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Everything posted by sevenex

  1. Hmm, I have found the opposite. I have had a blast soloing and usually start to out level systems and need to stop doing solo quests and concentrate on the story so that I don't out level it. wouldn't mind a bit more group content. Heroic 2 quests are awesome and you can pretty much just ask once in general and get someone to to them with in ... what?.. 3 minutes. Maybe?
  2. It would fix some of the spam in fleet general chat. It wouldn't fix any immersion issues and actually, some would argue that it is counter productive in that area of the game. Furthermore, I think placing flashpoint hubs in the zones where we are questing would further eliminate the need for a flashpoint finder.
  3. I totally agree. I have had a lot of fun with them, but having them all in the fleet is just dumb. If you put at least some of them on the planets it would be much better. You could even leave the shuttles that fly to them from the fleet and have two ways of zoning in. I hope they at least do this in the future. 1. This would help people find groups easier, having them in the right zone for your level, and get a lot of spam out of fleet general chat. 2. These areas are a lot of fun for world pvp. 3. It's just cool and a bit more immersive to have a flashpoint hub that you discover while you're questing. Would be a welcomed change.
  4. I hate dungeon finders. I can't stand grouping with people that have the attention span of a 3 year old and on top of it fell they can show their backside because they are protected by the anonymity that this feature provides. Having said that, I can compromise. If people are that inept at putting together groups on their own or joining one of the many offers of LFM, and really feel that they NEED this feature. Fine. Make it server only and I'll live with it.
  5. I don't get it either. I group up all the time. I find world pvp. I get flashpoint groups pretty easily. My shards usually have 150+ people in them. Good times so far.
  6. For the record, I agree with all of your points. It was a well thought out post and I can't find anything I disagree with. What you have to realize is that people will always respond negatively to others telling them how great they are. In real life and on a video game board. It's like trying to have a conversation with one of those one upers that always have done everything you've done.. better and more often. Your post would have been perfectly fine and all of your points valid, without trying to pleasure yourself right off the bat.
  7. I wouldn't mind it. It is helpful. Crucial? I think not. Like I said, it would be a welcomed addition, but there are many many other things that need to be fixed/added before this. Priorities.
  8. Would love to customize my UI. I wouldn't mind a damage meter or other helpful mods. Macros can be good. I wouldn't mind a macro that opens up my character slot with my inventory, things like that. Macros can, however, get out of hand. I dislike the macros that check certain variables. When you have your game down to 3 buttons and that's it, it really ruins gaming for me. Checking those variables manually is part of the game and what makes pvp and pve fun for me. The complex macro system in Rift ruined the game for me and /yawn stale combat due to macros over simplifying things is what made me quit. Just my 2 creds.
  9. I just goes to show you how different our opinions can be. I find myself checking these forums at work, and getting the doom and gloom feeling. Then I go home and play the game and laugh. It's a really good game and I'm having a blast. What I get tired of is people whining and ************ and crying here like little children that can't have every little thing they want, when and how they want it. This game needs some fixes and some features. I love the story but everything else you listed needs to be added. I believe it will be. The next few months will go a long way in showing what type of MMO bioware can make and continue to improve on. I wish everyone would just relax a bit and enjoy the game.
  10. Actually I'm looking forward to rolling up some alts. If I had the ability to switch AC or even spec for that matter, I wouldn't have to. Then I would get bored with the game much quicker and stop playing. I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way I do. There are plenty of us right here in this thread. So, by not giving us these easy-mode features that other games have given us, which in turn create this false sense of entitlement, BW is actually prolonging the life of their product. Thanks guys!
  11. Fair enough. - Proper LFG tool. You really need to define your terms here. If you would like an upgrade to the current LFG tool, then I happen to agree with you. If you would like a button to be placed into a queue and be ported in, then you and I happen to disagree. The reasons are many and have been discussed extensively here. If you want it, that's fine, I'm not one of those to scream and call you names, however, I do not want it. I would tolerate a server wide system, but a xserver system would be game breaking for me. Both of your other points I agree with.
  12. There are many people that feel certain features had an adverse effect on those games. Even players that are invested and as such, are still currently playing those games, often look back on the game as being, "much better before." So what you describe as "silly" Could actually be a very well thought out addition by subtraction.
  13. Well, you nailed it. This is the best explanation of what would make the game amazing. Very well thought out post that takes what everyone wants and sums it up nicely.
  14. Pretty epic thread! I agree with how the OP really feels and don't want either of these things ruining this game either. It is, however, discouraging that so many people replied to the title and can't take the time to read. In either case, good read!
  15. I would just roll up two. They really are two different classes.
  16. I could use a nice UI mod. Recount is always nice. I do NOT want to see some type of deadly boss mods. Having a meter on your screen that shows what a boss is going to do and when he is going to do it is a little far. I don''t like threat meters either. That''s me being old school and remembering when that was a game in itself, and if you were good, you learned how to walk that line. It seems that it has become mandatory these days, so if it gets put in, I''ll learn to live with it. Macros, can be very useful, however, they need to be limited to a certain number of commands. Having two or three buttons that you use and that''s it, makes combat stale. I really enjoyed playing Rift, but quit due to macros sucking the fun out of the game. Mostly it''s the macros that check certain variables and use different abilities based on the results that break a game for me. Those decisions are part of the combat mechanics and reaction time is part of being a good player.
  17. So, I know we are not supposed to discuss other games here, however, this thread has had no problem using them as a measuring stick for this topic. That other game. You know the one. I just went to their general forums to take a look around. I saw a thread bashing the LFD system. They listed many reasons that are already listed here. Then I took a deeper look to see if it was just an isolated thread. I stopped reading after 6 topics, all on the first page and there were many more. Please, do not go down this same path with them.
  18. I really hope this doesn't get put in. If it does, then server specific would be a good compromise. The reasons are listed early and often in this thread, and I tend to agree with the people that think putting together their own groups is rewarding. If BW feels they have to add it to keep subs, so be it, but please make it server specific.
  19. Awesome game. Can't wait to get home and play it. I am having a BLAST!
  20. Honestly, I have felt a little too powerful. I think this is pretty close to perfect, but if I had a say, I would make it slightly harder. Oh well, to each their own, but please don't make it any easier.
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