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Everything posted by Itukaaj

  1. overall, encouraging stuff. but, it is not game changing but good work Bioware keep working . we want more
  2. Pay to play is the only way. the freebase players are just crack heads begging for a fix. I don't want micro transactions for gear- F2P go away!
  3. I agree with your point and the point that the game seems to encourage solo play through the class quest design. But, the OP point is that the community came make some difference in the mmo experience without it being just spoon fed. OP kudos. It it too late for me but i will look to come back next Feb. Hopefully, the pops will just be players like you. Good luck
  4. Here is a reason to not give a free month. Forums are fun but Bioware should get re-imbursed for people who take advantage of the full forum experience where every post results in a happy ending.
  5. I have been a Bioware critic in the forums with regard to many issues. But, I will not criticize their generosity. The month players have received is really nice. I don't want a free to play game or descend the slippery slope in setting any free tomplay expectations. Technically you pay for an account. You can start a new toon on Fatman-yes there are costs with this but ultimately you got access to the game and that is what you paid for. Read your EULA
  6. I don't remember ssd as a game requirement. Also wow crushes this game's load times and is just as big and has fewer loads so in some sense is loading bigger areas. The people who are defending TOR please give me your computer.
  7. Just did the 7 day thing too. The load time difference is striking. Bad coding is bad. And the load times are indefensible.
  8. I did the opposite and resigned wow. When I come back here to do WZ in SWTOR I like the graphics on my character and how the glow of my lightsaber shows. But game responsiveness and people to play with trump SWTOR. I want TOR to be my game but it is up to Bioware to live up to the hype.
  9. I say June to give people time to actually enjoy the free month. After 1.2 people won't sub on faith anymore is my feeling.
  10. Justa word of advice. Please bioware make all servers with a minimum of 2-3k concurrent users. you ahve the Data. This is the minimum you need to make your game feel like an mmo. Anything less and you will bleed players. Oh, yeah PS please do this before the end of June so that the 6 month subs actually have a reason to resub. PLOX
  11. Server mergers within a month. To mega servers --NOW! only thing that will reverse it. Xroads was 1.2 for everyone. those on the edge have at this point largely made their decision only server merges can save the game and change the minds of those who will, or have already , esentially left. As far as accounts it is a story of builling cycles. i will be counted but I am not really playing. Illidan on WOW is heaviest server with over 20k fatman is 6 K more or less, Every server needs to be merged by at least 6 k to server.
  12. I plan on coming back in a year. I do think a lot will be fixed. I guess I bought into the hype. For me SSWTOR is a lesson learned. I will never ever buy another game until it has been out for at least 6 months. I think there is some (a lot) of good in this game. But, for me, the launch should have had everyhthing they have now and plan on having in 1.3. Also: lag, fps, unable to support world pvp (in Alterac valley i have 20v20 in 1 room full aeo and effect=0 lag ---Ilum 1 FPS in an open world), ability delay , 8 man wz q, better persistant queues, and wierd camera mouse tracking. I pray all of tese things are resolved or, in one year, my sub will only be a 1 month sub.
  13. Aggressive server mergers 8 man warzone queues Fixing of latency, ability delay and camera jumping around ( I played BGs in wow all day and logged to warzone I got dizzy by the way my camera jumped around with using the same physical mouse movements I used for my kiting in wow). The cosmetic things need to wait for these things.
  14. I just got 7 free wow days 48 hours ago. Same exact experience. I never thought I would be back. SWToR killed themselves.
  15. This. But Right now they are all playing d3. I did a 7 day free trial all my friends on D3. Truth be told I would love to be playing SWTOR but have 0 interest in rerolling. No one on my server. I think if they will have great feature and content in a year. SWTOR has 1 year before the TITAN hype train starts rolling. I will see you guys there.
  16. 1 character from launch VO was cool. At 50 I realized that every level 50 was a member of the dark council. My journey had no effect. I wasnt even addressed differently by NPCs than I was Pre 50. Now it feels like I beat the game I am supposed to roll an alt. I wish the spent the money on other stuff: FPS, lag, ability delay, game features, content. They should have let people beta at 50 before they launched. This mistake is costing them more than VO did.
  17. I play warrior is shadows. My guild left for fatman 2 weeks ago around that time never more than 15 people in fleet. I checked intried warzones. In the last week 10 on the server I just would log in for 20 seconds. Last night guild message was "guild is now playing Tera it is great come in vent for info" I haven 't tried fatman but I don't think it can stop the bleeding. It is the last stand I wish you all the best. I never thought I would do this but I re-activated wow last night : (
  18. Class balance was killed in 1.2 Gear balance was never achieved + the 1.2 gear never changed the pug v premade paradigm no one wants to grind gear by getting beat up for 9000 warzones by the same team who was fully geared by the second week So many people left you may have lost your friends, your guild and now have to wait 20 minutes for a warzone. 10 people on the fleet wasn't the only problem but it was the nail in the coffin. SWTOR started out with so much promise- this is a story of lost opportunity.
  19. With regard to WoW that game has changed as well. And not necessarily for the better. In Vanilla you roamed a world running into friend or foe while exploring and generally acted cooperatively. With BC a new map was added as was flying mounts. This brought death from above where you explored while forming affiliations to protect yourself from max level gankers. The dungeon and raid content forced cooperation but the scale changed and also mechanics where people started to now do math. They said bring the player but not the class but why were mages Sunwelled? This concept of minmaxing would now drive everything from your class choice to you optimum rotation. Independent players were ostracized by a tyranny of the min-maxing. WotLK tried to eliminate flying mounts but added rapid questing. By this time the journey was meaningless (which is the exact opposite of TOR where the journey is everything). You would hang out in a centralized city as you went to hub to hub using the city as a place to organize your group. With Cata there were cut scenes added and trying to force people to travel in different directions but the rest of the world was abandoned. Now with grouping mechanics all that was left was sit in the 2 capittal cities and troll each other till your disposable group popped up. A group that in the min/max milue didn't meet the standard people were kicked or groups broke up. People who couldn't max play through optimm rotation were now the bane of every group-especially since no one knew anyone and every q pop was instant dolisposable relationship. Now the mechanics were merely to regulate loot drama. Wow is now the ultimate single player game with the best facade of being an mmo. But they do have the feeling of being massive which makes people feel = epic.
  20. I think the problem is that of perception. People want to define what is missing. The real bottom line is a lot of people left cause for whatever reason but essentially the game wasn't for them. There is a hard core group that love it and are having fun. Then there is a middle group that like it but are ambivalent about some features, who, because of group 1 leaving have no one to play with. I fall into this group my decision is not to reroll but to come back in 6 months to a year and enjoy a polished game that has sorted this out. My issues besides having people leave the game were more technical( ability delay lag fps etc) which should have been worked out. I would have been willing to suffer through it if there were enough to support more pvp which is all I was here to do. But I advise people as a customer to make a fair decision one way or another. I think the game people have a nice list of improvements they could make and will. But it will take a year - so come back next year or roll fatman.
  21. They could have had less problems if they did merges first then legacy. Their choice their fault no sympathy.
  22. My guild re rolled there last week. I can't be bothered there was 27 ppl on last night on my server . Waited 20 min q 2 times for WZ our intrepid band of puggers were smashed by the same premade. I wished my server well. I logged out. Will uninstall today even though I have game time till August. I will do a 1 month next februAry next year to see if they have things sorted out. I will probably still lurk forums because it is the most entertainment I will get for my money. I wish you all the best.
  23. Blizzard indicated in MoP that they will be switching from resilience to the Expertise model that TOR has. Expertise is inevitable pvp stat
  24. How much I care about legacy = 0 How much I care about merges xfers = >9000
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