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Everything posted by Kheg

  1. Only the good ones, which are really rare in the first place. Still, I think the ability to negate interrupts is just one tick too much. All in all, everything else about the class is, in my opinion, fine. I have a mid-level gunslinger, actually enjoyed him a good bit and found a lot of utility out of him. I'll admit I do like other classes better overall. And yes, snipers/gs's in one tree do have a snare.
  2. Yes yes, I know... snipers/gunslingers are gimps and all (*cough*) and they're like the last class that needs a nerf (*cough*). I also know that using the right tool for the job is key, but honestly - cover preventing interrupts? Follow the toolchain here for a sec: #1 - Sniper goes into cover against melee - Melee can no longer use gap closers like force leap as cover prevents them. #2 - Sniper snares melee as melee tries to close gap on foot - Melee can break CC here, which is foolish especially since snare does NOT go against resolve. #3 - Now in melee range, the sniper can A : Stun and reposition B : Knockback root (better choice generally) - The melee can either CC here (which will likely happen) and try to waddle back into range or take it up the but for the duration of the root. For most melees that have short "ranged" attacks (10m), you've just been knocked OUTSIDE of that range as well. #4 - Melee now can walk back to melee range, but at this point really has no counter to the sniper because he can't interrupt the god damn cast that's coming. The point of a sniper is to stay out of harm's way. They get the tools to do it, yes. But why is it that the counter to this should be them getting treated like a ragdoll once a melee DOES get ahold of them actually isn't remotely possible? I can't hope to defend against a covered sniper/gunslinger even in melee. I cringe when I see that cast bar pop up because I know that I'm likely to watch 1/3 my HP disappear, which by the time I get close enough might be all I have left. What am I missing here?
  3. Op says: "I'm a stealther..." Okay, so you're either a shadow/assassin or a scoundrel/operative, right? Let's see what you can do. As a Shadow/Assassin you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec): - Be a ball carrier (force speed) - Knock people off ledges/into pits - Slow the ball carrier - Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players - Sap someone out of combat - Pick off stragglers - Do massive damage - Pull enemies to you/into hazards (tank spec) - Throw guard on a teammate/ball carrier to enhance their survivability (any spec) - CC other players As a Scoundrel/Operative you can (not all mutually inclusive/exclusive, depending on spec): - Burst DPS (not the greatest, but you can work in concert with others to make this super effective in a variety of ways) - Stun/Knockdown the ball carrier/other players - Slow the ball carrier - Sap someone out of combat - CC other players - Pick off stragglers - HEAL/CLEANSE YOUR TEAMMATES Now granted, your spec may not be optimal for doing some of the listed possibilities, but that doesn't preclude you from doing those things regardless. Imagine my position as a watchman spec'd sentinel... what do I bring to the table for utility? I don't have a stun (unless you count Stasis as one). I don't have guard. I don't have heals (well I do with Zen, but it's next to useless in PvP). I don't have knockbacks or pulls. I don't have force speed. The only thing that my spec does remotely well is slow, close gaps and damage. Hell, I don't even make a very good ball carrier aside from being able to force leap out of the pit under the right circumstances and blow my cooldowns to hopefully barrel in for a score. Occasionally I get lucky with rooting an enemy in a hazard, but odds are in doing so I'll kill myself too. My job is to harass the enemy and be a benefit to my team. I don't have remotely as much utility as you do in any warzone, let alone huttball. But I still play it. I'm not fond of it, but I enjoy helping out my team in whatever way I can. QYB. Just play.
  4. lol @ truth. There's a pair of sorcs (likely related somehow) that have been queuing together lately. They do pretty much one and only one thing: Focus force lighting. It's ridiculous. Ridiculously effective too. And sad. Yet mildly amusing to watch.
  5. Is there any plans to expand solo/casual gameplay in the future or is solo/casual going to be ignored? Also, tying into the question, is there any consideration for content allowing the use of multiple active companion characters at the same time? If not new dedicated content, then perhaps the ability for solo players to do a "Solo-mode Flashpoint" using 2 or 3 companion characters at the same time?
  6. Yup, they completely changed voidstar from a game where defense had an advantage to one where offense completely holds the advantage. I didn't think it were possible, but voidstar just got worse.
  7. Regarding UI Customization, apologies if it has already been answered but I haven't seen it: Will there be an option for more centerline horizontal hotbars?
  8. Once again, until Bioware puts in a BETTER QUEUING SYSTEM where I can ensure I won't be queued solo against a premade and/or can selectively queue for specific warzones (I *********** HATE huttball) - then no, there should be absolutely NO deserter debuff/lockout period.
  9. This. All of it. Right on the nose. TEAMS are why sages/sorcs are considered OP. Bad teams make the class look like suck. Good teams make the class look like gods.
  10. Kheg

    Deserter Debuff

    I vote a resounding NO to the deserter debuff idea - at least until they implement a smarter queue system where I can queue for specific warzones (absolutely NO huttball please) and team compositions (like I don't EVER want to see a premade if I queue solo). Once those things are in, then you can put in a deserter debuff.
  11. I agree with you completely - and I make it my mission to seek out pretty much any of the "back line" support when I play my DPS and/or tank class alts as well. The biggest problem I see is given the TEAM nature of pvp in the game, the problem is not a lot of TEAM goes into making sure what you say is actually effective. I've been in a lot of groups where my team would unfortunately all but ignore the back line support, save myself. We pay the price. I've also been on teams where multiple people actively try to disrupt the back line support. Those matches we usually win overwhelmingly. I guess I should point out as well - I'm not talking about a single sage/sorc stray all alone or being the only one to support his team. I'm saying any competent sage/sorc that knows they have the support of their team - those are the ones that won't care if one person is harassing them or not. Edit: I should point out I'm not saying sages/sorcs are broken/OP. I'm saying that the whines about them are for the most part unfounded. It's a TEAM game... TEAMS need to get their heads out of their asses and play as teams. Aside from the perma-slow TK Throw/Lightning - that is *********** annoying as hell.
  12. Considering hardly anybody ever uses interrupts in the lower end warzones, not really. When an average sage/sorc can pretty much brush off ~5k damage in the span of 4 seconds... I see it all the time in the warzones. It's only your "new" players that haven't played the class before that don't understand exactly what their class CAN do.
  13. Problem with your notion is that closing the gap on a good sage/sorc means they just ignore you. 1-on-1 versus a competent sage/sorc means they just laugh and carry on as if you were a mosquito bothering them: Sure you get a little blood, but they brush you off and continue on their merry way. The only way to get a competent sage/sorc to physically REACT is when they start drawing more attention than they can handle - which usually means at the very least 2-to-1 with no support from their teammates. Only the bad sages/sorcs will be the ones that flinch at the slightest movement of their health bar.
  14. "... Top ranked ..." On a game that has no rankings. BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA!!! I'm not clicking on your thinly veiled attempt to generate youtube ad revenue. Idiot.
  15. Yes, sorcs are underpowered. Horribly so. That's why I ended up in a warzone last night that got rolled by a team of 6 sorcs and 2 mercs (and I'll give you one guess what those mercs were spamming).
  16. I think it's the other way around - Bioware should stop breaking the game just because idiots want to play CounterStrike in a Star Wars universe.
  17. And finally, I agree with just about everything you wrote. And it sounds to me like you agree that Grav Round is indeed broken the way it's designed (and by extension, Tracer Missile) because there simply is NO rotation. Part of it is also that it is broken because of other broken mechanics in the game. At the end of the day, from a dev standpoint, what's going to happen? Something is gonna get nerfed, rather than EVERYTHING ELSE getting fixed. Like I said, I'd prefer not to see grav round get nerfed because let's face it, I like it, and it makes life easy. But I'm also capable enough to use other abilities in my rotation already, so making grav round do what it's supposed to do won't really hurt (me) much.
  18. Well now you're being a bit more reasonable, and I understand there are ways to mitigate the effects of ranged classes in general. But you're honestly condoning pigeonholing a particular spec into one single ability? Don't get me wrong, as a gun-toting commando, I would LOVE to see Grav Round never get touched so I can "laugh at all the crying nublets" too. But why is Grav/Tracer a "Primary Nuke" all of a sudden, when it does the exact same damage as Charged Bolts/Power Shot, yet applies multiple additional effects? Why is there now no reason to use the latter listed abilities anymore? Or any other ability of ranged damage type for these classes once you get Grav/Tracer? Does that design make any sense at all? Not to me. It's broken.
  19. What part of "I play a Gunnery Commando" didn't you catch? Using Grav Round/Tracer Missile is easy mode, even in PvE. I don't see how anyone could possibly condone having any class exclusively rely on one Swiss Army Knife ability and think it's acceptably balanced. Grav Round and Tracer Missile are designed to be support abilities given all of their secondary effects, which means their damage output is far too high. I'm not talking about cutting the damage of the entire class in half, just one particular ability. Oh wait, since all you're doing is spamming that ability, I guess I am talking about cutting the entire class's damage in half... which comes back to the root of the problem - Grav Round/Tracer Missile are "too good".
  20. As a grav round using commando, I can officially say it's NOT okay/balanced. Here you have an ability that, let's face it, once you drop the talent points into, you have absolutely ZERO incentive to use any other ability available to you. Low ammo cost - check. Competitive damage (compared to your other abilities) - check. Activation time that allows for sustained DPS - check. No cooldown - check. Secondary effects - check and double check (debuff target & buff self). I'm sorry, but having dozens of abilities that I will never use because Grav Round/Tracer Missile are just too damn valuable to NOT use is not a balanced class. Couple that with the fact that they simply do too much damage compared to the other abilities available along side those secondary effects, it's not right. I sat and watched a Arsenal Merc in Civil War last night just sit there spamming Tracer Missile killing target after target in 4 to 5 volleys, unassisted. Tracer Missile was the pretty much the only ability he was using in combat for the entire match, even when confronted with melee opponents. Grav Round/Tracer Missile are just too powerful in their current form. Easiest fix is tone down their damage output to half of what they do now. After all, given all the secondary effects, it's obvious that these abilities are designed to be support abilities rather than DPS abilities.
  21. Did the flickering go away? That's all I care about is the annoying flickering.
  22. Kheg

    Tracer/grav fix

    Bolded part is bolded. I encountered this last night in a 10-49 warzone. Had a merc that ONLY spammed tracer missile. He ***** me in 4 hits, and probably killed me a total of 3 out of the 4 times I died. We got rolled in the warzone. I don't think anybody on our team even had 10 kills, nearly everybody had more deaths than kills. Sure, there was a lot of bad/non-existant teamwork, but that doesn't change the fact that after about half the match I just stealthed up to watch this guy JUST SPAM TRACER MISSILE and kill most people in 4 or 5 shots without assistance. I honestly don't think he used any other ability in the entire match. That said, 20 second CD is definitely NOT the fix for this. It's a tracer missile ffs, it's primary purpose is the secondary effects. Just nerf the damage of it into the ground and leave the secondary effects so that the mercs have to rotate skills meaning they have to trade off sustaining debuffs for dps. (Note, do the same thing for Commando's grav round too plz - and this is coming from someone who has a Grav-spec'd Commando!). It really is that simple.
  23. Wait wut? DAoC is a Mythic property - ergo Bioware-Mythic - ergo EA property. Blizzard is owned by Activision - a direct competitor to EA. Why the hell would EA let Blizzard do anything related to DAoC?
  24. Kheg

    50 wz queue

    It's not broken. Everybody's just over in Ilum farming the valor exploit.
  25. You log out, go outside, feel the sun on your skin. Go kiss a girl. Go find out that females actually exist. Make some lunch. Take a drink. Play a sport. You know... get a life.
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