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Everything posted by XxHazenxX

  1. People leaving and coming back is a fact of MMOs, of course, but the update structure/schedule/effort in SWTOR is objectively one of the worst, if not the worst of any "story-driven" MMO to date. That's not OK and why other MMOs (like ESO and FFXIV) currently are, and have been, wiping the floor with SWTOR.
  2. Uh if you're talking about a game getting lots of love, I think you've mistaken SWTOR for ESO or FFXIV... because if you take a look at the SWTOR update history, I think it shows quite the opposite. This is objectively one of the least updated modern and active MMOs on the market bud. Before SWTOR, I played SWG from 2004-2011 when it shut down, so I was mostly used to making my own content since that's the type of game SWG was, which I loved (It wasn't really until Rage of the Wookies and Trials of Obi-Wan that SWG got actual story content updates). Anyway, I've been here with SWTOR since the website and forums opened. If you look, I was the 6389th person to join the forums out of however many millions now. That doesn't mean anything on it's own I know, but I'm just trying to say I've literally been here and active since THE beginning with an active sub from launch to present day. I say all that to say this: It wasn't until very recently (last few months) when I dove into ESO that I understood what ACTUAL content updates on a regular basis really are. There's a reason why ESO is one of the top MMOs going right now and SWTOR is nowhere close. It's because Zenimax is working their asses off pushing out compelling and thoughtful content while EAWare is going years without the amount of content to match even one ESO DLC (not even expansion... just DLC...). As I've said, I've been a loyal defender of SWTOR for years and years, but honestly, EAWare should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves with how bad other MMO companies with IPs that aren't even 25% as interesting or rich as Star Wars are wiping the floor with them. TLDR: The phrase "is getting lots of love" and "SWTOR" are like water and oil.
  3. This... is probably the most pointless post I've ever seen on this forum.
  4. I miss the vanilla Emperor voiced by Doug Bradley (Pinhead in Hellraiser) who was passively hyped since before the game even came out (in the Holorecording log releases). Meeting him in the game after hearing so much about it with tons of speculation about who he might be was what really made me want to play all the stories to get the full picture. Valkorian sucked... honestly everything about KofFE/KotET sucked IMO.
  5. TK was what I played on my main (before I unlocked Jedi) on Flurry in SWG. I think an unarmed melee class would be great in SWTOR.
  6. Pretty sure trolling. On-topic, I can't really get excited for a new stronghold that no one will ever visit either. If housing was somehow open world, not instanced, and not limited by "hooks," my view would be different, as I'm someone who actually loves player housing, but I was also spoiled with probably the best housing system in any game ever (SWG). Nothing has come close to that level of creativity, freedom, and usefulness. So yea... couldn't really care less about the Rishi stronghold.
  7. Necro'd threads are also stupid.
  8. Why the hell are we talking about the SW movies in this thread?
  9. Even though I hated what the NGE did to SWG, I did like the additional content/items added to the game as a result, and I'm really happy I stumbled upon this thread because I installed this last night and the OP is right, it's a very populated 100% finished (or seems to be) emulator. I've been following SWGEmu since 2006, but I haven't wanted to fully invest time in it until it hits 1.0 and there is a wipe (since everyone can have 10 characters for testing), which is still a little ways off.
  10. Lmao this is the ticket response I got like a lot of you... CS is *********** incompetent. Literally not ONE of my tickets EVER submitted since closed beta has ever been fixed by CS. I've always just been told "welp sorry!" Get your **** together. "Hi there! Here is Marilyn from Star Wars ™: The Old Republic Ingame Customer Service Advisor who handled your concern ticket. Thanks for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service regarding with your Conquest Achievement Rewards. I am sorry if your character did not get the Conqueror title from the previous Conquest week. I understand where you are coming from because this also happened to me before and apparently, the reason why I did not get the said achievement is because I joined my guild after the Conquest week started. I know that this is not the answer that you are expecting however, after checking the logs of your character, I am afraid that the Conqueror title will really not be granted to your character because you joined the guild after the reset of the Conquest week. To become eligible in getting the Conquest rewards, please make sure you are part of a guild before the start of each Conquest week, and you should not quit the guild during the said week. Conquest week starts at 12:00 AM every Tuesday. If you need to check back on any details of the case, you can do so at any time by logging into the game on any of your characters and opening the Help Center (click on the '?' symbol on your main menu bar or press [Ctrl] and [/])."
  11. I have submitted multiple tickets in-game about this issue and they've all gone ignored, so I thought I would post here to see if anyone else has the same problem with this specific piece of armor (or any other armor for that matter). My Operative character has the RD-06B Eliminator Jacket as it's outfit designer chest piece. I have had a red/black dye stamped on the jacket for almost 2 years give or take, but the dye only displays in the Character Sheet window, not in the game world or the character select screen... it only shows the jacket's default color (as seen in the screenshots in the link above), but the rest of my outfit pieces show the red/black customization. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? I've tried restamping the dye, trying different dyes, etc.
  12. Same happened to me. Republic - Harbinger - Yavin 4 Conq
  13. I don't post much anymore, but let me break it down for you: 1) Last time I checked, 8.5 years (SWG) is longer than 5 (SWTOR). 2) Even IF SWTOR outlives SWG (which it very well might), that's no gauge of SWTOR being "the better game" of the two because of many different variables. SWG still had a healthy enough and profiting sub population when it shut down... far healthier than many MMOs that are still existing today. It was shut down because what was LucasArts at the time (before the Disney merge), from a business standpoint, obviously didn't want to segregate the Star Wars player-base, i.e it's more profitable to have ALL Star Wars gamers in one game than it is to have them split between two games. SWG was shut down for this reason. It's not a coincidence that SWG went offline on December 15th, 2011 and SWTOR launched on December 20th, 2011, just 5 days later. 3) Google is your friend. Use it before you post. 4) Yes SWG is the better game despite its problems... and that's not my opinion. Objectively, SWG, by the purest definition of what an "MMORPG" is, is the better game just by the fact that it's deeper and more feature rich in MMO design (huge focus on community, player-driven economy, be anything you want, do anything you want, reliance on other players, etc.). SWTOR is a single-player RPG with the option to do group content via a lobby... It's more like Global Agenda was than anything.
  14. SWG made me feel like I was actually in a living, breathing, and vibrant Star Wars universe centered on community, and I don't know too many people at all who felt differently... Best gaming experience of my life, despite the bugs/flaws. This 100 extra "exciting" levels of GC just makes me wish this game would die already, so someone else can get a try at making a SW MMO (hopefully without EA screwing it up too) and hope that it doesn't end up like this. I was beyond hyped for this game... I was the 6389th registered user on the forums and have been here since the day they announced the game officially all the way to now, but I find myself wondering why I keep up my sub when I see announcements like this GC crap. It's like a slap in the face.
  15. I'm torn between crit and alacrity augments... I'm thinking about just splitting half crit and half alacrity because I don't know what else to do lol. People have been telling me to go for full mastery augments since 5.0, but that doesn't seem very beneficial.
  16. Actually that'd be kinda cool I think! Like the events of KotFE and KotET were visions of things to come or something unless something is done to prevent it. That could put the writing team in a spot to get themselves out of the corner they're in story-wise. Hopefully that would mean the Emperor would go back to being Vitiate aka Doug Bradley too lol
  17. I mean, I agree, but where exactly can BW go now story-wise? When you reach the end of KotET, and all the events leading up to it, there's not much more that can be done from a character development/character importance standpoint... IMHO, I feel like anything they do from here story-wise is just going to feel unimportant and weak, but I don't know, maybe I'm just not thinking creatively enough lol.
  18. I know, I saw, but that ignores the issue that the Odessen gift vendor is stupidly overpriced based on what we were given per the conversion ratios.
  19. I tried asking about this vendor on the stream the other day, but the chat spam was too quick. The conversion rate from 30 green comms to 250k is ridiculous. Yet Eric essentially alluded to the fact that the upcoming "master" chapter modes will be damn near impossible without a level 50 companion
  20. And 7/11 was a part-time job. On topic, the OP is amazing and we need an official response.
  21. Happening here too... Good to know it's not just me. I just upgraded to a GTX 1080, so I was worried something was wrong with my card since this hasn't happened before lol.
  22. I'm still waiting for my Chapter 10 progress to be given back to me, so I don't have to play through the whole damn thing again -_-
  23. Same here... Was at the very end of Chapter 10 and just logged in to find that the whole thing reset on me.
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