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Everything posted by SunwindIon

  1. the sad thing is, it was fine, and they broke it.. in a patch... you're not supposed to break things in a patch @_@
  2. I'm 95% sure now that this is a deliberate conspiracy on behalf of the developers in order to get more republic players into PvP for the massive amount of imps. If a few imps can come in here and say they too are not getting credit for their PvP victories i'll rescind my allegation. Either way, fix this ******** bug bioware.
  3. it's almost the weekend, then they can all go home and not care anymore. maybe when they go home they'll actually log in and play, and see what an awful mess they've made of the action bars.
  4. which costs them nothing but costs you money, too! I don't even have a smartphone so i'm ****ed when it comes to getting those 1 hour fleet passes too.
  5. Jedi Knight PvP gear is atrocious. The PvE gear isn't too bad, but then you remember because it's a robe it will give you Giant *** Syndrome, and thusly it looks stupid anyway.
  6. what does my deviated septum have to do with anything I post?
  7. no. make your own post! that is much more important issue.
  8. When using the mouse scroll wheel to scroll on the currency tab of the inventory window, it moves too slowly. Make it go faster when I scroll.
  9. I can only imagine the look on peoples faces after posting that they have no problem, then they go ingame to play and at one point during a tough PVP fight or something they try to use a seemingly available ability to get them out of a sticky situation, but oh no! what's that, it's not actually off cooldown!? then they eat humble pie but they're still too arrogant to post that they were wrong on the forum.
  10. what was the last word they said on this, didn't they claim to have partially fixed it in the latest patch (didn't)?
  11. the same patches that introduce more major issues like the action bar mess and ilum fiasco?
  12. yes! I was wondering where I recognized him from. he is definitely Autolycus in hercules.
  13. yep. I know how much Focus everything costs, I don't need to be told if I have enough to use it or not because I know. just revert it bioware for christs sake o_o!
  14. It's not superior at all, I would explain, but at this point I just can't be bothered. if you can't see it while playing yourself you're just kidding yourself or living in denial, I don't know which it is but you're just wrong. sorry.
  15. my face when reading comments like this I just feel bad for you guys, how can you be so wrong and not care that you look stupid?
  16. this is a good point. when a BH is about to hit the ground they should fire their jetpack for a few seconds and land gracefully. make it like a 30% chance to proc or something though so it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it looks ******
  17. based on this my guess is that the developer that implemented this plays your class or a similar one, and didn't take into acount how it would affect everyone else
  18. I honestly assumed that bounty hunters already had an ability like what I suggested, kind of sad to hear they don't, I feel bad for BHs :/ what's the point in being a BH if you can't even use your jetpack to get around? bioware ?
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