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Everything posted by Kheg

  1. Honestly, I wouldn't care about the queue times. It's not like they'd get much longer than they already are on most servers (I spent ~3 hours running quests and such yesterday before the queue finally popped a 6v8 which 2 people dropped from before the match even started). It's a "hit" I'd be willing to take just to get into a more refined queue.
  2. #1 - The ability to queue solo and NOT be matchmade against a premade group of any size #2 - The ability to queue group and NOT be matchmade against a solo queue #3 - The ability to see how many individuals on BOTH factions are queued either solo or as group #4 - To expand on #3, continually see an updated listing of how many people are queued while I am queued #5 - To see where in the queue order I am (Estimated queue timer, etc) #6 - Ensure that the next queued warzone that I will be entering has a minimum of 6 *locked* players from both factions (locked means that if they drop, they can't queue into a different warzone if they re-queue until the current warzone finishes - EVEN IF their spot is backfilled) #7 - Be able to see who the potentially queued "teammates" and opponents would be as the queue moves #8 - And lastly, be able to queue for specific warzones I know I know, asking for these things especially when a lot of servers have maybe half a dozen people in the queue 90% of the time would be suicide for the queue in general, but honestly, I'd like to NOT waste my time in the queue if it were possible. only to queue into a 5 on 8 match and then watch 2 people leave because it would have been pointless anyway. I'd rather have a sense of what I could expect out of a warzone experience BEFORE ending up with a false sense of hope when that warzone entry prompt comes up.
  3. What's funny, as a sentinel in full BM gear, I have a little over 15,100 hp.
  4. I agree, we should most definitely nerf the crap out of Tankassins.
  5. Correct. Well, in my case I'm a sentinel, and I own a Vanguard alt. But then again I also own one of every AC anyway...
  6. Well one thing is certain... IT'S OVER 9000!!!!
  7. Liiiiiike what? Instead of spouting crap off that you likely have no knowledge of and are just QQing because you get rolled one too many times, how about some constructive posts? You know, like actual suggestions on how to make them better. I know I know... that takes "effort". Just like WINNING in a warzone takes "effort". Voidstar: Speeder ride is GONE if you zone in after a certain point on the queue timer. Civil war: Sides can be capped quite easily while defenders are en route on the side speeders now. Huttball: I see more Warriors and Troopers playing ball carrier than I do sorcs/assassins these days. Novarre: It does revolve around the southern node a bit too much, but other than that it plays identical to Civil War.
  8. So what you're saying is you want to be able to heal, DPS, protect AND tank too?
  9. My favorite past time as a Sentinel - Master Strike-ing a Marauder that's Ravaging someone. I call it the ********** of pain.
  10. Well for the sake of SOME players on my server (Exar Kuhn), I hope the vendor pops back up soon. No... not because they were casuals or slackers... but rather our Imp-heavy server started camping the vendor last night around 9pm. Thankfully I had finished all my shopping... but for those that were unlucky enough to get caught in the mix.
  11. Kheg

    CC is out of control.

    To be honest, the CC isn't so much the problem as it is the stuff that Bioware DOESN'T consider CC that's the problem. Generally, I can wait out a 4 second stun and still be alive. If I'm being opened up on by an Operative or Assassin, then I know I'm going to pretty much eat it for 8 seconds give or take. They're the only one that I hate the lack of control from. Every other class is somewhat less of an issue because more often than not they're using their CC reactively, not proactively. Hard CC I might take a hit or two, but nothing I can't realistically shrug off in most circumstances. Soft CC is almost always reactive and the opponent getting the hell out of dodge, so to speak. I pretty much eat those CC's because I know that either I'm going to get a free resolve boost after 8 seconds, or someone is going to come along and tap me for damage I couldn't care less about and wake me up. My CC breaker is starting to only get used in more situational scenarios. But back to the complain, or matter at hand. I'm finding more and more that the knockbacks and roots are causing me more issues than anything else. A lot of the really good premades I'm coming up against barely ever use hard CC anymore. Instead, I'm getting rooted, snared, knocked back or even worse - ending up like a pinball getting bounced between 3 or 4 knockbacks at a time. When you're a melee class, being knocked around like that is pretty much more effective than a hard stun - and worse yet builds absolutely no resolve at all. It's far more annoying than the stuns in the game.
  12. You're leaving a PvE game after complaining that a PvE game doesn't do PvP properly. CYA!
  13. I had pretty much zero issues this past weekend on my server, repub side (which is severely underpopulated) with the queue popping. Heck, I had a stretch where I probably played half a dozen warzones where the queue had popped prior to me finishing zoning back to the fleet.
  14. The same can and should be said about sentinels/marauders. I watch plenty of fellow sentinels/marauders suck up the warzones daily. I'm not saying I'm all that great either. Meanwhile, I watch assassins faceroll people left and right, including marauders and sentinels, with relative ease.
  15. They have definitely gone up across the board since 1.2. Usually 20-30 seconds or so for "small" areas such as ship/fleet. For the bigger planets, upwards of 45-50 seconds. In general, I'm feeling between a 10 to 20 second increase in load times overall since 1.2 went live. I base most of my timing data on when random warzone queues pop while I'm in transition, and how many seconds are left on the queue timer. Generally speaking this is okay, as 80%+ of my warzones usually queue from the beginning (1 minute 20 seconds). I do admit there can be SOME error though, as some queues pop with shorter timers occasionally.
  16. Wait, so you can pull the mods out of the armor and turn in just the EMPTY shell for the War Hero version? Hmm...
  17. When will more hotbars be added to the game? Also, with regards to UI customization, are there any plans to introduce features such as "Snap-To" alignment? And finally, when (if at all) will we be able to cast-through target-of-my-target? If you need an example of Target-of-my-Target done right, look at RIFT.
  18. Apparently the OP doesn't realize that a blowout loss still only amounts to about 40-50 comms tops.
  19. Your tactics are fun until you get the team that rolls the southern emplacement that takes YOUR side emplacement away before you can react. It's not that the emplacement does more damage, it's about the tactical advantage of it. Same thing in Civil War. I've only been in a handful of matches at best where a team successfully controlled right and left while wholly ignoring mid and won the match. I've been in a lot more matches where this was attempted, and failed miserably after mid gets capped immediately and then the opposing side is taken from that faction's control. Accessibility is the problem, which makes it more valuable.
  20. Last night was great. Played a couple more hours, and really am starting to feel the rewards are in line with where they should be now. Wins can get upwards of 150 commendations for an honest match. A blowout win can net you 100+. Losses can net you 0 to about 80 or so depending on how hard your team tries, and personal effort also makes a pretty hefty difference. Much, MUCH better now. I actually feel like I'm progressing again instead of being landlocked on a server with a huge population imbalance.
  21. #1 - Someone I saw actively healing and/or guarding me in a match and doing so effectively. #2 - Someone who actively managed objectives in a match, be it defense or offense. #3 - Someone who singlehandedly turned the tide of a match for the better. ... insert distance here ... #4 - Top protection if they actually tried to guard people actively. #5 - Top healer if they totally rocked the match. #6 - Top damage or kills. #7 - Top medals. And finally, If it's a blowout loss: #1 - Person who unfortunately got stuck queuing in at the last minute before the loss which got 0 kills/damage/etc.
  22. Yes, because it needed another thread... The change made to 1.2.0c made me pretty satisfied with the rewards implemented in warzones. It's really rather comprehensive. A few points: The warzone queue still desperately needs enhancement to avoid situations such as the last point. I also firmly believe that there needs to be the ability to ensure you don't end up matched against full premades when queuing solo. I also believe that Novarre Coast needs a bit of fine tuning. The southern emplacement is far too accessible and as such 90% of the match revolves around who controls it. It's a very similar problem to Civil War. Other than that, despite the really overtuned damage and the de-emphasis on healing, 1.2.0c has made PvP pretty satisfactory again. Once the queue issues previously mentioned gets fixed, it will be just about 98% perfect. The remaining 2% involve tweaking damage output to make healing and defense slightly more relevant. Good job, Bioware. No more knee-jerk sweeping changes again... please.
  23. Shouldn't the "goods" deserve nothing? I mean, they're so damn "good" that they should be able to wipe a "bad" with war hero gear off the table while naked and wielding a wet noodle, right?
  24. "Incredibly cheap?" If you call 1550 commendations for one piece (mainhand/offhead weapon) or 1400 for chest piece "incredibly cheap" at 20-30 commendations per 15 minutes (assuming you lose all the time), I'd hate to see what you'd consider "expensive". 20-30 on average (50 if you really suck) warzones just for ONE piece of gear is a bit ridiculous, and that's just the battlemaster gear!
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