hotkey. There are a gazillion people that will quit and go back to WoW because WoW's Ctrl key doesn't affect Teamspeak. Ok... there is only one complaining about it, but still.... This is a very serious, game-breaking bug, and must be fixed NOW! Take the servers down NOW and fix this ASAP! If you don't, I will go cry to mommy. sheesh. I use Vent, and I moved my PTT to the tilde key. Works just as good as the Ctrl.
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