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Posts posted by Foreignobjects

  1. way to ask nicely for something by immediately insulting them by calling them lazy. will go over real well and definitely tells them how serious you are about this.


    I am sure they will get right on this since you were so rude that they have no choice but to bend to your demands.


    so. maybe i am a bit annoyed. . the engine hasnt been updated once since launch. when they came out with the new expansions.. they made it so all the story classes interact the same way. , specially in shadow of revan.. i mean.. darth marr working with satele shan.... the story is fun dont get me wrong but.. it would have been better if it was totally different for both sides so when grinding all my characters from both sides im not repeating the same damn story... yes they are either trying to save money. or are lazy. im sorry. thats the truth , IMO

  2. You do realize that this game is set about a few thousand years before the events of the movies? That's why the Temple Guardian armor is different, for instance.

    yeas... but... why did they add the temple guardian armor... thats from 3000 years in the future. and canon ... and its not different , the daring rogue set is one of starkillers armor sets too\.. they added the Speeder from the Force awakens traieler.. the New vectron WGF. thats on the market.. except its blue.. same speeder leia s daughter is driving....


    its just glammer items... not actual content... so yea they could and should add stuff

  3. as in subject.... made a post somehwere else about this... i want. anakin / obi wan type jedi robes. from episode 3....if ur too lazy to make it so twileks. cant wear the exterminator and other cloaks with hoods up.. and have the hood show up.. make a twi lek / Targruta specific cloaks that have the hoods over there heads... i would even be happy if the hood just went over and u didnt see the lekuu underneither.. i mean swg the game is over 10 years old. and when u put a regular hood up cloak on in that game... the twileks. u can see the lekuu under the cloaks... thats another thing. also Vehicles from the canon


    there are certain armors in the game now that are canon... The temple guardian armor is from the clone wars series....



    1. Movie canon Jedi robes. and cloaks... not bathrobes with short sleeves and the belt over the cloak

    excluding the exterminator robe closest to cool robe and kreia


    2. do something about the Twilek Cliping or make new robes for them if u cant fix them


    3. Vehicles... Darth Mauls Bloodfin Speeder aka his tatooine speeder bike. , swoop speeder biike.. the one anakin is driving on tatooine to kill the sand people in ep 2




  4. i love this game... mainly cause of the guild im in. but over all i still like it... its no swg. but i love star wars so i am playing this game still from beta testing til present. along with DCUO, but... my server P O T F... its DEAD.... can u guys disperse the server or move us to the other pvp server.. i dont know.. i made a character on a heavier server and there was lots of people fast que pops.... i dont know , i like my server , its just dead..
  5. This is the only MMO i have ever played that doesnt allow for mods. Curse gaming and many other sites provide mods for many games out there that make the experience a LOT more enjoyable. SWTOR has decided to put its customers on rails and this may be good for something, I dont know what, but because of it I find the galactic market horrible in this game. I dont want to spend my time looking up 30 different items to compair prices just so that I can sell my crap, I want something that will check prices and allow me to undercut the other sellers. I want my time to be spent effficiently, not irritated because I have to quest to make money or because I have to do searches to sell some item for 400 credits.... and speaking of the market....since I cant have my own vendors why cant my items be on the market longer?


    I havent sold anything on the market until today and I just got reminded of why I dont. The market mechanics are horrible. Absolutely primitive in todays MMO gaming market. In MMOs that don't fair much better for trade markets, at least you are usually able to right click + shift (or something similar) to add the name of the product into the search engine for the market....not in this game. In this game you have to type in the product name to compair prices...


    Number one.... that I have to sell crap on a market means that I already have to waste time to get the itmes....because mind you, I am only here to PvP....I have to date NEVER done a Flashpoint because I dont care to...not my idea of fun. With the pathetic state of the market, I now also have to waste more of my time in order to use the market....because in Blizzard's infinite wisdom they have decided to block the ability for private individuals to create mods for this game. It makes the game irritating. I dont play video games to be irritated.


    Blizzard, please get off your rump and create a few small provitions...like you did with allowing users to mod their own interface.....and stop jerking me around on my free-to-pay time in your game. I pay a sub, give me perks that matter. A different looking speeder or clothing....junk. Stupid cake-eater crap that does zero for me.




    Your market system really bites. Cartel coins for xp...good...cartel coins for image designed junk = emo. Allow scripting and mods because you apparently fail at interface and user friendly interaction.



    ive asked this many times... this mmo is probobly the worst able modable mmo there is. being the way it was made... with the conversation system.... and the engine.... i would love to have mods... specially ui mods.. the only mod we can use actually is the SWTOR Unleashed mod that allows u to utilize your computers hardware to its fullest.... example...


    your pc is say



    Amd 3.5 ghz 6 core

    Nvidia geforce 770 2gb GPU DDR5

    16 Gigs of memory

    500 gb SSD HD



    the game only utilizes 4 to 6 gb of ram unless u use this program... no matter how bad ads your machine is.... can only go so fast.. swtor unleshed lets u use your machine how its meanto in a way... faster loading and splash screens....i have it and have used it,


    but i wonder why , too , back to your question about UI mods

  6. For who Says Google Super Data research. They do video game market analysis and have been used as sources by Forbes Magazine. The revenues I posted are from their research.


    I wouldn't go so far as to say they are "happy" with the engine...but I don't think saying they are content would be a reach.


    i agree with you... i use SWTOR UNLEASHED a program bioware doesnt object to us using.. it lets us utilize our pcs full capacity of the game... for example if u have a computer with the following specs


    500 Gb SSD HD

    quad Core Amd 3.4Ghz socket am3+

    16 gigs of memory ddr3

    Nvidia Geforce GTX TI 2gb Graphics card


    The game only recognizes 6 gigs of memory no matter how baddasss your machine is... so swtor unleashed lets u tweak your game to make it utilize all your hardware. and lets u load faster... cause of now.. the way the engine is... u can only load so fast..


    Google Swtor unleashed its a free download... and is quite good of a program, basically like a home grown engine update

  7. for F sake give us something cool ... and ADD Creature handler. so we can make our own animal mounts... its getting rediculous u are cycling over and over the same mounts.. yea this nexu is new but how many alternate nexu mounts will follow ... give us a speeder from the CANON , i dunno say..... the Swoop speeder. aka Anakin driving through the tatooine desert Episode 2, Dark Mauls Bloodfin Speeder ep 1 also on tatooine , the return of the jedi Speeder bike on endor , get creative.. your creative director either has a really small mind or hes held back ,,, or the design team is just lame... no offense


    or perhaps a new jetpack that isnt the size of two parashoots

  8. Why waste the money? The game has no substantially greater issue than any other MMORPG of its type. If it is still profitable and is no more, or less, "broken" than its competition (from a technical stand point) why would they spend the money? Updating engines costs money and is inherently dangerous...it can totally break things...(ask Blizzard about all the headaches they have had when they have a dedicated team that only does engine work). You need a financial incentive to take such a risk as a business and NONE exists.



    i agree. and quoting the person before you. the game makes 100 mil a year? who says. the real money maker for this mmo is the cartel market.. yea alot of people sub but all the money comes from the cartel micro transactions. , i honestly thing they are happy with the engine the way it is... if they arent they are just wrapping a turd in roses

  9. So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


    Are you kidding me?


    utter joke


    EDIT: For the love of god please stop witch dictionary links!!!!

    its not over yet. and its a free content add were lucky they arent making us pay for it. btw this is not swg. all there is to do in this game is mid grade pvp. pay actual cash for house deco, and level character/ Do dailys/events/raids. THATS IT. and when it comes down to it . day to day. most people only do the dailys/ events and raids / level charaters... until they make crafting and the market player driven "NEVER GONNA Happen" unless they make cartel items lootable as in VERY RARE DROPS... this game will never be as good as swg... even though i dont compare them. but since its star wars its hard not to sometimes. i love swtor. biowares first attempt at a mmo and they put LOTS OF DOSH into it. and id say it was a 40% success rate...

  10. Hello...

    I have been one of oldests players going on this game since Beta.

    And since then i believe the Hero Engine was a poor choice for an MMO game.

    But i believed that improvements where expected to happen allong the development cycle and the engine would be improved...


    But then Bioware started to change the engine... It departed from the Hero Engine and got more and more edited...

    Then... the programmers left Bioware... and the new ones don´t know how to change or revert the modifications...


    What happend was that the Hero Engine in its original form was updated and the current Hero Engine (Bioware modded version), was not...


    As everyone knows this engine have a lot of problems... even with high end systems the cpu and gpu utilization is lack luster...

    The pipeline is unifficient and bugged. Memory leaks tend to happen and lack of proper codding is noticable everywhere.


    Some engine and game features where never apllied due to limitations to the engine and bioware capability...

    Im talking about:


    - Proper Day / Night Cicle

    - Proper Shadows Rendering

    - Proper Iliimination

    - Proper Draw Distance / Clipping (everyone knows the famous magic grass/tres/enemy´s appearing).


    Well many voices issued, that nothing could be done... the engine was so altered that breaked the support with the Hero Engine Devs.

    Sorry but i disagree...

    The base content is the same and the rest of the modifications can be recompilated...

    The key word here is:


    - Time and Money...


    An both stand together...

    Its needed programmer and codding time to reconvert and recompile the maps and assets to the new engine.

    And OFC money must be spend on the new engine + programming staff.

    EA and even Bioware, doesn´t look too interested in fixing this long lasting issue and giving its costumers and players the High Fidelity game that SWTOR could have been if a better or non modded engine was used in the early development cicle...

    But i have my sources and i can tell that could be done...


    SWTOR can be ported to the Hero Engine 2 (or even a later revision)...


    We must unite and force their hand to finally fix one of the most problematic issue with this game... Its core...

    Hero Engine have been continuoslly developed its way, way more optimized now that it where years ago when this engine started to be modded by BioWare...

    Money wise is simple... $75,000 with a 7% revenue share. and even this value can be agreed on the revenue side...

    Source Code and support and this game can give a big LEAP Forward in quality...


    Lets make this happen...

    Lets make SWTOR the game that we all wanted to visually have and that performs like it should...


    Best Regards,



    its not that we need a hero engine 2 per say but. the current one needs a drastic update. specially since the company that originally was maintaining it is no longer apart of it at all keeping it up. they left before the first year was over, so more like a hero engine update 2.0 btw your tech know how of how this should work might as well be in latin to most people no offense

  11. are we ever going to see the Columi/Rakata armor for Warriors the way it was originally designed? I wanted this armor so bad when the game launched I remember it in almost all of the class videos for juggs and then boom big honking eyesore shoulders, please can we get the original design?




    i remember the second link armor . from not too long ago.. but the first i dont remember.

  12. yes, please! :) waiting for it to come back for more than 3 years now. pls bioware!

    its the Centurion Force-Masters/Mystics PvP Headpiece


    Really? u like that stuff.. i never could get into it.. i still have it on my launch sorcerer , and i always hated it . but everyone has the styles they like and dislike


    i want a standard jedi robe like these

    1st and 2nd link are just the standard padawan and knight robes. third and fourth are basically the same with cloaks over them i just want one with the hood up in swtor , or the option to put the hood up or down



    Anakins Robe without Cloak


    Jedi Knight/Master robe with Robe hood down


    Anakin or sith / dark jedi Knight Robe with Cloak hood Down





  13. i dont wanna read all the pages, and i dont care if its already said, i wish the revan reborn armor, or darth vader armor.


    Master Shadow packs? is like to open a Yugioh cards pack, never gonna appear what you want, just a waste of money, but well, the entire game, is think for that way.


    i honestly think... they will add actual movie armor in the future. specially since Lucas isnt calling continuity shots anymore. disney wants their games to be more iconic. and who wouldnt wanto have origional / pre qual trilogys armor styles. and mounts/ animal mounts/ weapons

  14. Yeah, it's possible, the code already exists in the game to swap the player character model out with another, and as long as that model uses the player skeleton or a skeleton with all the animations mapped to it, it can do anything.


    Here's a video of the Imperial Agent in the Droid Disguise I made that shows off various player animations




    All that^ is, is an item in the player's inventory that's allowing them to do that. People have been asking for awhile now that they make that item available as a toy. Going into combat, conversations, etc, would no doubt break the disguise the same way it does with the holo disguise.


    Yea thats the mission i was talking about , your right we dont actually use attacks with it.. but it would be cool , if they would give us items just to walk around in disguises , without combat , just to add them at first would be cool. but we can all wish. i still think my appearance box for players would be a sweet way too.


    About the Trando voices being annoying. . lol i agree it can get annoying but every alien species can speak . human/english. except the wookiee, and ithorians... but anyway... thx for your input darth

  15. :D

    Speaking of Appearance styles... as races for players like the Companion ones.. i just remembered and did a Class Quest as a Opp where u "Disguised" as a actual droid and u can walk around, so obviously and showing us . theyve proven they coud add this kind of stuff... as i put on my wish list. adding to the Appearance tab/tabs options.


    You know those little boxes inside your Companions Equipsion box / slots, the appearance one that morphs your companions into totally different colors.., Hair. armor , The Changes are Very different to the basic companion.. now im not saying hey lets add a plain customization tab to the players options... no its not like that exactly... this simply ONLY IN PLAYING MODE, NOT STORY CONVERSATIONS. "baby steps" ,


    They make the player customization boxes a tad different. as the mission as a opperative in the Agent story line. "Will find a SCreenshot or Vid and post link" , the quest makes you a droid .. Totally changing your body type... to a droid a total form Morph , its awesome. it makes this idea more realistic. having customizations to be a Tranadosian , Wookiee. Rodian , Ithorian, Sullustan , Tagruta , shoot. a Droid even.


    Even for just a cool thing to add they could theoretically make TONS of Skins , From R2D2, To Darth Vader, pipe dream for ICONIC skins.. whole nether option to this idea, ive been thinking alot about it lately and it could work easily. of course you put this customization to change your form on... but only works while walking around , combat... basically everything but While in conversation which will show your Reg form. which isnt a big deal. cause it is mostly a end game thing for the most part and who wouldnt think this was cool. , i mean.. if u dont wanto use it u dont have to. so. its a win win



  16. Those things aren't the issue.


    Does/Can X race use the 8 body types currently in the game? <-That is and will always be the most important factor to a race becoming playable.


    Nearly every part of the game is built around those 8 body types, so if a race doesn't/can't use them then they're never going to become playable.


    I'll use Wookies as an example...


    - Would Wookies work within the existing cutscenes without any issues? No.

    - Can Wookies use the existing armor sets? No.

    - Do Wookies have all the class based animations mapped to their skeleton/mesh? No.

    - Can Wookies use all of the currently available mounts in the game without issue? No.


    Romances are not a part of the overall issue. There are multiple other problems that a race like Wookies, Trandos, etc, would have to overcome prior to ever having to worry about romances.

    your right about 95% ... those 8 body styles are what players are based around ATM... but when u factor in the new Appearance tab... the Customizations for your companions... whos to say they cant combine that say with a player customization... like they could add a wookiee.. trando. bothan . rodian ... Customization box that u can add to your Appearance tab. and you wouldnt be able to change the outfit... but there could be diff outfits for diff customizations as they have over 9 for each companion ...


    but.... the cutscenes would have to show your true form.... that s the only downfall atm if they did this

  17. Just copying what I wrote in another thread, since you apparently can't be bothered to get your facts straight and/or stop talking out of your a**.

    exactly .... the guy above u said this isnt the star wars movies game... like SWG which took place between new hope and empire but... this game. has been given the hard word to add some sort of actual lore items by disney... and again like the new speeder , from ep VII and newer stuff.... disney/ea w/e was given alot of money to upgrade the game. , disney does not wanto renew the IP for swtor .... being that it isnt canon they cancelled the darth maul game " BTW which was F4$%IN sweet, and the boba fett game. , being this is a mmo.... theyr having ttrouble shutting it down... but we will see what happens...

  18. also adding the pre qual jedi robes.. has nothing to do with the story line... in this game... the cartel market is not apart of the swtor lore.. the new speeder from Ep VI is on the cartel market now... for 1800 cartel coins its just blue.... in another post i mentioned other armor sets that are from a later date... STarkillers armor. daring rogue set....its all about making money and adding core lore to the game , its what disney wants them to do... who cares if the costumes dont fit with swtor lore... according to disney this games lore is a WHAT IF now anyway so they can do anything
  19. i feel since theyve added the new speeder from the movie already says there gonna add new styles from the original trilogy ... and theyve already added some armor... the daring rouge set is Starkiller armor...one of many of his.. the Humble hero armor is luke skywalkers. from return of the jedi if died pure black/black. when he takes his robe off in jabbas palace. plus its a cash cow... if they added the clone wars era aka prequal film jedi robes... whats the big deal. there not that much different then whats in game.... think of it as them puting the exterminator robe over the ralnex robe thats under that cloak... there ya go.... anakin/obi wans robes.
  20. Well the armor problem is solved. As for cutscenes, I'm pretty sure trandos would work given the fact that they are roughly the size of a type 3 male body. They do speak basic so that wouldn't be a problem, though modulating the voices would be necessary. Romanes? It can work.


    yea i they could add wookiees and trandos ... there body styles are basically type 3... and theres even a type 4 trando npc.... butt yea your right:)

  21. I know it's not canon but did you all see the Vader samurai pic floating around the internet?


    http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_stalker_armor would be closest i guess but the Stalker armor would be epic. If it's already in game tell me where and i shall buy that right away, using Cartel Coins if need be.


    Thats starkiller in the collectors edition when u turn on your friends at the end of the TFUL 1... vader makes u his assasin... so yea thats Starkiller. but that would be sweet to see that in game

  22. i posted this in the armor wish list but that is such a huge post this is worth its own


    Anakin and Obi Wans Jedi robes from revenge of the sith , just any real jedi robe im tired of the bath robe looking short sleeve jedi robes... the Kreia and exterminator robes are a step in the right direction but... we still need move jedi cloaks/robes


    real Storm trooper armor


    even old ben kenobis robe


    the emperors Cultist robe he wears all the time


    long shot but Darth Vaders armor


    Boba Fettes armor

  23. ACtual armor and jedi robes from the movies....


    Anikan and obi wans jedi robes from episode 3 or just real jedi robes in general.. tired the bath robe short sleeve ones



    The Kreia and Exterminator robes are a step in the right direction


    Darth Vaders armor


    The Cultist robe the Emperor Wears


    Boba Fetts ARmor


    now that disney wants them to add more Canon stuff i could see this stuff maybe happening

  24. i ve been waiting for this appearance tab thing since launch they did it exactly like i predicted.... now if they would do the weapon styles my dreams would be fulfiled for this game... i wanto be a Sith warrior or jedi guardian that has the animation of using a double bladed saber. duel wield.. excetra ,,,, a shadow /assasin that duel weilds.... a BH merc that is using a carbine blaster. ,


    they just have to take the animations from the other classes and when u have the appearance weapon /weapons equip it just uses the animations they have... for instance if im a shadow duel weilding.... i just have sentinel animations , with my attacks. it really isnt that hard code wise. and its not really adding anything new. its just cross coding.


    thats the easiest way to do . it would really be awesome if they just added a whole weapon mastery system... so you can actually use those weapons... or as a smuggler if u wanto be melee... u can... carbines. rifles.... w/e.... that would be much cooler...but.... the appearance idea is the most ideal and most likely .


    i know u can put your mouse over someones avatar and see what they are. but say your in a pvp match and u see a shadow coming at u with duel weild. or one light saber. it would make it a bit more of a challenge to call targets... and make it not so predictable....


    i think that is a awesome i dea and ive talked to tons of people that agree, but ill leave it to you guys to hate on my idea if u dont like it






    Niklaus EMPIRE OF TAW

  25. So, unsure if it's been made into an actual suggestion thread (couldn't find it if it has), but I know I've seen support for it around the forums in the past and thought it couldn't hurt to suggest it - Legacy Datacron unlocks.


    Instead of having to gather all the Datacrons for every toon, why not make the Datacrons legacy unlocks so that when you gather it the first time, it's then unlocked across all your other characters. Exceptions would likely have to be made for ones that only Imperial or Republic characters have access to, but that doesn't seem like it should be a deal breaker in being able to implement such a system. It could be a higher legacy level only unlock (lvl 30-40?) or maybe a Cartel store purchase as a quality of life thing.


    The Datacrons can be fun to grab the first time around, but having to do them multiple times starts losing out on the fun factor and just gets tedious - at least for me.;)

    great idea but if they do tihis theyl probobly charge us Cartel coins.. just like they do to unlock vehicles./ armor/ weapons through legacy:eek:

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