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Everything posted by rhirne

  1. The reason people do not group.. There are various reason. 1. People are getting tired of all the drama I remember back in the day, we use to have 24 hour gaming sessions and people just for the most part got along. Wasn't a lot of bickering and fighting. If you died, you weren't always pointing a finger at someone "It's the Healers fault" "nuh uh I healed you" "no you didn't" "tell the tank to actually tank"..... And back then, dieing was a big deal cause, you could lose XP, LevelSSSSS, armor, or your character all together. Yeah we had our arguments, but for the most part, we were just there to have fun. We grinded through the levels, we even chatted (without using our voices ), laughed, talked about stuff in general. Nowadays, chat is a bad word. Blind invites by the millions. I mean, is it really that hard to whisper to me "Would you like to do <activity> with me / us?" Or your're in a PUG then all the sudden your Tank says "Well, time for me to go to bed." And just logs out. No warning, no "hey, I gotta go in 30 min" or even worse, just simply leaves the group without saying a word then not responding to whispers asking what happened. And then when you do get a party that chats, it's "&*^*&( and then that ()&*)) So I #$@%$ and we was like @#$@$#%" like "REALLY? Every other word? my 4 year old is right here can you guys keep it clean please?" "I can say what the !@#$ I $@#%@# ..." /leaveparty or just using plain bad english "cuz i wz in da mantion and den we ws lke OHHH dats kool" /facepalm Don't want to see that for the next 3 hours. Personally, I would rather play solo than deal with that mess. 2. People are getting older and don't have the same time they use to I work, have to mow my lawn, clean my house, take care of the dog, cook my meals, and other various responsibilities that I just don't have the time I use to when I was younger. And a lot of people are in the same boat. I play the game for FUN; I don't want it to be another JOB as I have one of those (and others have 2 or 3). 3. MINE ALL MINE attitude Ninja looters by the thousands. Looting instead of passing on items you KNOW you can't use. "OHHHH a Nice Heavy Armor Chest piece!!!" "Why did you bid on that? You do realize you can only wear LIGHT armor?" Where are the days were people asked about looting an item they couldn't use? "Hey, if a Heavy Armor piece drops, mind if I loot on it? I have an alt I'm trying to get some armor for." Then the party can decide if they will let you loot, or if it's for current characters only. Or say a rare item piece drops. You already have one, but loot it anyways. Have a little respect for the other guy. 4. people don't know how to play their classes This one irks me more than anything. "Hey smuggler, how come you're not dropping into cover?" "Cause it doesn't really do anything helpfull." :eek: Take pride in your craft. Learn how to play your class. Know how your abilities work. Know how it interacts with other classes. When I know more about your class than you do, and you've been playing it for the past 30 levels, that's a problem.
  2. Why is this interview never mentioned in any of the posts: http://swtorhub.com/dash-everything-swtor-12-interview-james-ohlen Some things of note:
  3. @OP - You actually COULD do that before "Illum" happened. After that, it was removed in one of the patches and restricted new characters from leaving the starter planet until they finished their class quests on their homeworld. It was also to help with spam chat on the fleet from credit sellers. Now they just spam your mailbox with 1 credit lol @XLJedi - it depends on the MMO. I've played a couple were inventory slots were limited, but you had to carry around 2 or 3 full sets of armor / weapons to switch out depending on the situation. To have more inventory space, create an alt, and send it to them. Need to offload some cash, send it to your alt. I have known people with 10 alts just for the inventory space. And really in SWTOR, you can get quite a bit of inventory space. And the things you mentioned, people have done that type of stuff for as long as I can remember. You will want to be carefull with the mailing system though with SWTOR. 1. There's a 30 minute wait time on all mail sent 2. Some of them will expire after so many days and be auto deleted
  4. There are several reasons loading screens can take a while. 1. Slow HDD RPM (ex: a 1 TB Sata 3 drive @ 5400 RPM = ) 2. Not enough RAM (has to page to disk more - see #1) 3. HDD is almost full. Recommendation from Microsoft and a good rule of thumb is to have at least 10% free for best performance. Means on a 1 TB drive, having at least 100 GB free. 4. Disk Fragmentation 5. Not enough GPU's on Video Card. Slower Rendering speed 6. Not Enough / Slow CPU's. Tied with #5 (CPU does do some of the rendering) 7. Slow Backplane 8. OS not configured optimally 9. Outdated video drivers Another reason is how the asset files are. Unlike other games, you don't "zone" from one area to the next. It's why usually if there is a problem on a planet, it's the ENTIRE planet, and not just certain areas in the planet (though it could still happen). The Game has to "load" the assets so it can then place into memory all the assests required from that file that are needed, then "load" another file to load the assets from it. Then once they are all loaded, then it has to render everything. To put simply (say you are logging into Coruscant): 1. Loading Screen pops up 2. Opens up NPC / PC asset files and loads those into memory 3. Opens all the music assets into memory (you start hearing music play at loading screen) 4. Opens the Coruscant Planet asset file to load all the Planet assets into memory 5. Renders all the assets 6. Appears on your screen Remember those asset files are compressed. So when placed into memory, the files are uncompressed when pulled out of the asset file. So if Coruscant is 300 MB file, it could end up being 500 - 600 MB uncompressed. Now tie that into all the above reasons, and you can see how some people will have long load times and some may not. It is also why some people have low FPS and others seem to be fine (though we know there are SOME actual FPS issues in certain areas)
  5. just so people know from the guild summit interview:
  6. Wanted to Highlight this point about combat logs:
  7. The press NDA for the Guild Summit day 2 has been lifted. A few QA's and some infor about the Legacy System. Darthhater: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19985-guild-summit-day-two-content Massively: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/03/13/massivelys-hands-on-with-star-wars-the-old-republic-update-1-2 http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/03/13/hyperspace-beacon-making-sense-of-legacy/ SWTOR Hub (interview with J.O.): http://swtorhub.com/dash-everything-swtor-12-interview-james-ohlen
  8. In 1.2 with the Legacy system, you will be able to send things to your alts on the same server no matter the faction. Until then the non faction specific GTN is the only way to do it.
  9. When I did that, those mobs were definately Elite mobs. Make sure to fight them at the proper level as well. Use your stuns and abilities at the right times as well. Can't just zerg em. keyword: Lightning is BAD for your health
  10. I caught that. Also I caught a couple other things 1. They were indeed playing Republic. They were in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant 2. They weren't in a party even though Leonard said they were "Time to divide up the loot" There was no loot to divide up. You can tell because there were not party / raid frames 3. They must have each been playing a special version, because Sheldon didn't have a companion window. When they showed Bernadette's character, she had a companion window. But I think just about every nerd boy/girl after watching that episode went and got a Whip app for their phone lol I'll have to re-watch from the DVR but there was something else I noticed
  11. I'm gonna chime in on this one... The problem stems from the fact that the legacy system is ALREADY in the game - but not functional. The system was put there, we were told about it, but never really given any specifics on how it worked. And up until now, no one (other than BW) knew how it would really work. So people have been playing one way, only to find out it actually works a different way. I was actually thinking about this last night. Myself, I'm in not an alt-aholic as some people are. The system in itself is designed to reward alt-aholics. And having a system in place, that no one knows how it works or will work, people played various classes. Now that they know some details, Some really wish they would have played a different Species to start with. Why play a HUMAN, which is available to all classes, as a Sith Warrior, when i can play a Sith, and at lvl 50, I unlock it for ALL classes. But then you come to the problem of "I don't play alts - I mainly play my main - the first character I create. Maybe 1 other character but mainly my first character." They now have no benefits from the legacy system. Short of what may come by adding their companion (which you won't be able to in 1.2) to their legacy. I know people are saying a lot of people are whinning about it, but the problem started with BW becasue we had a system in place, that no one other than BW even knew how it worked. We were left with a system that was in-place, but we knew nothing about. It's like being told "Hey, you can play hide and go seek" so you and your friends start playing it. Then after 8 hours, you are told "By the way, here are the rules for hide and go seek." I'm not whining about it, but it would have been some usefull information from the start.
  12. They stated this is what they were doing: Here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/economic-changes-patch-1.1.5 They are removing them from the game and putting in new ones. They are also trying to make some changes to the economy.
  13. They did mention it briefly. It was a brief +1 response. They mentioned depending on the relationship would make it more likely for someone with a father / mother force sensitive a future family member being force sensitive rather than say an ally or mortal enemy. I might have misunderstood the explanation
  14. It is 100% Confirmed. Abilities for that class are opened up for purchase for use with another character. The species is also opened up for use by ALL classes for any other character you create. So you could have a Sith Pureblood as a Jedi (ultimate win-win). There is a catch though. Your Bounty Hunter can only force choke, if someone in the family is force sensitive. For instance you could have: Sith Warrior - Father | Jedi Knight - Son <-> Bount Hunter - Ally | Jedi Consular - Mortal Enemy In the above situation, the Bounty hunter would not be able to use force choke as there is "no one in the family" who is force sensitive I.E. - Father / mother / etc.. so certain abilities would not be available to him
  15. You use to be able to this - then Illum happened and it got turned off during one of those patche (if I remember correctly). It was to keep the credit spamming on the Fleets to a minimum, as well as put a level restriction on how early one could access the fleet. It was also to help try and stop the treasure chest camping that was going on. A side effect was that it also now meant you were unable to travel to a different planet until you first finished your class quest on your Homeworld.
  16. We are NOT getting dual-spec. We are getting MULTI-SPEC I don't think they said yesterday an exact time-frame - but it is coming
  17. They are trying to be carefull with the combat logs. They know people want them (I want them if nothing else for myself) but they don't want people using them to judge people before judging skill. Just because I can put out 200 dps, doesn't mean I have any skill in using my abilities properly - it just means I can output 200 dps. I'm not saying that in some cases, wanting DPS / DEF / etc... is not a good thing; but using it soley to judge someone is something I do not like seeing people doing. To me (and apparently to BW and many others) skill > all. Too many times people look at your gear, or your DPS, or something similar and just assume "ohhh, I don't want them cause they will be bad" and not even take the time to look at skill. I was once in a guild who swore up and down I could not Tank certain mobs cause I was "too low level" and "wasn't properly geared." Needless to say, my day came and they saw my Skill > All. I was then used as a main tank - even though I "wasn't properly geared and too low level." For those saying combat logs are not needed - they are. When used properly, you can determine where the problems are, who took too much damage, who wasn't doing their job, etc... not for saying "ohh you just plain suck." When you lose a battle, the logs can say "hey Jedi Knight.. You are taking too much damage too fast, we need to mitigate that somehow. How about the Shadow slows down on DPS abilities and help the Sage out and try and keep Force Shields and damage reduction abilities up on the Knight to help. The fight might take a little longer, but we will also last longer." BW doesn't want us to get into the situation you get into with many other MMO's. Going into a fight saying "We need to take 2 capitalists, 3 socialists, and 4 Australians into the battle in order to win" and that's what EVERYONE does. That just excludes others from those battles forcing them into certain classes in order to play. They want us playing off of skill, and not some number. And I'm OK with that
  18. I typically just go and fight Elites. They tend to drop decent amounts of cash - even at the lower levels. Also, going back and doing the Daily heroics / flashpoints, even if they are not viable XP wise, they still tend to yield out decent credits. And if you go back through them solo, all those mobs giving out credits are now all your credits
  19. No prob bro. I think it's fun going back through some of the low level content and just 1-shotting everything before the other person can even attack. I also always ask "have you done <insert activity> before? No - here's what you need to do" people can't learn if no one is willing to help
  20. How is forcing someone to change their name due to forced server merges good? I chose my legacy, I thought long and hard about it, I picked one that I liked and wanted - why am I forced to change it. The Devs have already said that the Legacy System is what is causing the most problems with server transfers and I can see why. You have John Barsenthor on Server-A. You have Monica Barsenthor on Server-B. They both like their legacy name and want to keep it. Server-A is being forced to transfer to Server-B. Why should John be penalized when he wasn't looking to transfer anyways. It wasn't his choice. And at launch, BW was asking people to pick lower-pop servers to avoid queues, so John did as they asked. Then they force him to move to a different server. Why should he be punished and forced to change his name because of what BW is forcing him to do. So then how do you determine who gets to keep their Legacy Name? Playtime? Subscription time? Guild Status? Friend list? # of characters? Legacy level? Sure, there are those out there who WANT to change their legacy name because they didn't think it through and now have an odd / crappy Legacy name they don't like, but many people also THOUGHT about it and were carefull (as we were warned many times in various ways) and have a legacy name they like / adore. Personally, I chose one very carefully and it rolls off the tounge nicely. It's not offensive, not some "alternate meaning" word or anything like that and it goes with all the character names I can think of - even IRL names. If I were forced to change it becasue of a forced server merge, I can't say I would be very happy about it. My Character Name - yeah I can change that not such a big deal. But our Legacy Name we were told MANY times to chose it carefully cause it effects ALL our other characters.
  21. My $0.02.. People are looking for X-Server because they say their server is "Dead" / "Low Pop." I will not disagree that there are truly A FEW servers that are "Low Pop" servers. I say for those, allow transfers to other servers which are more heavily populated. The Devs have stated that they can manually transfer characters, but the legacy system is proving to be an issue. That one thing is going to be the biggest problem to X-Server queues. It's a unique name, that can be applied to multiple characters on the same server. Now you add in X-Server and now "John Smith" on Server-A and "Monica Smith" on Server B are in the same instance. Think of how those legacy points could get screwed up. A LFG / LFO / LFF / etc.. tool that throws you in an queue - I say NO to that all day long. IMO, it takes away the social aspect of the game. It is really that difficult to "/whisper <Player> 'Would you like to join my party for <insert activty here>?'" And a X-Server LFG tool makes a server community a mute point. The only way X-Server LFG tool could work is if they did something similar to what DCUO ended up doing - MegaServers (as SOE calls them) where no matter what server you are on, everyone shares all the same instances / queues / world. And really, there is already a LFG tool in the game, /who; it just needs to be improved upon. If some things were improved upon, I think we would have fewer people asking for LFG, LFO, LFF, X-Server, etc... tools. 1. /who: It only returns 100 results. Reason being, when PC's in an area get to ~100, that's when the game starts creating new instances of the zone. So there could be 400 people in your zone, but only ~100 will be in your instance. I guess that's fine, but there's no good way to filter everything. I type in "cor" and it searches for anyone on the planets "CORuscant / CORriban / CORrellia," characters named "CORrbland / MiCORnic / BisenCOR." I could search for 35, then it returns all lvl 35 PCs, anyone with 35 in their name, anyone in the game in instance 35 / 235 / 356, etc... (what is it with the DEVs making everything STRINGS....). Then i think "AHHH Search for 35 Jedi...." :/ anyone level 35, anyone who is a Jedi, anyone with Jedi in their name, anyone in the JEDI temple, anyone in instance 35 / 235 / 351, anyone in an area that has JEDI in it...... There's no good way to really do a decent search. 2. I can mark myself as LFG, but I can't say what im LFG FOR. It just shows in /who as I'm LFG. Also, the problem mentioned in #1, adds to the frustration. There needs to be an option to be able to specify what I'm LFG for. I might be farming crafting materials and just LFG for Flashpoints, Operations, etc... not neccisarily a "leveling / questing" party. I don't want to have to sit in X-Area trying to find a group when I can be doing other things while I'm LFG. 3. There is no real reason to be in a Guild right now. It just says "I'm in a guild." There no real reason to want to join. The only reason being, it puts a bunch of people in the same chat no matter where you are so LFG becomes easier in a guild - a decent sized one that is. I know the Guild Summit is comming, but if you're going to have a Guild System in place, there needs to be a reason to be in them. 4. The UI really needs some ... tweaking. Has ever since Game Testing and everyone knows it. UI interface changes are comming, but would have been nice to have some of these features from the start. As well, the UI is HORRIBLE FOR HEALERS as well. Targeting party members is messy, and then the UI doesn't even tell you whom you've targeted. 5. The amount of Zone instancing. I understand the point, but there are a lot of people who don't realize that even though it says there are only 15 people in their Zone on the screen, there may be 2 other intances with 100 people each. So really, there are 215 people, but they only see 15, making it appear dead - because in their instance it is. IMO, improving the /who functionality would have the majority of people content with doing searches for party members, and adding more people to instances would make them look more lively.
  22. Why would anyone want to miss out on the great Never-Ending-Story planet of Taris. Plus all the Rhakghouls.. who would want to miss out on that
  23. The story itself is the same; only changed varying on the choices you make. But from the posts, it appears if you go DS Consular, the story makes absolutely no sense.
  24. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's an AIM based weapon: Weapon Proficiency: Techblade Able to equip techblades and other one-handed melee weapons tied to the Aim attribute For some reason, the Codex now lists Techblade (instead of Vibrosword) as Qyzens main weapon, but removed the above techblade entry from his abilities list.
  25. There are some Class quests were after you start them, you are restricted from leaving the planet until it is complete. I know that near the end of Act 1 when you return to Tython, the moment you get to Tython, it locks you from leaving the planet until you complete the Class Quest, then it unlocks. I know cause I was going to head back to the republic fleet and when you click on the ship to leave Tython, it says "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You actually THOUGHT we were going to let you leave this planet" So I would check your class quests - it's probably the one responsible.
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