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Everything posted by sevenex

  1. They would almost be tolerable if they spoke a completely alien language and were subtitled. Almost.
  2. Wait, there's no way .. you actually like.. but the... nope not getting me to bite, nice try though.
  3. Cool little bit of homebrew you got there. Thanks for posting.
  4. Yes but time as it relates to enjoyment is relative. I think the issue here is that some of us were and still are patient enough to log in and play with our set amount of time and be satisfied that we are working up to a goal in the game that when reached, will feel rewarding. Not having enough time does not make something impossible unless you absolutely have to have it right this second because that other guy has it and why can't I have it NOOWWWW!!!! I'm also in my 30s, married and have a 6 month old right now. I have very little time to play this game. That doesn't mean that I enjoy the fast leveling and free epics for everyone once you hit 50! I would rather have a good game that is rewarding. If it takes me longer than the average person to get there, I'm fine with that, but it's certainly not impossible. You know what? I would stay subscribed longer this way. Whatever, the game is what it is. If it's what you have been looking for, great. Perhaps one day the rest of us will have the game we want, with modern graphics made by a western mmo developer.
  5. You know, the thing about this post, is that it's well written, and I don't disagree with everything you say. It does seem that those of us who prefer a little more difficult game right now can't find a good one to play. The opposite side is kinda gloating and rubbing our faces in it. This is a new game. New games are always fun, everyone starts out at lvl 1 and experiences the game together, good times! It's star wars, that's awesome! I love the IP and I love a good MMO to get into, perfect fit! Then we find out that it's not really the type of MMO we would like to play. Bummer! Oh well I'll play it until it I lose the desire to log in. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like "home" like some of the other games I've played did at the time. This is largely due to the fact that it's .. well for lack of a better term, "dumbed down" and because of that it won't have staying power with me. The game is perfect for you and that's awesome. But then to come here and have people who prefer a game that plays like this basically act very childish and stick out your tongue and pour a little salt in the wound is pretty bad form. I'm glad you have a game that suits your needs. I really wish I had a star wars MMO that suits mine, but do you have to be such a douche about it?
  6. Don't feel bad. In vent while we were all starting this game up and creating our characters, the conversation went something like this. "Sweet I'm rolling up a Zabrak character, can't wait!" "Hmmm, apparently no one told these guys that not all Zabraks look like Darth Maul" "SWG I miss you already"
  7. Yea I agree. It's not that I don't like these types of games. I do. I'm playing and loving this game. I just don't understand why things have to be so damn fast. It happened with WOW and it will happen to me in this game. I will lose interest and I will stop playing. I don't think things should go back to the way they were in EQ1. That was a bit much and if you started late, some things would be impossible for you. To me, the best formula was WOW TBC. That is to say that in my opinion that had the best mix of casual and hardcore. Leveling was easy, perhaps a bit too easy but whatever. You could solo to max level in a fair amount of time. Not the light speed to 50 model this game uses, but not too much heavier. Then when you started endgame it was a lot of fun and there was pretty much always something else to work to next. Only the super hardcore had everything cleared by the time new raids were released. You had to get keyed to move on to the next tier, which really made it feel good to accomplish that. The sheer awesomeness of Kara was a blast and you could have a lot of fun in there for a week at first, then for a night. I don't want to go back to the way things were in EQ1, although I had a ton of fun playing that game. I do, however, think that some suits that work for these companies, who really don't game themselves, sat around and thought something along these lines: If WOW made things easier, and then made a lot of money, if we make things even easier than that, then we will make even more money! That's just not the case! Eventually too fast and too easy is going to cause people to lose interest and quit. I know it's happening to me right now with this game and it's a shame because I want to love this game and keep playing.
  8. Cool, thanks for the info. I have a neat little comic book shop near the house that I like to go to. Gets me out of the house and I enjoy throwing some cash at those guys to help support a cool local business. I'll go pick it up to add to my comic collection.
  9. Sounds awesome, might have to stop by the old comic book shop and pick it up. Is issue #0 currently still on the shelves do you think?
  10. I think in the last thread I said something to the effect of, "define your terms." Making blanket statements about the entire sw universe vs the entire 40k universe, is boring. (plus star wars wouldn't stand a chance) Since this is all for fun, however, we can have some fun with it. If you do Sidious vs your average space marine, then yea, he would absolutely fry them. If, however, you put Sidious up against Magnus or a Keeper, then he might be able to banish them, it would certainly be a fun fight to watch. Or you can break it down to basics and have your run of the mill jedi knight vs a run of the mill tactical marine. Would be a good fight that would probably go to the marine, but some fun intangibles that the force provides would come into play. Sith marauder vs Khorne berserker Bounty hunter vs Howling banshee These would be more fun to discuss/debate.
  11. I'm with this guy. I'll also add my three. 1. flashpoints and operations should be located on the planets. 2. Non-linear dungeons that are huge and not instanced. 3. A very long quest that you can do in order to switch factions. Something epic like, you have to defeat one of your own lvl 50 characters controlled by the AI and at least 4 man boss quality and then perm. delete them in order for the faction switch to be finalized.
  12. Not only do I miss it when I play any MMO, but I miss it just reading this thread. Yes it was old school, yes getting killed sucked, yes back in the day when you would med you had to stare at your spell book (that one always gets me), but it was amazing. I'm still waiting for a game to come along that gets that old school feel while leaving out some of the more hardcore features. I suppose everyone has their perfect happy medium and it's impossible to please everyone.
  13. Yes I do. There is, however, much room for improvement and a need for fixes. It is very fun and I am having a blast. How long it stays that way is up to BW. I will not play for longer than 5-6 months in the current state. I do have faith that I will be given many reasons to continue to play after that time period.
  14. Good post. I think one of the biggest impacts on world pvp in this game was the decision not to put the flash points and operations in the world. So much fun world pvp has happened for me in other games .. many other games, at these hot spots. It also makes it easier to find people near your level to run these and then participate in the natural, world, group pvp that takes place near these hubs. Just kinda baffled that this was overlooked.
  15. Ben: I suggest you try it again, Luke. Only this time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct. Luke: But with my pants down, I can't even see! How am I supposed to fight?
  16. Remember Uber! Let's bring Uber back. I also think we could switch to "dope" as an adjective. That set bonus is dope.
  17. I have a sniper and a juggernaut. So put me down for: Watcher x Mia Hawkins Thana
  18. Yea, I would actually prefer more. That's ok, we can disagree about this. The good part is that there are more than enough regular quests to level and you never have to do a single group quest the entire way to 50 if you don't want to. More group2 quests would be awesome.
  19. 1. The flashpoint's should be located on planets. This really takes the rails that the game is on and makes them much worse for me. I miss the feeling of questing and coming across a dungeon out in the world. These are great areas for world pvp, plus it would make finding groups for them much easier. Same with operations. I like the feeling of questing and leveling up and having some type of ominous dungeon/raid in the world. Makes things feel more alive. 2. The universe feels large but the world feels small. Everything is tunneled. I liked the world pvp in the dune sea and I would love to have more open areas where repub and imp are forced to interact. I don't get why we are shielded from each other so much. Not so bad in the first couple planets but then things need to open up and get crazy. Maybe even put world pvp objectives in more planets. Starting on tatt and all the way up. 3. More sandbox features please. I know the game was designed from a theme park vision, but there was talk of some type of sandbox features being implemented. Really the two things I mentioned above would go a long way to making this feel less like a single player game, but the more the merrier. Imagine a planet where you can land your ship, with other players, (in certain areas) get out, run around, quest (heroic4) world pvp, have a flashpoint hub and an operation hub. World bosses. That type of thing would make things feel more alive.
  20. Man, I remember having to deal with this in other games. Hopefully it gets fixed, being a tank on the sidelines is frustrating. I'm also leveling a sniper so maybe it's time to concentrate on him, as my guild has it's main tank and I was hoping to be the off tank.
  21. I loved Dune and I can certainly see the similarities. I think the biggest problem with translating it into film is the novel God Emperor Dune. It just hits such a huge scale of everything that has has been effected by Leto over .. it's been a while.. what was it like tens of thousands of years? It was heady to say the least and, if I'm being honest here a little bit of a struggle to get thru. Then Heretics pretty much blew my mind. I always wondered if there was some type of hidden agenda behind writing a longer slower paced book and then the next book being much faster paced. And Miles Teg was pretty much the Chuck Norris of the Dune novels.
  22. I have seen Sandusky Lolpandas afkfacebook And my personal favorite: Sizzle and his guild name <ball so hard>
  23. The more they use the light side, they should develop the blue on blue eyes of an ... wait nevermind wrong story...
  24. Very well done. I filled it out, and I hope more do as well.
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