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Posts posted by Foreignobjects

  1. I have been playing the game for a long time now and I know that it takes place way before the original three movies' timeline but I can't help but want this.


    I am a die hard Imperial Guard fan, read the crimson empire, ect ect. This game allows you to make allot of different looks, I mean I saw a guy running around as Dante from Devil may cry, but I die inside that I can't make a real looking imperial guard. The way they are depicted in game is alright but the helmets kill me.


    I would buy hundreds of cartel packs just to get a helm like this if they'd simply release the model for the game.



    There are two helmets that get close but just don't cut it. The primary being the Cassus Fett helm. That is by far the closest I can get and why I bought it. Though it has glaring issues to me in cut scenes, the "T" visor, clipping issues on chest pieces, the seem lines where the helmet is "sewn together or attached" and the shape to a degree.


    The second not great option is the Revered Seer's helm but those flaws are even more glaring. The horns, the lack of visor over the eyes, and ultimately its hood look is less sleek looking than a true Imperial Guard Helm.


    I know some will just say oh well the game gives allot and they can't please everyone but I seriously would die happy having that helm placed in the game lol


    i agree with u. i believe that armor from the movies. should be int he game and strongly believe that it will.. since disney has influence on the game now

  2. ive been looking at pics of kylo ren. and revan... cause i was trying to make a kylo ren suit in game... and so far.. i came up with the Vendicator mask. revan type legs. chest im on the fence but its hard to find a chest with a revan reborn type cape and hood... kylo rens is short cap. but basically Kylo ren is kinda modeled after revan if u think about it. its almost like a revan reborn/ orignial revan suit combined... i wonder if disney took revan in mind when they were making kylo ren's design...


    just curious btw. if anyone knows what chest i can use to make kylo ren in game. pls let me know. pm me or post on here... Dark Seeker chest looks good with a black/black dye. but no short tattered cape.

  3. ive been looking at pics of kylo ren. and revan... cause i was trying to make a kylo ren suit in game... and so far.. i came up with the Vendicator mask. revan type legs. chest im on the fence but its hard to find a chest with a revan reborn type cape and hood... kylo rens is short cap. but basically Kylo ren is kinda modeled after revan if u think about it. its almost like a revan reborn/ orignial revan suit combined... i wonder if disney took revan in mind when they were making kylo ren's design...


    just curious btw. if anyone knows what chest i can use to make kylo ren in game. pls let me know. pm me or post on here... Dark Seeker chest looks good with a black/black dye. but no short tattered cape

  4. not sure where i should put this so here it will go.


    looking for players or old guilds that had stuck together from the old SwG corbantis server, i know i have seen some of the same name guilds around occasionally on my server jumping but sadly, no one ever seems to want to respond to my inquiries or just plain old ignores me....


    my name in old game is Mokole, i had been part of a guild and player city on tatooine from the first day i started SwG, if anyone remembers the small guild Wolf Pack <WlFpk> i think is how he set it lol.

    our city was located a little ways away from the krayt graveyard, with another player city inbetween us and it.... some of you may remember Bubbah, that was his group of friends player town.... ahhhh the memories of the old pvp matches we had against them guys lol good times... anyways,

    like i said just wondering if you guys were still around or who is who these days.....


    Goto facebook and search Bloodfin EMU swg server thers over 2k players on the server. it has the most solid jedi system along with the FRS system in place. jtl. no wipes and players from all kinds of servers. ive been on it for years. and ive tried every emulator server out there. and trust me bloodfin

    Emu is the best of them all.. alot of people that play swtor never played SWG, so yea bloodfin.net or the facebook page for bloodfin emu is ur best bet on finding players from ur server

  5. Armor similar to the Mandalorian Hunter set, except with the shoulder pads and jetpack.


    i agree. i also like the preservers suit the helmet just needs the flag antenna thing like alot of the mandalorian helmets like jango's . and the one thing i also dont like about the preserver set is thers no jetpack on it either and those tubes on it are stupid. but in all out of all the mando suits . i favor Torch's/ preservers. and hunters suits the best

  6. This dumb statement keeps getting thrown around.


    Not being canon does not mean they can do anything and everything. They still need to keep within the SW lines, otherwise it would no longer be a SW based game. Do they get to create and explore new things? Yes but still they need to keep within the lines.




    To the Op none of it, it doesn't belong in this time period. Oh and definitely no traditional Jedi robes, I don't care if KOTOR did they shouldn't have, this is a different time Jedi wore different things. The Jedi can be stale but not that stale to wear the same style for thousands of years.



    again. just because it hasnt been seen yet in this game. how do u know what was in this time period is there a book that says what exactly is and isnt around or invented in this time period, and yes they probobly will add jedi robes that are modeled after the movies.. they already added cloaks like theirs. in the exterminator robe. by the way which was added after disney bought sw. Disney didnt wanto renew the IP on this game is what i read a while back right when disney bought star wars. it was something about all the stuff they were canceling and what was going to be made... for instance.


    The Darth Maul Game " Canceled by disney"

    The Force unleashed Final chapter "Canceled"

    SWG Disney renewed the IP to Daybreak aka SOE"

    Swtor. "Disney wasnt happy it wasnt canon." they gave EA a load of cash to re invent it in a way to add more relevant to the movie canon in some ways. NO ONE knows what they are gonna add in the coming months Item wise. so dont say there For surely not adding Traditional jedi robes cause you dont know that

  7. Sigh, I'll try not to start up THAT debate again (So I'll just say you aren't correct and leave it at that), but at the very least, at this moment, this game IS canon in the Legends Universe, and since they are completely separate universes, that's even more reason NOT to have stuff from Episode 7.


    So... Just because the game in whole isnt canon , you really think they won't add Lore and canon items to this game.. have you ever played a franchise game before. specially an online one. they'l do everything they can to make more money. and as a play ill tell u what.. id bay 1k cartel coins for kylo ren's lightsaber. just sayin. its all about consumerism . You think just because the game was created at a time when george lucas didnt want anything too canon or related to lore in the game .. but now disney owns it they want it to have lore related stuff , you think they aren't going to add canon items. specially stuff from TFA even if its just for style and has nothing to do with the games story, cause i believe they will add more then whats already in game

  8. So Endor then? ;)


    Felucca I believe was the fungus planet from Episode III I think that would be interesting to see.


    Kessel I don't think the spice mines have ever been depicted in a video game.


    I also wouldn't mind if new zones were added to existing planets instead.


    endor would be awesome too... another swg planet... if u ever played Star wars empire at war thers like 50 planets maybe more in that game i think... there are so many planets from the actual star wars lore. thats all im sayin what planets from the actual star wars content . would be great in this game...


    Felucca is amazing too they did a great job of that in TFU. and kashyyk is awesome too good choices..


    i forgot about illum. as well. my bad

  9. /facepalm

    They have not removed any of the original score from the game. This game has mixed it's own original score with John Williams works and also mixed in tracks from the original KOTOR games. However the vast majority of the music in this game, included all of the ambient planetary music was created for this game. And that music is still here.


    yes they did all dramatic scenes had the score bioware made removed. yes you hear it on planets as ur walking sometimes but thers more of john williams score then biowares now for sure.. if u played at launch and beta u would know there was no music by john williams at all .... u have to play through the story to notice it.. ive been leveling character since launch and it has change. since disney took over star wars.

  10. [quote=JeKoCZ;8430784

    between the game era and the movies er (Like the aRazalon speeder Maul uses which is similar to the hundres of variants we have), other things like armors and especially sabers gets an evolution in design aswell. It has been Anakin himself wielding it.


    ummm Darth maul uses the Bloodfin speeder. nothing like the razalon i see where ur coming from it sorta has that rounded bottom but its nothing like it here is some screen caps of each






    Razalon below

    thers actually like 5 different types


  11. Yes!! I'd love Kylo's armor, or at least helmet. And a cross guard lightsaber would be awesome to have. I hate the "it's 3000 years before the film's" excuse from posters on here. The game is not officially canon anymore, and with EA wanting to get hype from their SW games by tying into TFA (Battlefront, upcoming Galaxy of Heroes mobile game), why wouldn't they ask/force BioWare to throw in some TFA tie-in stuff? They put a modified version of Rey's speeder in the game, why can't they add a Kylo Ren armor set albeit tweaked a bit? Or a First Order blaster, again tweaked in design a tad bit? It'll promote TFA, and maybe even bring in more players who'd want to look like Kylo Ren in a game,


    I know they won't put anything in the game, but it'd be awesome if they did.


    your wrong

    Disney gave EA tons of money to add Canon stuff too the game as i typed before... They Removed ALL the score music bioware made for this game and replaced it with John Williams scores from all the movies.. thers only biowares score music in a couple parts of the game but barely at all... also Disney at first wanted this game shut down because it wasnt canon. but we will probobly with this new xpansion and near the TFA release and future movies we will see Canon / and lore items / planets. armor/ weapons /vehicles added for sure , this games survivability is relying on it

  12. im working on making kylo ren... if anyone has any ideas... please post... i have a couple. but of course a black/black dye is needed there just so expensive... i figure the vindicator mask will work well enough..., the only part im having trouble finding the right part is the chest.. the dark seeker dyed pure black could work for kylo ren... but im still looking.


    anyhelp is appretiated .. im on Shadowlands... as Toshiela rebel and Scóurge as imp. are my mains pm me on here or in game

  13. Dathomir - is my number 1 pick .. cause zabraks are basically enslaved there at birth and it would open up a awesome story line for nightsisters and the singing mountain clan


    Dantooine...- Not cause it was in Kotor only but its a Great force sensitive type planet. lots of awesome lush envirements. another swg planet


    Naboo - , mainly naboo is not a battlezone. but..and this game isnt a sandbox. but i just would love to see what naboo looked like in the time period


    Bespin - wasnt in swg but this planet would be amazing.... even better then nar shada . and i want the streets of bespin like in JEdi knight 3 jedi outcast. not just cloud city like in the force unleashed on ps2

  14. No one had heard of the ewoks until that movie. It's stated in the movie. :p


    i dont know about that... the characters in the movies. never heard of ewoks. but... 3k years. and no one seen a ewok or w/e.. thats a bit far fetched. , theres certain things when the game was made that bioware was and wasnt allowed to use.. names. items.. planets.... examples below


    Treek never refers to herself as an ewok. , nor no one says the word ewok... doesnt mean no one knows about them


    they were only allowed to use certain planets. coruscant. hoth. corellia , tattooine . Nar shada, alderan . the rest were made up for the game... and in kotor. tython. korriban. not sure about quesh. Oricon is basically mustafar , cause thers actually dark jedi temples on mustafar, if u played swg u know. . Voss. makeb , belsavis ,


    when disney bought and demanded they add more canon to the game.. they took out all the score music for the most part made for this game and replaced it with john williams scores from all 6 movies.. they added yavin IV. and we will see way more. in the coming dlcs/ expansion/updates... specially with the new movies coming out. cause Disney gave EA a bunch of money to update the game with canon content and items/planets


    so basically when this game was created george lucas said they could only use so much as i listed above.. make there own soundtrack. blah blah excetra ... cause of what happend to swg... cause that game takes place after the first movie.. and its Totally canon. and he wasnt sure how the game was gonna turn out.. hints thats why its 3k years in the past. up until this new expansion.. so we will see..


    i have hope they will add alot of canon items /weapons/vehicles. more armor/ planets. i wanto see dantooine and Dathomir the most. but thats for another post

  15. id really like to see a kylo ren type saber added to the market.


    also jedi robes that arent bath robes. hints the Eradicator sith suit perfect example. short sleeves , and the Belt around the cloak ones suck


    the Kreia chest/robe and the Exterminator robes are the most iconic looking jedi / sith cloaks , id love to see more jedi robes that are say like Anakin and Obi wans from episode 3. those are the perfect example of standard jedi garbs




    i know the saber is probobly a long shot.. but since the movie is coming out soon and disney would like more canon stuff in this game. i think it would rule if they added kylo rens saber but id be happy with a saber thats like it at least


    the Dark legionere armor is great storm trooper armor but id love to see replica storm trooper armor either the original stuff or the ep 7 armor

  16. So, what if, when deciding what class you want to get instant to lvl60, you would be presented with 2 aditional options, the Imperial Trooper and the SiS Agent?

    And if this would be the only way to play those new classes, with no full class story, not getting missions in lower level planets, etc, would you still chose one of the "old" classes, or one of the new ones?


    Trying to be realistic, to give us a new class with full class story at this moment, would be too much of an investment, unless they been working of that for very long time, but no one believes that, so, the instant lvl60 option does seem the only viable option to get a new class in-game.


    It will still require some work and investment from the company, designing new gear and weapons, new voice actors, new companions (even if without back story, but the classes still need companions to fight with, and to work the crew skills), and for this it would still cost cartel coins to unlock it, but would you take this opportunity?


    Lets face it, we all played more then enough missions, to have a good idea of what a Imperial Trooper and SiS Agent story would be like, we wouldnt get anything brand new even with 3 full chapters, so if you dont mind a instant lvl60 of an "old" class, why not a brand new class instead?


    And if this works (enough cartel market sales), maybe one day we can get a Imperial Smuggler and Republic BH, that would be new personajes, and not a faction change. For example, the BH in-game is the champion of the great hunt, and for Rep BH, it would be another BH, someone that for some reason decided to leave the Mandalorian clan and start getting jobs in the Republic. Same goes for the Smuggler.


    If we make the path easier, we might actually get something out of it.


    ive always thought BH's / troopers. smugglers. and agents should be neutral at first and u choose a faction... heck sith warrior/jediknight and Consular and inquisitors.

    If u wanto be a jedi knight u pick the force sensitive warrior and then choose your path. to become sith warrior or jedi knight as well...


    so in all... tython and korriban wouldnt be the starting planets. u should start out on a neutral force sensitve jedi type planet , but in this game imperials that are born force sensitive become sith. they dont have a choice to be a jedi. but if it was in the future . canon time. its almost like everyone that is force sensitive starts out training as a jedi and either falls to the dark side or stays Light....


    in all the Dark and light side raiting would be an awesome faction changing bar as well


    say u wanto be rebel./republic .. u goto do missions or kill certain npcs. to gain lightside points and goto be a little positive light side to be republic. and if u wanto change to imp u do the same but for darkside points.


    THERS all kinds of sweet stuff they could do for this game. specially with this subject

  17. First he gets defeated single-handedly by a Padawan Obi-Wan and then, even when he's fighting 2v1, he still loses.

    btw obi wan at that point isnt a padawan anymore . qui gon was about to have him promoted. its not like hes esra bridge noobish,


    Too bad they canceled the Darth maul video game.. if ur curious google it . thers video footage of the game

  18. I haven't seen a single one untill I watched Clone Wars uh huh...and even if they were present in past, what's the difference? I'm not sure I follow. They look exactly the same.


    What's your problem really? Do you just argue for the sake of arguing? Or is it your hatred for EP VII? Tell us your story.

    your exactly right.... people just hate to hate it seems like... why not have canon armor/robes , weapons and vehicles. other then the ones that are already in game.

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