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Everything posted by Itukaaj

  1. I think he was so stuck on resources because he is thinking PVE. Everyone knows it is the dark infusion cast time that was overnerfed except the lead dev. I am willing to compromise Remove cooldowns on Resurgance and Purge With the new damage rolling out increase the strength of my static barrier Allow me to be free/immune to snares and pulls while under the effects of force speed. Give me an addiotional kiting tool. I button that causes people to drop me as a target and have to re-target me.
  2. I think Bioware will try to do the right thing for its customers. I think they value continuing subs more than a server xfer microtransaction.
  3. I want server merges x server LFG creates disposable relationships. That is a reason I left WoW. But seeing more people in each world's chat helps build a sense you are part of something big. Went to corellia only 7 people on the planet 8:30ST no responded to group for heroic. It was not like this in December.
  4. I mean here is an example. 2 responses (more or less a social interaction) on a simple forum post. Unless I do some immature trolling in fleet this is more social interaction than will happen than in the game,or, should I say more fulfilling social interaction. It is the people you play with that makes the mmo special. I stuck with wow because of the friends I made more than the game itself. I want to do that on my avatar in game and it happens more here in the forums. : (
  5. It feels more like a community here and I feel more engaged here than I am feeling in the game. A week ago my guild decided to reroll Fatman. Only a few "recruits" still log in. This is the second guild of 60 people gone. I feel like I know forum posters more than I know the people on my server. I have a friends list of 90 people. I am lucky when just one of them is on. I just don't feel motivated to reroll because my schedule just gives me 6 hours to play a week. I WZ but it is basically getting roflstomped by premades. Most of the puggers are just grinding gear not too much focus fire so basically my minigame in warzones is running away and see if I can avoid getting farmed all the while reading white tells about how I have no chance on surviving (I usually can get some minor productivity but can tell it is a lost cause). On my server I think every pvper knows everyone by name if I see 2 that I recognize that's a lot. I encourage new players but they are cannon fodder and I ask- why do I find forums more engaging than the game?
  6. I know some people are excited to play D3.I will never play a game where the lead dev says "shut up PVP guy!" Having said that SWTOR devs are killing SWTOR without anyone's help. Server merges are needed by Saturday at the latest and I mean no more than 10 PVP servers max. It's just dbase work -hire the guys from Eve if you can't figure it out. You might think Saturday is drastic but it's Titanic lifeboat time for realz!
  7. More I think about it this. Just had a second guild evaporate on me. I PVP and for those that do it pugs are getting rickrolled. The game started out good. Maybe I will try a 1 month sub next March. And I can't believe I am saying this but will play some wow but the only game I am waiting for is Titan.
  8. I will respond to op later. I researched PVP before launch and despite what you believe they sold the PVP and how important and good it would be like a monkey funky. And the dedicated team for PVP. And out of the gate PVP was indeed good and balanced. Then they killed it directly and indirectly. But yes they sold PVP along with everything else they sold. So, please, self righteous PVE player shut up.
  9. I would like the invincibility to 1.5 sec shorter. This way not a total nerf but it last too long when it is up.
  10. I want bigger hits more burst. Stupid to kite and play hard and always to die with enemy at 3% and I am just kicking rocks cause I am out of cooldowns. Our dots should tick higher and through cc and we should have one reliable 4k (+) crit attack.
  11. This! Shut OP it is whiners like you that is causing BW to not offer merges and xfers.
  12. As well as have a persistent group queue. How many problems happen due to a person forgetting to UN-q themselves?
  13. It is part of a journey this patch and future patches will be good for those who down the road come back. Other than personal or financial reasons the people who are continuing their subs or playing to the end of their current have already made up their minds.
  14. Obviously Eve online architecture is special but when they give number they divide registered users from concurrent users. While I think US should be 14 servers I do want to make a couple of points: The fiasco that was the freeze frame of Ilum Remember stuff in lagged hard in Fleet they said they fixed it but maybe those fixes were also assisted by population decline In short maybe game engine issues (they can't merge to the extent they should because it would uncover performance issues). Maybe they know something we don't know. But, if that is not the case 12-14 US servers
  15. This change and other improvements are good for the game overall. Although my sub runs out I think in July I will probably give TOR a shot next February. I will let them work inpeace in the interim (maybe I'm lying about that part).
  16. Or, maybe on nar shada and have a stadium. Would promote world PVP.
  17. I will make this my last statement. "what happened?". They thought about shortsided ROI instead of the long term. The shareholder's needs were put ahead of the customer's enjoyment. The result was a game that was great for the first month but the mmo consumer is sophisticated (some will not like that word but it is true in the sense that people have been exposed to multiple games and can compare features even if they are brutal in those comparisons) and voracious. They thought they had a product that was good enough to launch and they underestimated the consumers of that product in terms of their: wants, needs and patience.
  18. On this I will support Kubernetic. There is a lot of programming related to VO and intact I think they stated recording in anticipation of expanded content. You can argue whether the amount of voice was worth it or not. I think Kubernetic thinks it is. I enjoyed my leveling experience on my one toon till 50. Can't seem to get anyone interested in helping me put Darth Malgus down so guess I won't know how it ends. I did as much research as I could on the game and it was all in regard to PVP. Which was vastly over hyped as far as emphasis and how good it was. My issues are client server, that FPS and delays are happening, that I have to do anything with my computer to accomodate the game, loading is a bear and aggravating. And although I have some satisfaction in content of the game --but all I do is WZ endlessly so I am completely nonparticipatory on any other aspect of the game once Ilum was destroyed (cause it couldn't handle people doing what they should be doing in a battlefield). But this game wasn't enough for my guild of 60 excited people who started the game 57 quit effectively halfway through March. And even my limited technical issues remain I PVP I want good response from the game a lot of work, money and time went into it. And even though I know nothing about programming I swear that if I had Star Wars, whatever million dollars and 5 years I would damn sure have a game that would blow people's minds or work myself to death-literally trying. This game needed a year more of work and more due diligence before it's release. I like the animations, light sabers and music when I am killing stuff.
  19. So TLDR EALouse was correct about sound and voice being the bulk of the time--possibly misspent time . Also add in Lucas control over the IP kills creativity. Coding is hard and that the lead time to develop doens't allow you to turn the ship around so if you are launching in 2020 you better be right cause you can't change anything in 2012 becuase your destiny is predetermined. In short this game is the malt liquor of MMo's. Some poeple really do like it.
  20. So, TOR is the Black Dynamite of MMO's ? In 5 years more people will have seen the movie than have played here.
  21. Lies! Some of them are North Korean and are helping fund the dear leaders love of cognac.
  22. This is why in 6 months you will be waiting 2 hours to fill a 8 man group and another 2 for your WZ queu to pop.
  23. Yes Bioware please fix overload you are starting to puzzle* me off you monkeyfunky's!
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