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Posts posted by Foreignobjects

  1. To support the original poster, i would like to say that linking two guilds together if they are run by the same person but on different factions is actually quite possible. There is already a option to make/join a custom channel. You don't see the channel until you join it. Apply that concept to Cross faction Guild Chat and it eliminates most of the problems to Cross faction guild Chat in previous posts. Yes there is TS and Mumble and what not, but not everyone's computer's can handle the extra load/strain that would be put on them. However, i would like to add that if the Cross Guild Chat was incorporated into the already existing guild chat then each character's name will have the name of the faction they are on at the moment right next to their name like with the instances. IF you can not understand what i mean, then here is a example:


    [Guild] [Cassy] [Republic] : Hello :)

    [Guild] [Robert098] [imperial]: Hello Cassy, feel like doing an OP?

    [Guild] [Cassy] [Republic]: Sure, what side?

    Although i am not a game developer and don't know what kind of coding nightmare or money problems might follow this, i do know that this idea can actually help a lot of people.


    IF you are going by whether or not it is against the Game lore, then please remember that this idea is about ease of communication between members of the same guild but across different factions.


    Another option to consider is one that was mentioned in a previous post. Cross faction Guilds instead of Chat. Mind you, a lot of guilds out there are Role play guilds, Player vs environment guilds, and Player vs player guilds. in some RP guilds whose Guild RP story line involves both factions, Having a Cross faction Guild would be a God send.


    Now to take it a step further and promote actually going to the other faction's planets would require a lot of thought time, man power, and money to make it possible since I have seen in some other posts on this Forum people state that Bio ware does not have enough staff, money, or time to implement a lot of the ideas and suggestions put forward by the people who play the game.




    [NeutralChat] [Republic] [/color]: Hello

    [NeutralChat] [Robert098] [imperial]: Hello Cassy, feel like doing an OP?

    [NeutralChat] [Cassy] [Republic]: Sure, what side?


    i get what you mean and yea it would be cool. but Connecting guilds on opposite factions is too much work and not enough of what they could do.... Just ADD cross Faction PST/ Cross FAction /cjoin chat channels. .. that would solve everything, it would be alot of work to go through the programing and create a system to Connect Guilds from opposite factions and kinda pointless in the big picture, cause what you posted is easily handled by the fixed suggestion i proposed, but i like your thinking :) Cheers

  2. Hi, now on top of them needing to just add Cross Faction /tells, and leading into another feature they should add would BE AMAZING, and one of a kind type feature, FACTION Change, using the Dark / light points... ill walk you through how it would work. STAY WITH ME.


    So. You create a character like normal, choose your class. Looks what ever, none of that changes. But,


    Once you are in game, and at level 50 or w/e maybe earlier I don’t know. But you start out as neutral like you do now. As you level your dark or light side points. Say your a Jedi knight Guardian, you level to Dark 5, there is a Quest guy on the fleet, a "spy" / sympathizer if you will, who offers you a quest chain to change to the imperial alliance, and vise versa if your a imperial wanting to go to Rebel.


    you Do the Quest or quests , "they could make it awesome" or very simple, but you level to Dark 5 as a Jedi knight or w/e and you have the choice to change to a Sith Warrior Juggernaut,


    Now if you’re wondering about this "WHAT ABOUT BOUNTY HUNTERS, SMUGGLERS, TROOPERS, and AGENTS, Cause obviously with the warrior/knight and inquisitor and consular they just change to the other, but this is the awesome part.


    If your a Trooper, and do this, you stay a trooper. WHICH IS AWESOME, the reason I say you should be past 50 to do this cause you cant do the Class quests as a Imperial Trooper lol, so that’s why it should be that way, it would be awesome, A Imperial Smuggler, Trooper, and Rebel Spy and Bounty hunters, cause there are these types of classes.


    The Key thing to remember , is it will NOT conflict with the main story line, cause if they do it so you HAVE to complete your story line to do this, that’s even better, but either way is fine with me, and that would be the easiest way they can do it,


    This is why also I think they should have Cross Faction PST, if you make friends, and then change faction you should be able to talk to them anyway, but not only that.... for sales reasons..... We should be able to run all the new content with the opposite faction, that’s one thing they really should take out of the SWG "Star Wars Galaxies book".


    Please support this idea, because not only would it give the community more to do, it would let us do more cross faction PVP events. contacting the opposite faction instead of having to log onto an alt that is the opposite faction to set up player events, and lets be honest, since there is no cross faction chat ATM, besides /Say /Spatial, our factions sit on the fleet and talk crap to each other, when they could be fighting with the opposite faction instead of each other. I know there is always going to be Trolls that are just jerks cause they can be, but this will add more to our community in a positive Way, CHEERS,



  3. I would like to re-push this suggestion. My guildies and I have been really wishing there could be cross-faction chat.

    Cross-faction guilds would be even better, but at least consider enable us to chat with our sister guild. Just today, we kept missing each because we were switching back and forth; cross-faction chat would have helped a lot.

    Additionally, KotFE seems esp suited to this new feature please.


    I Second this as well, but I think they also need to just add Cross Faction /tells, and leading into another feature they should add would BE AMAZING, and one of a kind type feature, FACTION Change, using the Dark / light points... ill walk you through how it would work.


    So. You create a character like normal, choose your class. Looks what ever, none of that changes. But,


    Once you are in game, and at level 50 or w/e maybe earlier I don’t know. But you start out as neutral like you do now. As you level your dark or light side points. Say your a Jedi knight Guardian, you level to Dark 5, there is a Quest guy on the fleet, a "spy" / sympathizer if you will, who offers you a quest chain to change to the imperial alliance, and vise versa if your a imperial wanting to go to Rebel.


    you Do the Quest or quests , "they could make it awesome" or very simple, but you level to Dark 5 as a Jedi knight or w/e and you have the choice to change to a Sith Warrior Juggernaut,


    Now if you’re wondering about this "WHAT ABOUT BOUNTY HUNTERS, SMUGGLERS, TROOPERS, and AGENTS, Cause obviously with the warrior/knight and inquisitor and consular they just change to the other, but this is the awesome part.


    If your a Trooper, and do this, you stay a trooper. WHICH IS AWESOME, the reason I say you should be past 50 to do this cause you cant do the Class quests as a Imperial Trooper lol, so that’s why it should be that way, it would be awesome, A Imperial Smuggler, Trooper, and Rebel Spy and Bounty hunters, cause there are these types of classes.


    The Key thing to remember , is it will NOT conflict with the main story line, cause if they do it so you HAVE to complete your story line to do this, that’s even better, but either way is fine with me, and that would be the easiest way they can do it,


    This is why also I think they should have Cross Faction PST, if you make friends, and then change faction you should be able to talk to them anyway, but not only that.... for sales reasons..... We should be able to run all the new content with the opposite faction, that’s one thing they really should take out of the SWG "Star Wars Galaxies book".


    Please support this idea, because not only would it give the community more to do, it would let us do more cross faction PVP events. contacting the opposite faction instead of having to log onto an alt that is the opposite faction to set up player events, and lets be honest, since there is no cross faction chat ATM, besides /Say /Spatial, our factions sit on the fleet and talk crap to each other, when they could be fighting with the opposite faction instead of each other. I know there is always going to be Trolls that are just jerks cause they can be, but this will add more to our community in a positive Way, CHEERS,




    1. More pistols with laser sights

    2. More Lightsabers with Iconic parts from the movies(like how the derelict lightsaber looks like Obi'wans and Luke's first one put together)

    3. More Sniper Rifles with Laser Sights


    i think even though lucasfilm aka Disney started being involved in this game anyway since KOTFE, alot of us though we would get alot of iconic stuff from the movies and clone wars. after they gave us Ben kenobi's Robe "Armor" from ep 4 aka old obi wans robe, named Exiled Master Armor set, i totally thought we would get lightsabers, armor, but like the Cross Guard Hilt also alot of people thought they were gonna add in the third pack , of the packs that introduced the Unstable sabers, but they didn't , i dont think we will get that , cause i dont think disney wants them to give any ammo for theories for New canon for the Old republic content , that lucasfilm will create beyond TOR,that will actually be canon, so why they dont just add these sabers, Anakins, lukes, Ren's Obi wans, qui gons, just like they did Obi wan kenobi's Exile robes, just for the style i dont know, but maybe they dont wanto add Rens cause of that reason, cause they are working on Old republic Canon and dont wanto put ANYTHING "YET" into this game, but i agree with you other then the Ren saber , they should add everything else,


    Cause if it werent for disney/lucasfilm We would not have the Targruta species. , When the Stupid Cathar w/e speicies came out, Bioware said they were not going to add anymore Species with lekuu type heads that clip armor helmets and robes. but... disney insisted they add the targruta and even had designed the final looks and modifications for it, as well as alot of stuff in kotfe , like the KOTOR style conversations with hylo viz and the other three, and alot of other stuff, but yea , if you like the Way the story mode is going, the solo flashpoints, solo everything, the Targruta, thank disney cause they pushed for it. :) P.s. i appologize for the bad spelling and grammar , my spell check isnt working and i type fast and horrible.

  5. What do you think? Yes or no on Valkorion's and an Arcann-inspired cybernetic armor set?


    i feel like thexan's armor is enough, and theres several sets from some of the force wielders of kotfe , i think they maybe should add his cybernetic helmet or mask w/e. of arkhan but i dont think they should add valkorians , hes the main bad guy atm, i dont think it should be added AT this time,

  6. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Please, Bioware, I'm begging you: don't do it! Please don't do it! That show is terrible, not to mention chalk full of poorly designed, ugly looking things, especially that one kid's "lightsaber" which looks more like some sort of nail gun, as well as the armor that the characters wear.


    So, again, please don't!


    i agree with you 100 percent i hate the inquistors , mainly their sabers, cause they are made in the show just to sell toys it seems like and especially when they started FLYING with them, i get floating down MAYBE, but full on FLIGHT, is just ridiculous , and the Whole skill saw blade OMG use that on my face, i dont mind the helmet of the nameless inquisitor in the finally but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont do it i agree

  7. How about neither of those. I really don't want to see people running around with items from a terribly animated kids' TV show and a movie where half the things didn't seem like they belonged (including the lightsaber).

    hmm so cause you dont like TFA? dont add these weapons. i agree with the OG poster about these. specially adding a stable model, cause rebels is trying to usher in the idea of the old republic ways into actual canon, so why not, and it will be the normal amount of people using it, cause some people dont like it, some people love it, its not gonna be like pub 15 swg and nge swg where you could unlock a jedi for free, and i think if they do release these theyl be SOOOO expensive so only very lucky and rich people will have them. "which i dont like that but, im all for them adding them"!

  8. we had 2 of them so far, I believe. and they were quite wonderful. now, I'm sure people will disagree, but IMO - collection costs as they are are just too much. but as I'm not getting my hopes up for a permanent cost reduction, it would be nice if we got one of those "half off collections unlocks sales" even if its for a weekend only.


    all I know is that with a sale its very likely that more people will buy more cartel items becasue they will actualy be able to unlock them without breaking bank.


    i remember this, it was like 50 % off, i loved it

  9. overall i like what they have done with our game, yea some nerfs ,but some great fixes. lets start with what they have added that is good.


    1. Adjusting flashpoints, planetary quests, ops, heroics, all to the level you are at, so at level 33 you can go back to corusant , and be down bolstered so you get xp for doing the quests, GREAT add, and with the ops and flashpoints its awesome too, cause at max level, doing hm EV lets you get some nice gear.


    2, SOLO flash points, ok so some people just dont like to group up with people, this game is not a sandbox mmo, its a theme park mmo, so it makes sense they did this, glad they did it, cause i can go and do every flashpoint i want , just to see the storys if i havent done it.


    3. outfit designer , ok thats all that needs to be said about that, ive been screaming for this ever since launch. its awesome , except theh credit dump in equiping items... but other then that WOOT.


    4. the kotor type conversation mode added to some of the new companions on odessen and the star fortress companions on the various planets, feels like they are trying to make some stuff more like kotor which is cool as hell.


    5. Gathering profession update, now you can go to say Yavin , or corellia, as a level 1 slicer and immedietly start harvesting nodes , you dont have to be the required level to harvest or pick up the resource anymore, another AWESOME feature, helps level u faster , cause you level your characters actual level if you Just do the story mode faster then you can level your crafting profession/gathering proffession, so it makes sense why they did it,


    now this is what i dont really like about swtor atm, and what they didnt really change with kotfe


    1. i hate GSF, i think its a failure, but after playing jump to lightspeed "swg"s space , is the best space EVER, i cant get into gsf, i actually like the regular space missions better then gsf,


    2. lack of player crafted substaning items, like armor repair and weapon repair kits, instead its another credit dump, it would give the player base something more to do if we had stuff like that , they could do alot, but its not very game breaking that it isn't in the game, just thought i would mention it, cause that would make the game just that much better, but as i said this game IS NOT a sandbox mmo, it is a theme park mmo, so yea .


    3. the pvp maps, and modes, they need to have 8 v 8 death match , style kill count wins modes, heck just let us do death matches on the maps that exist with 8 players, cause i LOVE 4v4 arena , but it never pops, so yea, another thing they should let u q up for what map and what you wanto do in pvp, if you wanto q up for 4v4 you should be able to check mark it, like the Grioup finder, if you wanto just do hutt ball , you uncheck everything but the hutt ball maps, , but over alli really think if they added the respawning deathmatch modes to new maps, and the current maps, alderan , Void star ship, the hutt ball maps, DANG that wiould rule, id pvp again, for sure,



    ANYWAY, thats my mini review of the current status of the game after kotfe , oh yea, and ADD A CROSS HILT SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a repost of my post in another post . i replied too but i think the stuff i posted is worth its own topic

  10. overall i dont think kotfe has ruined swtor, its added to it, yea some nerfs ,but some great fixes. lets start with what they have added that is good.


    1. Adjusting flashpoints, planetary quests, ops, heroics, all to the level you are at, so at level 33 you can go back to corusant , and be down bolstered so you get xp for doing the quests, GREAT add, and with the ops and flashpoints its awesome too, cause at max level, doing hm EV lets you get some nice gear.


    2, SOLO flash points, ok so some people just dont like to group up with people, this game is not a sandbox mmo, its a theme park mmo, so it makes sense they did this, glad they did it, cause i can go and do every flashpoint i want , just to see the storys if i havent done it.


    3. outfit designer , ok thats all that needs to be said about that, ive been screaming for this ever since launch. its awesome , except theh credit dump in equiping items... but other then that WOOT.


    4. the kotor type conversation mode added to some of the new companions on odessen and the star fortress companions on the various planets, feels like they are trying to make some stuff more like kotor which is cool as hell.


    5. Gathering profession update, now you can go to say Yavin , or corellia, as a level 1 slicer and immedietly start harvesting nodes , you dont have to be the required level to harvest or pick up the resource anymore, another AWESOME feature, helps level u faster , cause you level your characters actual level if you Just do the story mode faster then you can level your crafting profession/gathering proffession, so it makes sense why they did it,


    now this is what i dont really like about swtor atm, and what they didnt really change with kotfe


    1. i hate GSF, i think its a failure, but after playing jump to lightspeed "swg"s space , is the best space EVER, i cant get into gsf, i actually like the regular space missions better then gsf,


    2. lack of player crafted substaning items, like armor repair and weapon repair kits, instead its another credit dump, it would give the player base something more to do if we had stuff like that , they could do alot, but its not very game breaking that it isn't in the game, just thought i would mention it, cause that would make the game just that much better, but as i said this game IS NOT a sandbox mmo, it is a theme park mmo, so yea :).


    3. the pvp maps, and modes, they need to have 8 v 8 death match , style kill count wins modes, heck just let us do death matches on the maps that exist with 8 players, cause i LOVE 4v4 arena , but it never pops, so yea, another thing they should let u q up for what map and what you wanto do in pvp, if you wanto q up for 4v4 you should be able to check mark it, like the Grioup finder, if you wanto just do hutt ball , you uncheck everything but the hutt ball maps, :) , but over alli really think if they added the respawning deathmatch modes to new maps, and the current maps, alderan , Void star ship, the hutt ball maps, DANG that wiould rule, id pvp again, for sure,


    ANYWAY, thats my mini review of the current status of the game after kotfe , oh yea, and ADD A CROSS HILT SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. well its been a while since i posted this question to the devs. and they NEVER answer. they say they are very involved with the playe rbase , but never to rarely post on the forums, i;m tired of hearing the excuse in tickets from them taking so long to answer , not posting on the forums and answering questions. "SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET BACK TO YOU, WE'VE been busy with knights of the fallen empire,. " that's fine and dandy but. don't you have a whole team of devs. and a team of people that are specifically suppose to answer tickets. cause in they're favor there really weren't that many huge bugs in kotfe when it was out the first week, i've seen worse launches. and that one was actually pretty smooth, i remember , some people weren't able to make they're free level 60 , but other then that i didn't hear much, but other then kotfe the Sorting in banks and losing items. which happened to myself. , i just want bioware/ea to be more involved and keep their word and stay in touch with the player base on the forums and answer more questions more often. CHEERS
  12. Not everything from the packs has been made available for direct purchase. There have only been a few items from packs that have been made available for direct sale, and those items were more expensive than the packs.


    IF, and that is a big IF, they put that lightsaber up for direct sale, I would expect the cost to be around 5000 CC's given the demand for it.


    If the price is coming down, then wait a few more days and buy it for credits.


    no way. it will be at the most 1k. ever weapon / saber/rifle every weapon they have ever put has never been more then 1500 , but its freaking cruel though what they are doing. its not even kylo ren's saber. its just got the unstable type red innate blade. and that's why everyone wants it, including myself, i spend over 10 mil on cartel packs. and spend 30 bucks on cartel coins and got NOTHING, i got 2 speeders that are OK. 3 or 4 tech blades. like 2 sets of skotia armor. and a lot of companion gifts i got NOTHING rare at all. and i opened a lot of packs

  13. You guys RARELY come on here. and say exactly what is up about specific items . weather you can or can't add them. you leave it to the player base to bicker and argue like children, i wish you would just answer , CAN YOU ADD Jedi Knight Robes, from say the prequels. like anakin and obi wan's , Can you add a Cross Guard Lightsaber , WHAT IS THE DEAL. in the live streams you said you are now working with disney , they are proofing and even re writing some story lines for KOTFE, you now have LUCASFILM LTD on the first loading screen/splash screen , it DID NOT use to have that. "dont argue and say it always has been there" cause it has not... i have been playing this game since beta invite. i remember every little change. specially when they removed alot of the swtor made soundtrack and added the movie music in its place, cause when the game launched it was SWTOR MADE SOUNDTRACK only , maybe there would be a tiny bit of music, main title stuff, but now its mainly john williams score music, mixed with some of the tor music, but thats not the point.


    anyway, i just wanto know FROM a dev or mod or WHO EVER can reply to the community, CAN YOU ADD a Crossguard lightsaber of your own making...if so why haven't you , is it an animation issue? or what.. cause you released this unstable lightsaber. that is clearly suppose to be like Ren's.... but it should of been a cross guard. you put the Canon armor "temple Guardian up on direct buy on the market" even though its been in game for a couple years, and use to be from a pack. P.s sucks i had it for ever. and now tons of people are walkin around in it :( jk. but please be more specific on what you are adding and what can and can't be used from the flims and tv shows. / canon, THX,


  14. Hell no!!! BW & EA basically robbed us of our money (they can wrap it up in nice polite words, but this is how we all feel -robbed). You're suggesting that they correct this by putting the item as a direct buy so they can take MORE of our money. "We took your money and screwed you over. We're sorry. As an apology, you can get the cool new lightsaber if you give us MORE money".




    If we accept that, that means we're approving of this cr*p they've pulled. And they'll do it again. In my opinion, no shiny virtual lightsaber effect is worth that.


    well they usually put stuff thats in crates. on the market. anyway.. just takes longer. they just did it with the Jedi temple guardian armor.. and the zakulian saber, tons of stuff that is pack exclusive makes it to direct buy. sorry to say, but its just how it is. were just sayin SPEED IT UP, i also believe it will drop in price soon... cause it has only been out 3 days and there are 3 pages of them on the GTN.. for freakin 50 to 100 mil.. its already going down ive seen a couple for 20 mil, within a week or week . 5 it will be down to 10 mil

  15. These sabers were hyped to all heck and back, and yet made near enough unobtainable with their ludicrously low drop rate from the newest packs. It’s insane how Bioware thinks this is acceptable. It's a dirty grasp for cash, yet I know this won’t change, hence me putting forward the option for these two sabers to be bought DIRECTLY from the cartel market without having to purchase the wild rodeo which is the newest pack.


    If anything but for a small period of time until you actually fix the horrific rate of the chance cubes which is stumping most if not all individuals who are buying this pack only to find 60%+ drops are chance cubes. Who thought this was a good idea? An acceptable business plan?


    At least with the sabers being obtainable through the CM you’ll get your cash and people will get the item they desire. If they want the crate they can simply buy it – but let’s face it… who wants ‘that crate’ with everything that has been revealed about it?


    TL;DR Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM.


    its bad they made this freaking saber so rare... yea its cool. were all asking. why not just add the Cross guard hilt. but at least we got half of it... but WHY DOES IT GOT TO BE SO DAMN RARE, they should of just put it to buy straight out... that's a pr!ck job for them to make it such a low drop rate, its not a iconic item but just cause it is unstable like kylo ren's blade... they make it rare as heck,,,,, NOT COOL BIOWARE /EA, not cool...... you guys are really messed up you have, very loyal fans and subscribers. and you have pulled some shady crap.. and this is pretty high on the shady scale.. i hope you make this right


    Put the Unstable Arbiters sabers directly into the CM as my fellow subscriber i quoted said

  16. Since Disney has to Ok All the content in this game now... and they're involved, How come we haven't seen a Cross guard Hilt saber aka Kylo Ren Type saber added to the game yet... the Hilt is 1000s of years old.. according to the Force Awakens photo Dictionary , and they just showed one on the Star Wars Rebels show that wasn't kylo rens. one that seemed to be a perfect condition green color one... anyway... I would totally buy one off the cartel market.. and want one added SOOO bad... just wondering if this is possible.. ASKING BIOWARE, if you don't wanto see one in game I don't need to hear how you think the hilt wasn't around in this time period or w/e.. cause it could be written into the Time period ergo its 1ks of years old... anyway CHEERS
  17. Since Disney has to Ok All the content in this game now... and they're involved, How come we haven't seen a Cross guard Hilt saber aka Kylo Ren Type saber added to the game yet... the Hilt is 1000s of years old.. according to the Force Awakens photo Dictionary , and they just showed one on the Star Wars Rebels show that wasn't kylo rens. one that seemed to be a perfect condition green color one... anyway... I would totally buy one off the cartel market.. and want one added SOOO bad... just wondering if this is possible.. ASKING BIOWARE, if you don't wanto see one in game I don't need to hear how you think the hilt wasn't around in this time period or w/e.. cause it could be written into the Time period ergo its 1ks of years old... anyway CHEERS
  18. What I found interesting on the OP point of view is that he was never stop a think or said why did SWTOR went with the f2p/preferred option. If not for the f2p options SWTOR would be shutdown by now. The game it self was never design for a f2p system and actually the current one compare to many f2p MMOs is very strick. But if you take f2p now as the OP wants SWTOR would shutdown in less than 6 months with all of the problems it has.


    First even before the game was release BW drop almost half of his staff. After the hype and the countless bugs of endgame and horrible PVP people start leaving like crazy. I left at that time too, worlds would be empty, GTN was non-existing and trying to find people for OPs was a nightmare.


    So then came the server mergers and f2p system which was a way to try to get people to comeback while BW try to emprove the game. Even look at the current state of the game, if you removed f2p right now, as many other people point out; the game has tons of bugs, no new OPS in 2 years and the story updates been few and far in between.


    The F2P/Preferred give a chance to anyone that is tired of the game to take a break and comeback once in a while and check how things are. The Preferred accounts are very restricted as it is compare to many other F2P MMOs.


    Can only have 350k credits ( most things in game are 100K or more)

    Cannot use any Artifact gear ( most have for Raiding)

    Cannot mail credits and 1 item at a time. ( pain to try to gear ALTs 350k block)

    Cannot revive on location have to buy droids ( travel to location again and again)

    You are limited to the last high level of your sub. ( nobody wants to party with you for future endgame or event)

    Cannot do OPs ( cannot get BIS)

    Only 3 WZ per week and 3 boss drops in FP

    Can only sell 5 items on GTN ( have to sell to NPC or throw away most items you get, not enough space)


    Without the current F2P/Preferred accounts on the game, the worlds would be a dessert. BW those has not keep the staff ever since the gamer release to provide a winning Subscription MMO. Even more people would leave the game as it feels empty, cannot fiend anyone to party with, the GTN is empty, etc, etc.


    If anything just as many people has point out F2P give you a tast of the game and help fill bodies in the game, Preferred makes you spend some money and if you want to have the game playable you have to buy Cartel Coins (spend more money) to unlock items. Then if you really enjoy the game people will SUB, plus if you are tired of the game you know you can go Preferred to check the game ones in a while and give your self a break.


    i agree with you... and even though prefered and f2p w/e.... they are needed. but if you do play the game... more then 3 hours a week.... and have a max level character. and dont sub.. you really are missing out.... its worth it to sub.. cause as i said in my long *** types, prefered and f2p are an illusion in most mmos.... cause you goto buy alot of stuff to make it playable... yes its possible to have fun and play the game and get all the content with prefered but you goto either grind alot of credits for ops passes. and or buy the perks from the Cartel market.... so yea f2p is an illusion..... its really quite brilliant from a marketing stand point... the last 5 years have ushered in the option to f2p type mmos and its working... but as i said it is an illusion and a permanent trial for some mmos...


    Also ....if you own a ps4 or xbox one... they now charge monthly to play online... you HAVE to pay to play online now, so its becoming more excepted to pay a monthly fee for gaming... from a decade ago til now.. it really has grown as a market... monthly fees for games, people dont say as much anymore "IM NOT PAYING 15 BUCKS A MONTH TO PLAY A GAME", people understand why they are being charged now more then ever...:rak_03:

  19. Um I still don't understand how it's a flawed concept. Preferred get more unlocks and have more exp gain than full F2p. As such, their experiences are better. However are you implying and I'll use your analogy, that because the gym membership is free, people are entitled to the same benefits as members who pay?


    aAnd what exactly is your solution? Yes it's true preferred paid some money in the past, that doesn't mean they should get the benefits of subs. So again, what can be changed?


    Well all mmos that have a F2p.... mode... its basically a permanant limited trial. if you dont pay any money, DCUO is a great example.. you can buy all the dlcs.... but you still only can hold 2k credits/dollars in that game.. inventory is cut down.. bank is cut down, shared/legacy bank is cut down.... but you can buy stuff to open these items and slots and unlocks. If you sub.. you receieve EVERYTHING... full inventory... endless cash... all dlcs FREE... as well as 500 Station cash aka Cartel coins in swtor , you get 450 of course and 100 for the security key for both games too.


    SWTOR is similar but the leveling system is a bit different. in swtor we can get to 50 , 55 free.... and then we only can hold 300k... cant do ops... cant mail money or more then 1 item,,,, can't hide head slot/ Unify colors...... TONS of stuff you cant do but you can buy the items to unlock this stuff.... and alot of the items are only one time uses.. for ops... flashpoints w/e..... its basically a permanent Trial imo.... Subbing is the way to go.. saying its f2p is to get people going.. which is understandable..


    If you play swtor or any other mmo that is "F2P",,, its meant to get you going. you should eventually sub... thats their idea..... yea you can play f2p prefered forever but its a pain and you dont get half as muchs u do when subbed....thats why is Flawed, it is an illusion to think a mmo is f2p. Subscribe if your putting the time into it... thats there angle... and idea of swtor , DCUO, and other mmos


  20. As far as cosmetics, will it work? Maybe. But it will clip ALOT with nearby objects, clothing, etc that it normally shouldn't, since it goes against the "straight blade" design of the game.


    Would it be interesting to see? Maybe. But it's 3000 years in the future before the design even comes into existence, and it was designed that way for a purpose. I don't know if I'd want to see it in mass production 3000 years before it's first design concept. :)


    actually the saber hilt and his mask are ancient, cause he is obsessed with sith artifacts thats not even a spoiler. they said that in info about him in magazines. and in the ART OF STAR WARS book they say that... too... his hilt is 1000s of years old... another good opp to tell storys of where his items came from not only in game , cause that wouldnt happen but in the books... and comics... of the old republic if they ever make a old republic canon type stuff branching off of revan.. which if they do , it will branch off revan. CANT WAIT for the black series 6 inch revan to come out this year woot.

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