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Everything posted by Docsis

  1. I willingly and happily resubbed. And I don't care if you hate the game. I don't. flame away....
  2. same here. I took a few days off... got caught up with about 2 weeks of recorded stuff on the ol' Tivo and some other things. You can easily get burned out even if its something you enjoy. Moderation.
  3. and bugs... don't forget the bugs... or is that a SWTOR exclusive?
  4. people complain about bugs, and then complain about them trying to fix them..... sheesh... some people. If someone gave 'em a million dollars, they would complain that it wasn't a million and one.
  5. you don't have to do them if you don't want to. I personally have fun looking for'them, and trying to get them... even with walkthrus, some are still challenging to get to. They are optional.. ignore them if they bug you that much.
  6. I THINK your companions have different skills in things..one might be faster at crafting an object than another. OR I completely misunderstood your question.
  7. My wife and I are also enjoying the game....even tho' the forums are chocked full of people who tell me that I should hate the game because it is broken, still in beta, unplayable, etc.. I wonder if they are playing the same game that we are.
  8. simple solution.. just figure out which one you would choose last, and pick it first instead....
  9. the game crashed to desktop the other day just as I was entering an instance (a "green" one). When I logged back on, I was stuck between the inside and the outside of the instance. If I stood sideways, 1/2 of me was IN the instance, the other 1/2 was outside. Using the stuck command didn't help. I had to portal out.
  10. same thing here, except worse. My toon was completely different.. alot skinnier, taller and had completely different armor on. Heck, he even had different skills and talents. He was also a different race and class, and changed from a maurader to a bounty hunter. ........ oh, never mind..... I logged on with my alt. my bad.
  11. I agree, as long as it is a speed boost to whatever mode of transportation you are using.. either by foot or by speeder. Good suggestion.
  12. I think I should be compensated, because player <fill in the blank> doesn't have a job or whatever, and has more free time to play than I do. BioWare owes me some money... the difference between player <fill in the blank> 's /played vs. my /played. $15 (US) comes out to about 2 cents per hour. BW, please send me a check or credit my game time. Come to think of it, my bank may not want to cash that 8 cent check, so please add game time to my account. Thank you very much.
  13. light years is a measure of distance, not time. A light year is the distance light travels in one year.
  14. Hopefully they ARE listening and have plans to do something about it. Perhaps it's in the works and will be dealt with soon. It just might not be at the top of their "to do" list. I haven't lost faith in them just yet. It looks like they are fixing things. This particular issue isn't a game breaker for me, but I totally agree... this is really my only major complaint with the game... this and needing more toolbar slots. Please BW... fix this soon, or at least acknowledge it!
  15. for the OP.... God and Jesus had nothing to do with the game... can you please leave their names out of it? Thanks.
  16. They are fixing stuff. Some gripe because things are broken, some gripe when they take the game down to FIX those broken things, and some do BOTH. Some don't mind the down time cause it makes the game better. I'm one of those. Which one are you?
  17. I agree. Also.. you know when you beat down a boss until right before he dies, it stops, then you can click on him to talk.. like he is going to surrender to you or something? I have made a point to always heal-up, buff-up etc BEFORE I click on it to continue the converstation... cause some times, certain bosses will come out fighting again at full health, while I am not. I learned my lesson after that happened to me twice.
  18. I am having fun looking for them and even getting to some of them. Some are challenging even with the walk-thrus you can find. I hope they add more scavenger hunts like these. Heck, I'd look for them even if there were no buffs... credits are always good. The buffs are just an added bonus to the satifaction I get for finding one. Thats my opinion.
  19. It only works if you are standing on your head in an apple orchard while humming the theme song to "Leave it to Beaver". I tried it. It works... but now I can't get that stupid song outa' my head.
  20. good idea, except it will take just that much longer to get your money... the automatic 1hr wait after an item is sold, then the delay in mail delivery from character to character (I forget the time... someting like 30 minutes or so??) If you aren't hurting for money, then this could be a bit quicker.
  21. I think I misunderestood your question ... now where are the purple ones? sorry. I thought you meant, where did the original crystal go when you put in the new one?
  22. ...if I understand your question correctly... you have to remove the item first (which costs credits, by the way), before you put in the new one. If you don't remove the other one first -- the one you want to replace -- it will be destroyed when you drag the new one over to that slot. (you remove it by simply dragging the item out of the slot... it will tell you the cost then)
  23. Actually, hitting print screen automatically puts it in a SWTOR folder.. it just keeps putting them in there incrementing the picture number each time. I am not at home on my gaming computer, so I don't remember exactly where they go, but look under Documents (or My Documents, etc) then "Pictures" and look for a SWTOR folder or something. I also can't remember what format they are in, perhaps .png. Wish I knew exactly, but I am getting old and forget things like that! (54 yrs old and counting).
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