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Posts posted by Foreignobjects

  1. if they do decide to make Revan Canon and the old Republic canon... it will be comics first.. maybe a book or so.... but i am very optimystic when it comes to them adding stuff in the game... The Temple guardian armor in swtor.. is from the Clone wars Series. and thats canon.. the suit... here is a screen shot of one.... from the show.. this exact armor is in game.. as well as one of Starkillers Suits aka Galen merek, The daring rogue armor , ,You can call me a hopeless optimystic , that has a pipe dream about some items.. but .. Disney Does care about what goes into this game now... and now that the movie is out.. they have some breathing room to dive into the NEW expanded universe and the old republic Also about the luke , Darth Vader armor.. traditional jedi robes from the movies... yea i know those have been asked for... and now that disney owns star wars... its more likely to see that stuff... FOR real, everyone has there beliefs i only hope they will cause the chances are better, being they took charge of Last say content in the KOTFE DLC... and also had final cut image on the Targruta. and speaking of the targruta. after that dumb cathar species came out bioware said they WERE NOT going to release anymore lekuu type aliens with clipping heads... to interfere with head pieces. and when disney bought it. they made them put targruta into the game.. which im glad they did that. another eason i believe the stuff i do.. here is a link to the Temple guardian armor that is in game. named temple guardian]





  2. This design as with all the other LucasFilm trilogy armors and all items are under protection now owned by Disney. EA has no rights to allow Bioware to create movie replicas into this game. Visceral Games company already making new SW RPG game based on movies era where i'm sure will have tons of this stuff.


    I knew that so many new players will start this game after watching SW movie dreaming to make or be Ren/Rey fantasy.


    well disney at first didnt want any part of swtor.. but , if you watch all the live streams for KOTFE... they are saying how disney is in charge now... sooo that has to mean something... i wouldnt Say it could NEVER happen.... we have a better chance of seeing movie items. with disney then when lucas still owned it... after what happend to Star wars galaxies...... he was pretty upset how they changed it to the nge blah blah blah everyone knows the swg story if you played star wars galaxies.. but yea.... id say its 60 40 chance.. in favor of getting kylo ren saber hilt... and 80 20 getting a Cross hilt.... in general. meaning its not kylo rens exact hilt style... cause disney doesnt own the Cross hilt design thats like saying they own the double bladed saber and stuff.....

  3. ok. so . the last months. or half year... ive really fell in love with kylo ren and his lightsaber.. i actually just bought the Black series Force Fx Master replica 200$ saber hehe i love it... anyway... now that disney has input and has to ok alot of the plot points and major story Items in this game... Is it possible to see kylo Ren's Saber added to the Cartel market.... im actually suprised they didn't add it, when the movie came out as a marketing w/e cause ill tell you I would spend 1k cc on it. FOR SURE, and even if it wasn't a old style sith hilt , they could add it , but it is... clearly from the old Republic era of sith in the canon if you read the Art of star wars force awakens book or w/e. it tells all about everything in the movie... says that kylo rens saber is a very old style lightsaber hilt... so yea i want this added really bad... and if its not kylo rens exact hilt , make their own cross hilt saber .... i just wanna have a cross hilt on my jedis and siths , i know we probably won't see his armor but i would love that too but i have my juggernaut fasioned as much as i can after kylo ren. but anyway WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE.... and what do you think of my choice? ive see alot of people want this thing in game... and just figured it was time to make a Weapon wish list.... CHEERS GUYS


    Kylo Ren LightSaber hilt or a General Cross Saber hilt added to game... Read above for explanation

  4. ...or at least look like him.

    A lot of people have seen The Force Awakens and one of the most talked about characters, is Kylo Ren. He seems to be a villain that appeals to a huge amount of fans.

    It's only appropriate that we get a costume like Kylo Ren in this game.

    Just disregard the canon issues and make it available for the community. ;)


    Remember; a happy community = a prosperous game.

    i actually have my character inspired as much as i can by him.... i am really suprised that they haven't released kylo Ren's Lightsaber in the cartel market , for a marketing thing or w/e ... and also that kylo ren's armor and weapon are actually VERY old items... supposivly so it would fit.. if disney was to right and make the old republic canon... why can't they have cross hilt sabers... but yea.. even his armor i would love.... man... but i see the hilt or a cross hilt being added before the kylo ren armor.... LETS SCREAM for it... and get it in... cause we know disney has to ok everything in the game now.... so lets hope they add this stuff or some of it FTW,,,, Plus 10 to poster

  5. SWTOR will never be canon . SWTOR will never deserve to be canon.


    Well... What About the old republic , not swtor, but in canon.. before the prequels. should be canon, what should they do. cause they probably will. I think kylo ren's saber hilt is a very old hilt. ancient sith hilt, also i believe his helmet or part of it. is also a sith relic. who knows. i think in the future they will dive into it... i mention this cause i watch COLLIDER VIDEO , on you tube, they have a weekley show called , "JEDI COUNCIL" you should check it out.. here's the newest one, in one of the previous episodes, they talked several times about what they think will happen with the old republic, but since disney is getting way more involved with the story to be in swtor, that's the only reason i think some part of swtor will become canon or the "new EU" in a way , we don't know what they are going to do.



    Here is a link to the Jedi Council Show on youtube, very good, its a weekley show


  6. why?


    if Kotor 3 is made , it be Single Player . Story would be better for starter .


    As for the 'we already know what happen in 300 years' , considering they have been screwing and bring stuff out of their butts . It be easy to undo them or shove something new out of their butts in the middle of that 300 years .


    and I liked the yellow color :p


    Well. I think Swtor is becoming more like kotor... specially with the New Dlc, Be honest with yourselves , They could make leveling a character only an offline mode for Swtor, specially with the latest Dlc. were on our own... we can now run all the flashpoints solo, I mean. imp 100 % convinced they could make Swtor have an offline mode, that is why they should not make a kotor 3, cause this game swtor , is 300 years after the first kotor games... and they say what has happened to, revan and the main character in kotor 2. Lord Scourge killed the kotor 2 hero and captured revan, what could the story be in kotor 3... I mean. Unless they go several years after swtor, but... they don’t need to, That comes back to the offline mode... and i think another reason people are screaming for a kotor 3, is that , a lot of Console only players. Don’t know about swtor, and don't know that it’s apart of the kotor universe... so either they make the offline version of swtor/ an offline mode.... available on consoles... I don’t know. But we don’t need a kotor 3... We are going to get everything we need in swtor... yea kotor 1 was amazing... id like to see them Remake it, like they did Resident Evil 1 on game cube. That was Really amazing. How they did that. I mean they put a new engine and everything remade the game basically. Something like that could work, but Console players are the main people that want a kotor 3. , not all, but allot of console players... yea a big part of swtor players would like it, but i am not one of them. CHEERS

  7. Oh see, you just ruined it for me...the whole story with Revan being 300 years old is completely ridiculous to me. That alone should discount everything Bioware has done, because it's a ludicrous premise.


    He was held in stasis... like carbonite... basically..he didn't age while he was in stasis. thats why hes over 300 years old... and some force users. are able to use the force to pro long there lives... and who says revan is a normal human being.. he could have another race within him... we dont know who his parent were.. but thats just grasping at straws and more spit balling.. but overall they made it make sense , his age. and how he was kept alive... Or maybe they just wanted him apart of the content that bad they made it work.. but either way it works in my eyes. if you think about it... the revan that you saved in that flashpiont or w/e ... id go insane too if i was in stasis for that many years... and the way they ended it in shadow of revan cleans it up... making him dead the whole time.. and his body was just running around without his soul , and driven by the dark side..

  8. It's on the way actually. I watched the interview with her on "Collider Jedi Council" over the weekend.



    What I wanna know is when will Timothy Zahn and Troy Denning write new canon books? Hell....if they'd just allow them to continue with the "Legends" series I'd be happy.



    yea.. even though they threw that book out. they described how he killed him


    he gets him drunk. and basically kills him while hes drunk and passing out. but they called that legends or w/e now..


    But i think snoke is pleagus , if you watch the Jedi Council. Collider Video... theeres alot that backs it up... Andy circus says Hes Real Tall,,, lanky... "just like a muun aka Darth plaegus, and in the older lore. plaegus went by another name like snoke For 100s of years.... i Think its either him or a Reptilian species. but WE WILL find out :), just like the boba fett theory . that was legends at first and they made it canon. i think they will either re issue some of the EU or rewrite it similar to be canon.. some of the really good stuff that is.. and let them continue to write books. That would be AWESOME

  9. I think this is a video game and you're hoping for canon from an imaginary world. I think it doesn't matter if they do or don't ever...enjoy this game for what it is, stop looking for it to be more meaningful in any way. Someday when Facebook buys Disney, they'll eliminate all "canon" as well so they can capitalize on the name, just like Disney has.


    Im not really talking about the game only though... i think the old republic in whole is amazing. everything that bioware has done. is great story wise.. from the revan story to the 300 years later in this game. i think some writers that disney hires and bioware collaborates with , they could do some amazing things.. cause when first heard disney bought Star Wars... i was like WHAT!!!!!!! i didnt know what to think , i was thinking horrible things.. but theyv done so much better.. the Trailers for the force awakens show more story and are more immersive then the prequels george lucas directed... now if lucas would of had someone else direct. i think the prequels would have been a totally different outcome.. but. . dont dismiss the old republic being added to canon so fast... just looking at Kylo Ren... i mean His mask... the way he looks.... This guy is obsessed with sith artifacts, who says some of what hes using isnt old republic era gear... heck they could even say his hilt on his saber is a very ancient sith hilt, but who knows. im just spit balling...

  10. This green bold text hurts my eyes so I will only answer the title. I don't think it ought to become cannon. The Zakuul Empire is full of plotholes and inconsistent with what we have now. I mean, the republic and Jedi Order are supposed to have been standing for a very long time by the first episode and in KotOR II the JNedi Order gets destroyed by the Sith Triumvirate and in KOTFE the Republic is pretty much conquered.

    its not bold

  11. Quite honestly, I hope swtor NEVER becomes canon. At this point I'm highly disappointed in Disney's "new canon". Most of the novels read like they were written by some first time writer who's trying to convince himself and everyone else that "yes it's a star wars book! See I said wookiee on page 257..." :rolleyes:


    The Crystal Star was better written & more interesting than Aftermath.....

    A new dawn was a snooze fest until nearly the end....

    Heir to the Jedi was "meh" at best....

    Dark disciple and lords of the Sith were both decent....


    Leave great storytelling to the people at BW, THEY know what they're doing. Leave the "canon" to hacks like Chuck Wendig and the rest of the untalented writers Disney is hiring.


    *drops mic, ignores new canon books, & continues buying "legends" books.


    Well everything that has come out since disney bought star wars in swtor.. has been approved and re written by them if they felt so... i never thought i would say this.. but i think star wars is in good hands with disney... we havent seen any games except Battlefront. and some development ideas in swtor... but... until the force awakens comes out . we wont know anything. but i trust them to make the old republic era canon bad ***. and i dont think they would throw anything that bioware has created out.. cause its SO far back.. they can only add content and stories and make it better. but i understand where your coming from.

  12. you stand more chance imo of kotor getting revamped than a offline mode for this or kotor 3, its already been said this game is kotor 3-10 with the 8 class storys however how that statement holds up now is unknown to me


    One of the problems as well is people that dont really know or care about this game that dont play mmos or pc games... They Just want Kotor.. they dont take this game into consideration. so you goto remember that too. the console only game players... , but yea. this game is totally specially after KOTFE starting to look more like kotor

  13. I think after the force awakens comes out. maybe an anthology movie in a couple years.. or netflix series. but when it comes to the game.. i do believe they will start writing comics. books. about this time period of the game.. and i think they'le start with revans time.. ergo Kotor 1. hes become a very liked character in star wars expanded universe... when they through out all the EU and called it Legends or w/e what ifs, i dunno. but they are going over everything it seems they through out and are A. Either Bringing back into canon. like the boba fett blasing his way out of the sarlaac pit. When they first announced what they were doing with canon... THAT was NOT CANON at first.. then they changed there mind... i think they are kinda Accessing what will fit. that is EU. and what wont... sooo i believe kotor / swtor will become canon in the near future..


    I dont have Definitive sources. but some things , like Disney has to OK Every storyline and dlc they do for swtor now... the Main Craetive director said that in one of the latest livestreams. right when KOTFE came out He said " We basically Give disney a Story/script for some content. and they say yay or ney" in something like that it was... but they had final artistic design control on the Targruta species coming out... if you remember... after that Cathar w/e half as$ cat speices came out... they said they WERE NEVER going to Release any more Species that had Lekuu type heads.. and BOOM we get the Targruta... im very positive and optomistic when it comes to this ...



    What do you guys think is gonna happen . when it comes to swtor and canon..?

  14. ok sooo theirs been rumors for awhile now that , bioware is possibly remaking kotor 1 which is the most possible , but some people are saying there gonna make a kotor 3.. but us swtor players... specially with the new dlc.. how theyr going towards a possible offline mode... cause lets be honest.. you could play the ENTIRE new Dlc offline if they added an offline mode.. heck the whole story from 1to 65 could be an offline mode.. only story missions. and certain missions available... also We already know what has happend between the 300 years of kotor and 2 and swtor.. , i think a kotor 3 is piontless. if they went ahead and Remade kotor 1... like they did Resident evil 1 on the gamecube it was a totally different game.. and they could revamp some stuff add more whoe knows but what do yall think?


    A. Creating an offline mode for Swtor to level your character and go through the story


    B. Kotor Remade/revamped


    c. Kotor 3


    D. Both A and B, "i choose this one"

  15. A mobile app for crafting would kill the market. Right now logging in and switching characters and picking missions takes time. Remove most of that hassle and everyone would have much more than they do now, including the rare mats. That would escalate matters.


    I'm lost as to why crafters aren't given easy access to basic schematics for things like hilts, enhancements, mods and armorings that are for level 61+ characters (as they were given in every expac before this). I do feel like most of my crafters are useless for gearing alts and such.


    thats a F#&%in awesome idea for real.. got my vote.

  16. "Exploit crafting as a means to get more and more credits"....you mean, like what the crafting professions exist for? The entire purpose of crafting is to supply the player base with materials while turning a virtual currency profit.


    i believe and agree... the way crafting is now.... say for.... the highest level barrels/Armor mods/and hilt mods/ you goto loot the dark matter w/e from the ops or where ever you get it.. then R.E one.. to get the plan... schematic w/e... , that is ok , but other stuff... like Weapons. rare Armor, speeders. house items..., and dyes that are Rare and the black/black and white/black also White/white, which are besically the only ones people would pick if they had the option....should be Reverse engineerable as well.. cause the Player Market in a Whole is controlled by VERY high end Mats. or the Cartel Market... and it would make the game funner, if players had to craft Armor repair kits... WEapon REpair kits... even Speeder repair kits.. i know this isnt swg... but just giving it that , would make the market thrive and have players craft more... but in all i just dont think black/black dyes should be 8 mil... thats just wrong... but this is a good thread

  17. It would be better if they added a cybernetic implant npc in the med centers. to add or remove cybernetics.... different styles could be available on the market... it would be freakin awesome,i personally think all the cybernetic armor looks like crap... no offense. if i was getting cybernetics. i would want it to match my armor in some ways. i dunno hints the being able to add. 1 leg.... 2 legs aka lower torso of cybernetics. hand / arms..... and have it go flush with the certain pieces of armor , you could either go Fully crazy robot cyborg looking or partly ... darth mauls.. second version of legs.. that look like reg legs almost... or .... damaged cybernetic limbs that were made to look tissued... TONS OF OPTIONS!!
  18. I would dearly love an all cyborged version of the series 505, 512, and 808 Cyborg armor. It would be terribly easy to do, just mirror the droid arm and leg onto both sides of the body. Put it in a different color deco, perhaps a new Full cyborg head (you have many wonderful droid models in the game to "borrow" the head from) for each. Viola!


    Please consider this for all of us who long to play a droid, but will never get to. :)




    It would be better if they added a cybernetic implant npc in the med centers. to add or remove cybernetics.... different styles could be available on the market... it would be freakin awesome,i personally think all the cybernetic armor looks like crap... no offense. if i was getting cybernetics. i would want it to match my armor in some ways. i dunno hints the being able to add. 1 leg.... 2 legs aka lower torso of cybernetics. hand / arms..... and have it go flush with the certain pieces of armor , you could either go Fully crazy robot cyborg looking or partly ... darth mauls.. second version of legs.. that look like reg legs almost... or .... damaged cybernetic limbs that were made to look tissued... TONS OF OPTIONS, gonna make a single post for this it needs one

  19. SWG ( pre cu ) was the MMORPG with the greatest potential of all. Too bad greed destroyed it. LA/SOE wanted the subs like WoW and enter the CU and then the NGE.

    It was truly a fantastic game and the fact that it is still played and remembered today is a testament to its quality and uniqeness.


    yep it was very underated and before its time... if swg came out in 2010 or w/e or now... since the new movie is coming out.. and since its canon.. cause it takes place between ep 4 and 5 after the deathstar is blown up for the first time... i think it would do alot better.. cause it was released around the time ep 2 was coming out... so as the mmo has amazing crafting/jedi unlock aka you cant just start out as a jedi.. you goto grind for months to become a jedi/ building citys, becoming a mayor, which was an awesome prof , it was one of several that didnt cost any Skillpoints... there are 32 proffession not counting the free profs. Pilot / Mayor/ Force Ranking system. . awesome professoins from TKM taras kasi master.. are unarmed jedi killers... "mace windu actually was a TKM. , Swordsman... Fencer," Bio engineer" which can craft pets. or enhance pets for Creature handler... THERES TONS... the game was ran by the community... we didnt have this Coms crap. we had to Repair our speeders. and they could be blown up by other players... Bounty hunting was another great thing... later on ,,, they made it so Bounty hunters could hunt ANYONE.. instead of just jedi., that generated Force visibility which was using force powers infront of ANY Npc or player... pulling out your light saber for one...


    the Space JTL was the BEST space emulator EVER!!!!!! you could do anything... anyway.. im enjoying bloodfin emu.. its basically pub 12... and they added all the Sweet Houses/ speeder bikes./ Weapons... from the Later updates of the game.. and Heat the Main dev of Bloodfin is actually creating NEW content and Remade kashyyk so its an actual planet. and looks more like kashyyk from ep 3... but anyway... yea the game was before its time.. and its still better then alot of mmos out..


    I dont compare SWTOR to SWG cause they are totally different types of mmos... SWG is a sandox and SWTOR is a Themepark mmo that could really have an offline mode... specially with the new DLC... but CHECK IT OUT if you wanto play a Real Star wars MMO bloodfin emu is the way to go.....i play both.. as well as DC universe online , guild wars 2 . but i just got fallout 4 and pre ordered battlefront soooo i will be a busy Bee...

  20. If they only give you 500 a month then you're more likely to buy more before the next. With a sec key I get 600 and I constantly find myself falling into that trap.


    thats a very good point... i havent thought of that.. yea i got the CE so they gave me the Security keygenerator .. so i get technically 600 a month plus i gave 8 to 12 people that sub my reference code so i get about 700 a month usually from that , its nice if you have friends that are sub'd and havent been refered it works... while they are subbed. they just get 7 days added to there sub.. and the nice mail box with the free inv slot, "only thing you can use while subbed" and when or if you arent subbed u can use the unify colors token/ show title. and be able to use all 3. crafting/gathering proffessions. instead of 2. token.. as well its totally worth it for both partys.... anyway ,


    like i said that is a good point, making us wait , i have thought about buying some cause i didnt wanto wait. so good call

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