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Everything posted by sevenex

  1. Get rid of same faction warzones all together, and give the republic wookies. Done.
  2. Bumped off page 2. This is awesome information and needs a sticky. This would be even better if we had server forums.
  3. They just don't want people leaning all day!
  4. Awesome to know that it only gets better. I'm a sniper so I switch between shooting stuff ranged DPS or blowing stuff up ranged DPS. I'm looking forward to the doc, but so far Vector has just been much more helpful than Kaliyo. I have heard that if you load her up with +def gear, she gets much better. I'm gonna give that a go. She has a much better dark side personality than Vector.
  5. Can only speak about imperial agent. Companions - I'd say they're ok. I really like the personality of my female BH tank companion. So far, however, she is pretty squishy for a tank. I have switched to my bug dude DPS companion. He isn't any tougher, but at least he can lay the beat down. Story - Amazing! One of the best story lines I've ever experienced in a video game. I just started act 2 and the climax of act 1 was pretty awesome.
  6. Because people like this can act however they want on the internet, without everyone pointing out what a douche they are. The anonymity of the internet is a powerful thing.
  7. I'm curious, if someone were to attack a lightsaber wielding jedi/sith with a battleaxe, wouldn't the lightsaber just cut the thing in half with ease? I'm not trying to be a smart *** here, I really don't know. In the movies, they seemed to cut thru everything pretty easily. Blast doors, the bottom of an ATAT, flesh and bone. Why would any other melee weapon be useful against one.
  8. I totally agree. Sadly, we will never see swtor become that kind of game. They would never make this game harder. We can fight to try to convince them to not dumb down the game any more. We can even fight for some type of sandbox features, which they said they would try to implement. There is room for both in one game.
  9. I don't get it. This name is fine. Had a guy with this nickname on my high school football team. It's totally a plausible star wars name.
  10. I was able to aggro kite/los him. I had to run up and melee attack him to get him to engage. Then as I was running away, I would use flashbang right off the bat to give me time to set up. I set up, popped every cooldown I had in order to lay down some burst damage. Once I was out of protection from the cooldowns and all interrupts were also on cooldown, I had a pretty good chunk of his life taken away. At this point, there was no way Vector was going to pull aggro off of me, so I ran around the computer screens that are on the right if you are on the path leading up to his stage. You can use these to break los for his ranged attacks. Vector pretty much beat on him while he tried to attack me. Vector got aggro one time and it opened the door for me to do some more damage. Fun fight.
  11. That's interesting, I'll have to read up more about that. As a world eaters player who thinks the new GK codex is one of the worst abominations ever to be written by Mr. Ward (saying a lot) I'll just say that it serves them right! ... sorry for the bit of off topic.
  12. Just to play devil's advocate to a fun little discussion here. What if the Jedi were smart enough to realize that once chaos was unleashed into the universe and destroyed humanity, it would burn hot and fast and eventually burn itself out of the galaxy. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the Alpha Legion horus heresy novel. It's an interesting daydream to match the jedi up with the Cabal. It's a good fit. Here's a good little read about it: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Cabal
  13. Jedi and or sith vs some space marines or eldar aspect warriors or orks and so on. That would be a pretty good fight, with the force likely making the difference in a close fight. If you introduce primarchs, daemon primarchs, greater daemons, avatars and things of that magnitude, well that's not even close. Magnus himself could probably obliterate every one of them with a thought.
  14. I read it as fast as I could. I still don't agree with 70% of it.
  15. I totally agree. I would postulate that part of the reason behind this is that everyone is, for the most part, anonymous on the internet. There are no consequences for your actions. You can like the biggest douche on the planet and there will be no one to feed you your teeth like they would in real life. This is the core of my, and many others, issue with a LFG system. You can roll need on everything, break cc, do a horrible job of playing your class, get carried, and ruin everyone's experience without being put out there in the server community as someone to avoid at all costs. When I run into these people, I try to help them. I try to explain fight and class mechanics in order to make them a better player. Many times this is rewarded by making a new friend and making a member of our server a better player. With the anonymity provided by x server auto group systems, I usually get an incoherent stream of cursing and then the tool drops group and clicks one button to find the next three suckers to carry them thru content.
  16. Sure, the point is you purposely draw attention to the fact that you play a game which promotes the ADD type of attitude. In a post where you are championing a feature from that game which added to the population's already rude, self serving attitude. You try to argue my points with your own selfish point of view on the subject. I just thought I would point out the irony. Look, we are not going to agree. We come from different games and there are different things that give us enjoyment out of these games. We can co exist here. We can agree to disagree. I hope they don't add a LFG feature (and for the love of all that is sane, no LFR). You obviously hope they do. I would compromise with a sever only LFG system. Although I think that placing flash point hubs in the zones we are questing would fix the problem. Either way, sorry if I came across as crass, and I hope you enjoy your game and keep playing.
  17. Addition by subtraction. How can you say it doesn't foster social aspects of an MMO? You have to talk to people to get the group going. You have ask questions like, "Hey anyone have any friends or guildies that would like to run this with us?" The more respectful and friendly you are, the better responses you will get. You also can't show your backside or there will actually be consequences for your actions. You get to know the people as people playing behind the keyboard Not just some DPSer or tank or healer that I got zoned in with, who I referred to as "hey tank" and never even bothered to learn their name, much less add them to my friends list. Why do I even need a friends list when I just click a button and get what I want out of everyone else without having to actually speak to them. I better go to the forums and demand that friends list be removed from the game. It takes up space and is useless.
  18. You're right. I don't have personal experience at the higher levels. The fact that finding a group at the same level that the majority of the population is currently at is very logical. I'll stick with what I said before. I will compromise my position on the subject and agree to a server only LFFP system. My only fear is that when this system takes too long for DPS to get a group, then they will come here and whine enough to get x server.
  19. I read these forums during work. They are so bad that I actually feel like the game might not be as fun as I think it is. Then I go home and play and have a blast. I really hope that people don't come here looking for information and base their decision on some of the stuff here. Great post.
  20. Get over yourself. Usually (last night even) I would see LFM HAMMER STATION NEED HEALER. I would send a tell as dps, get my invite. Looked in my guild saw a few people questing, a couple were healers. Asked if anyone wanted to heal hammer. Got the group going and had a blast. It's not that hard if you put a little work into it. Like many things, you will get out of it what you put into it. Your facetious imaginary situation, was a trite attempt at humor and in no way represents the experiences I have had with this game.
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