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Posts posted by Foreignobjects

  1. Hi, with the holiday season fast approaching, people are booking their holidays. There's a lot of speculation about the 7.0 release date at the moment with a lot leaning towards early December. Another contender is November based on Double XP ending on the 2nd.


    Please can you give us the official 7.0 release date so we can plan our holidays accordingly.

    Thank you :)


    when they get it done polished with minimal to no bugs with the new stuff at least, most important thing, . that's what you want, im really excited about this new AC Combat prowess system ,even though its nice to know exactly when a update is coming or dlc / content addition. from past experience, i have been playing since private beta, and i find it best to just not ask for a update and get it , be pleasantly surprised and enjoy, knowing when is kind of only needed to know for this if you only sub for certain months, or are going to be gone i suppose.

  2. I'd LOVE to see a few more of either of these more similar to the Cathar, perhaps even for 900 coins (each) even if limited both to Trooper's or Tech Classes mostly.


    I'd often even think Selonians be good to introduce, even if they had a smaller implant like Cyborgs do; mostly to aid in speech or learning basic. Despite some have learned to communicate with them.


    I mean even if both races had very limited Romance options for Companions; still a Selonian Might try to Romance Leyta however...



    adding a racial ability to the species, is another great thing, along with the stats i discussed, you can have your main line stat pool migrated by a image designer, aka profession that can re do your look among other cool stuff. ID is a Advanced class , going off the Entertainer profession.


    popular and known species that are wanted and playable in a mmo made 8 years earlier then this one, the kathar correct me if I'm wrong but, i always thought they were made specifically for this game. ill do some research on them but never seen one before swtor added it, and seem like a poormans Bothan, was there a rights issue with adding them, or was it cause they are super super smaller then the other species in the canon iteration and in swg, which is canon, taking place after the first death star was destroyed.


    1 Bothan

    2 Bith

    3 Chiss

    4 Devonian

    5 Gotal

    6 Gran

    7 Human

    8 Hutt

    9 I******ib

    10 Ithorian

    11 Mon Calamari

    12 Nautolan

    13 Nightsister

    14 Nikto

    15 Quarren

    16 Rodian

    17 Singing Mountain Clan Witch

    18 Sullustan

    19 Trandoshan

    20 Twi'lek

    21 Weequay

    22 Wookie

    23 Zabrak


  3. Before you jump to conclusions - please understand this is not a hate post or a "I demand blah blah blah" - "name and shame" - move along - not here. Also not sure if this is the correct board or not - its just a general "the heck and why?" post.


    I'm a relatively new player who is genuinely trying do a good thing and educate newbies/other guild members on something that could potentially harm them or make things worse - that being the nefarious "auto squelch-er" on newbie worlds.


    A few days ago I was hanging around on Tython recruiting for my guild.

    Id post an ad every 5-10 mins - spaced out enough that no one would really complain - I would see others posting far quicker than me - trolling/other things. Aside from the teasing of my guild name - no one really complained..at least in the open.


    A newbie walked by and asked what an another player was using for a lightsaber.

    I went and grabbed the name and "linked" in general chat so they could see what it was called.


    I was suddenly unable to talk in general chat.

    Some googling after poking around revealed there's an AI system of sorts that spots things like this and mutes players. Anti-RMT/spam mechanism to protect newbies... I get that. Totally makes sense.


    Except I was only answering some newbie's question like a hapless - evidently fool I am.


    So I open a ticket as a subscriber.

    I detail what happened - asking to be educated and for information on what happened.

    And if possible - reverse the issue.


    Now it was rather late - so I logged off for the day.

    I log back in a day later and find the ticket was replied then summarily closed.

    The response was a canned response and no care or attention to my various questions was given.


    Strike 1 - ignoring questions and not reading.


    I was unable to reopen the ticket to make a polite reply asking for clarification.


    I opened a new ticket and basically very politely complained as such.

    Only to get a blank ticket in response and an auto close.


    Strike 2 - a blank answer with zero - nada - zip.


    I go to my email and reply to that in hopes I could reach an agent who was not a drone but could stop and consider the situation and pay me the kindness of informing me.


    I point out that as an executive officer of a rather good sized guild - Id like to ensure we don't breach any policies or invoke this system accidentally - thinking that linking a market item was to blame at best.


    I get a response - but none of which answered my obvious questions pointing out that people are abusing the system reporting other guilds in retaliation for advertisements.


    I asked for further clarification to confirm this is what happened.

    No response - nothing.


    Strike 3 - again - ignoring and literally making the issue worse - assumptions.



    I can get people are busy - staff may be short - I can get that you guys get tons of garbage from players with innocuous responses that burn you out and make you roll your eyes out of your head.


    I've done customer service work myself - I'm no stranger to that world. As an IT Professional I deal with communications every day. Albeit a far higher standard of conduct than what we have here.


    There is a right way to do things...and a wrong way.

    Frankly if I was coaching or a manager - I'd have a long chat about quality of treatment of your customer.

    No I'm not asking for "snowflake" status - I'm asking to be treated like a human being with a question needing a simple - quick answer. With the respect of being understood and heard.


    I couldn't even get a "Yes" or a "No"


    I was genuinely asking for clear and concise information on what the "Barriers" are and what we should not do.


    Did linking a item cause it?

    Did I spam too fast?

    How long does this last? What's the timetable on offenses? Etc.


    Now I'm forced to remove all recruitment efforts from these newbie planets at the risk of innocent players (or not so innocent - as I'm away people do things they shouldn't) to avoid the risk of getting muted.


    As I'd like to be able to help newbies out without being forced to PM/Group chat.


    No one really has a clear indication of what the "rules" are concerning newbie worlds. Other than frustration on the lack of information.


    I would think that educating a large group of people on "please don't do this" would alleviate the stress in preventing abuse.


    I understand this game is dated - being STILL 32 bit platform - archaic interface - old tech to be sure.

    I came from FFXIV - where their GM's pretty much do not give a damn anymore and ignore common sense.


    I was under the impression this game in spite of the above mentioned situation - was at least given some semblance of quality care concerning that work is still being done on it and content being developed.


    Hopeful noob? Perhaps - but as someone whose dropped a good chunk of change on this game for the benefit of other players to share the fun of Star Wars - I'd like to think think that customer service would at least bluntly be honest and say "Sorry we cant tell you that - and here's what we got" as opposed to no answer/canned letters that have nothing to do with what was going on/no evidence no information.


    Even a "please do not advertise on newbie worlds or link market items" would have been the perfect answer. No argument from me - yes sir - by your command.


    I didn't even get that.


    No I'm not posting what was said or who or anything like that - I'm not going to play that card.

    Admins can look my info up and figure it out from there.


    But I am going to say that if it wasn't for my love of Star Wars - I'd quit and tell others to leave.


    First sign of trouble - is when GM's/CS ignore you outright and treat you like a generic player when its a bit obvious "I'm not generic"


    I hope this isn't a trend of things to come for the foreseeable future.

    It would be nice to have a clear cut indication of whats going on - what I did wrong - and what I should not do.


    All I got was fuzzy logic/nebulous "this is a thing and its doing this and players are abusing it"


    Which is literally no help at all and causing more confusion than not.


    Now if CS wants to reach out to me and sit down and have a clear and frank chat over what I did wrong...ill gladly bend over and take my spanking/slap on the wrist and go about my day.


    "Just the facts please" as the saying goes.


    I'm just trying to make sure that others do not make the same mistake I did...for the betterment of the community we're growing in my guild.


    For those who survived this little rant - thanks for your patience.

    I came here not expecting anything - but the hope that someone from the GMs/CS group sees this and goes "hmm...."


    And as for those reading this - don't link items on newbie worlds - and I suggest not recruiting either.

    Because you'll lose your ability to talk in general chat. Call this a PSA.


    No offense intended - just pure honesty and sheer disappointment.

    <hops off soap box and walks off with sabers in hand>


    sadly, most online games in 2021, post 2015, and after fortnite got big, and kind when ever a MMO , when they start having F2P mmo's that changed the whole game, cause the 15 dollar a month fee "which should be there still no matter what. but i understand why they don't cause, as i said, CSGO and Fortnite ruined online gaming and a large majority of new solo games, except Spiderman PS4/ps5 cause you actually get everything / styles for free, after buying the game, and they actually have full dlcs, NO microtransactions, seems the only new releases that are keeping that formula are definitive edition and remasters, like mass effect, and such,


    when it comes to online games in general, people that have a game that they can download for free and play for free, without any fee, 50% maybe 60% are playing for that reason, when you have the 15 dollar a month fee, you get people that are "not speaking for all f2p players" "i know some very cool f2p : but generally people that start mmos now, have fortnite syndrome, they are not very nice, they talk crap, they don't take the game seriously, "as serious as you should take a 15 dollar a month fee to play the game you love" should be taken, which is more then a lot of players do, I'm not saying again, this is not a jab at players that love this game, but simply can't afford to do the 15 dollar a month fee, that's all good, but its the players, that mock online games, while playing them, and MMOs were kind of effected the worst when it came to online games, from the CSGO skin and Fortnite skin shop syndrome,


    business wise of course who wouldn't wanto make tons of money off of being able to sell a costume of a very cool/well liked characters gear/ skin but , all of this stuff should be all in game obtainable without a billion dollar price tag, cause all the money on the gtn is basically inflated by RL money, it was not generated by in game only commerce like the better star wars mmo swg, but, not talking about that,


    when it comes to people being rude to someone that tries to help, and give info , i get that all the time, people. just wanto have everything right away, and not have to work for it, the love for the lore and actual story in this game, sadly isn't the most important thing to people. even regular MMO stuff like crafting / weapons, Item modifications, cosmetics , armor to add a cosmetic, color crystals, furniture, it can't be done without GTN items, at least in a satisfying way that i am paying 15 bucks a month for, they


    not sure if everyone that plays now knows, but this game at first was a sub only to play and you had to buy the game full price, and it was great at first, but as i said, once CSGO had that third party skin site, and PUBG/Fortnite spread it wings over everything. every game, that was online, and some that were offline back in 2015, got either a Lootbox/cartel market type deal, going like the fortnite store. ARKHAM KNIGHT got a freaking season pass for f sake LOL. i knew then it was over, when it came to that, DCUO is another MMO i play, that game has a marketplace similar to swtor, but its a very unique game that puts out enough content every month or so, the have capsules you loot, instead of the 200 cc loot boxes , which are opened with a currency obtainable, in game but not at a good rate, same as swtor, like we get the 550 cc a month,


    anyway my point is, people will mouth off, they will call people names, and yea mmos and online games always had trash talking, but it was done different and wasn't children and players that always do personal attacks, when they have no idea who you are, its messed up , i am OLD AF now, i started playing mmos in 2004, was here for the launch of wow, i played swg from the first year until the game was shut down , cause of this game, i was in closed beta for this game, and it was crazy awesome,


    i dont see it changing sadly unless they would "most likely not" but if they go back to the monthly access fee, with DLCs that we have to buy, and we get everything, "not this game" future mmos, "hopefully" star wars"


    i have such a hard time finding a guild that is active, and doesn't have everyone not talking, logging in doing dailies, logging off. all solo stuff. and that some how infected the MMO world with a lot of games, players don't have to go out and meet new players, to get help for quests or raids, "again, not saying there are not LFGs in chat, " those are great, " but when you can Que for a raid/opp, flashpoint, that's when you know there is a problem, cause you don't have to interact with anyone in a genre that is meant to be use for interaction and making in game connections to solve a issue or puzzle aka completing a raid opp, or flashpoint, even 2 man heroics. , the Que and CM is sadly why things are the way they are,


    i sub to the game, love the game, very excited for the new dlc, i am merely just stating the obvious and facts of how the mmo community has changed so much to be casual esk in a bad way, "nothing wrong with casual gaming," its just how its executed.


    cheers all, Darthvaders FATHER

  4. i boiled it down to being able to use any kind of lightsaber on any class, by making a weapon mastery tree ,and the same for pistols/blaster rifles, pikes, tech blades, refiles, ex.... the player gets access to the other classes animations and abilities.... its very much like the idea i had. i just did not explain in the last post how close, there a couple little differences but overall its the same thing, the only thing that is different is, "which is big" but not to different, " becoming that other classes Advanced class in name and getting all the abilities. other then that, with the weaponry swap, animation, The more optimization the player has, its all the same,


    and i get the reason they are changing it, but...if i was brand new to this game, that would be a bit more confusing but i like that, if you play a MMO you shouldn't understand everything in 10 minutes.


    but anyway small part of the topic. and coming up with a argument how it is different from what i had thought of , i have tons of Mw docs with tons of ideas for this game, dcuo, and other mmos. i don't know just cause how i worded some things in the OP about the combat prowess being like the weapon mastery idea, is not even worth rebutting cause you don't know if i even did that, but proving to you that i came up with 80% of these ideas, along with other people did as well.

    the point is... its good. thats all. not exactly the same but who cares, its great they are doing it, that's my overall point.


    Good day.

  5. TL;DR Show the damn achievements, do not hide them. This is pointless.


    I hope that this is tied to the cooking missions, this week has a new dish so it would be logical to have different one for the final week.


    Honestly I don't understand the need to hide these achievements, which is causing more stress than anything. I unlocked everything available to this day, so bare the 2 story achievements, this is the last one I need. I would be seriously pissed if I was missing it (hence missing the general achievement for unlocking everything) because there was some serious grind that we weren't aware of.


    Besides bugs happen, we know it, they know it. So being able to track your progress should be the norm. Do not hide our progress.


    IT is called hidden content, been going on since the dawn of mmos, i like it

  6. It is impossible to buy anything for free to play and pref players from GTN, prices are literally insane and overpriced, a single chest armour pack costs like 3m and more. My sub will be end in a few days so I will be unable to play this game due to credits limit,


    There is tons of overpriced items on GTN that can only be purchased if one sinks lots of real world money, selling packs etc,


    Heroics farm solo rewards only 1m ALL OF THEM daily, so I have to spend my personal time in this game to get 5m in 5 days? Heroics are also digital cancer if you do solo and annoying and no one doing them anymore in group.


    It is impossible to earn enough credits by doing normal methods,


    People literally having billions of credits in this game by getting packs and then selling them on gtn while rest of us can't even get a armour set.


    It is time to do something, put some measures into the game. Economy is dying,


    you can thank CS GO then Fortnite for regulating the skin style buying for EVERY online game, its a traget it leaked into the MMO world, when we had the 15 dollar a month fee, all was great, we pay 15 bucks a moth,... get ANYTHING they have IN game,then a new dlc comes out as a full game price, and we get more stuff, but now,


    this whole "FREE DLC" shouldnt even be called a dlc, but i thinkk they just called it update or w/e anyway,

    thats what happens when u can sell items you buy on the a RL money market, i think most items on the cartel market should be bound on pickup, like DCUO does for all of its iconic styles or other unique items u buy , and its available for all the characters u make when u buy it.


    but even that has been exploited cause that game has time capsules with loot like this game, auras/furniture, styles. collections, that can be exploited from RL cash to In game money where no casuaal player can ever afford anything without using RL money if they wanto get it without grinding 3 years for 300 million and more.


    i agree. but, sadly, its just what as i said, games like CSGO skin website for counterstirke global assault, fortnite, Player Unknown battlegrounds, and then they totally changed the soe Zombie open world game into a pub g type game and it was originally not like that.


    it started big back in 2015 when ARKHAM freakin knight got a season pass.... come on, one of the best franchises to have no micro transactions with its previous releases besides regular DLCs, which are cool. but after that happened , every tripple A release Now that is online, even some solo have micro transactions, and it has ruined everything about running a business legitimately in a mmo.


    in SWG people had fun with in game resources and made money with only in game items, crafting, harvesting materials. building houses, cities, clothing, armor weapons, all that needed to be maintained with maintenance with in game money. thats why i resent swtor so much it has so much potential,


    glad they are doing the weapon mastery Idea to a T i spammed the community with basically the same idea for years and was told it would never happen or would be stupid, but the combat style update is what this game needs gameplay wise, as it goes for the gtn, there is no fixing it, unless they get rid of BOE CM Items

  7. I've a 1050 GTX Ti and the frame rate grinds down to 13 to 20 FPS if I'm on ultra, especially when my guild decides to do something fun like an all-lightning sorcerer operation and the screen is nothing but lightning the entire time.


    If you can swing a 1660TI Super, which isn't that much more than a 1050TI, even better.


    yea a 1050 is older, and this game, runs not very well on any machine, there is a third party mod for your pc, that helps the games frame rate, a tad, i used it on my older machine, but i haven't really felt like i needed to use it on my newer pc, but maybe try that, i wont post the link to it, cause i don't think bioware aka EA likes it cause they can't make money off it, but it is harmless and takes 4 min to install if you are using a older computer, shoot we used that mod when the game first came out. but i had a 1050 ti 4gb card for a year, and i wouldn't put the graphics up to ultra , i tried, but the shadows, and particle density just kills it. turn off vertical sync , bloom, and have most of the drop down options like texture quality all at medium, to low. and your game will run better,

    now a 1060 is 100% times better, if you can get one of those even a 3gb one. i stupidly sold my MSI 1060 GTX 6gb for 200 bucks, and they are going for 400 now. i got the 2060 replacement, a while back, and it works great, if you can afford 360 to 400 buy a 2k or 3k series, go for it, get a 2060 if u want the cheapest one that is good

  8. The UHD graphics will be a problem for SWTOR, because UHD graphics aren't as strong in performance as even a fairly old GPU (NVidia 700 or 900 series, for example), and also because they are likely to be shared-memory systems which will slow the machine further.


    As for work, it's really hard to say, because you don't say what your job is. Neither will be a good option for high-end video editing, for example.


    If it really has to be one of those, I'd go for the one with the bigger SSD because once you've installed the OS and SWTOR, that's a big bite taken out of your disk.


    the best thing you can do if you have to have a laptop. its going to be more cost effective to do a PC, you said you use it for work as well? so meaning do you take it to work with you aka use it in different places? cause if you work from home, you can use PC part picker to find a 600 dollar pc that will play ANYTHING at 60fps 2k if you get a 1060 GTX graphics card 3gb or 6gb card, i bought the 2060 ASUS 6gb card overclock edition right when it came out for 400, but that thing is very hard to find cause of the price of the silicon they use in pretty much every pc / console or electric device that is good, hardrives, all that stuff, the price is up. laptops are very wonky when it comes to pricing, it is nice if you get a great one, but one with a SSD installed per say will be 100s of dollars more then one without a SSD that you could just put in aftermarket but... that is laptop aftermarket so you'll probably have a warranty, honestly, get a chrome book for work. and then build a pc for gaming, that's the best thing you can do.

    below is the parts i used on a build. that's most of the pc minus the gpu i think, and i still use it today, and run anything


    i use to be a hardware consultant for various companies, doing major overhauls via software/ aka installing windows, / hardware building computers for companies like SARA LEE the bread company, and i do private work for people, not as much anymore but, pc part picker is amazing, i think it helps with laptops if you have to go down that route, here is my list of what i used, u can start a new list o the site

    https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WzYHvW hope it helps a bit. but one thing, if you have a choice at the end of the day of a gpu, RTX isn't a must, its nice, but a 2000 series or 3000 series nvidia are the best nvidia cards atm the 2060 and 3060 cards are the affordable entry level gaming cards, if you can find a 1060, USE IT. the most important thing to worry about when building or buying any kind of pc if your going to do the "PRE BUILT" which are bad ideas" or a laptop,

    get at least a 1060 GPU "graphics Processing unit" aka video card, a great entry level non rtx card, you'll see a 1050 for way cheaper but, the 50 to 60 isn't a small difference some people , from experience see a 1060, to a 1080, which are great cards still, and see a 1050 for like 100 bucks or 120 bucks, it is about half as good. it runs games but just ask people that aren't at the place your buying it before you go, there are several discords for gaming computer help, lots of options. the swtor forums not the first place i would of checked cause swtor will play on lots of machines , but the game has had horrible frame rate and loading issues since launch, but i hear the new dlc is fixing it, so even a good gaming computer will run swtor just as a not so good one heh.



  9. Hi everyone,


    I'm really happy to introduce a series of character kits that the Art Team has prepared for those who are interested in cosplay or are already experienced in the craft. First up in this series is Lana Beniko with more to come in the future!


    You can read more about the kit here. Note that the kit itself and all future ones will be hosted on the BioWare Digital Media Page.


    We hope you enjoy these!




    are you ever going to be able to use OT and Prequel characters? with the addition of the Jedi robe finally, it's a step closer to looking like items that are pulled from the movies, i know u probably cant use lightsaber hilts and direct armor styles cause your talking about that now for in game canon, but what is the rule for you guys using items from the OT and Prequel 1-6 films? it's been very shaky, at first the soundtrack did not have barely any john Williams music, there was a complete original soundtrack, but in 2012 the actual john Williams music was added to the game and not many people noticed, cause so many people come and go.

  10. I left the game after Eternal throne and didn't like that expansion I am back now and made an agent to get back into the game before I unretire my 70s. Finished my class story and was wondering can I just skip to Onslaught with this toon as I have no desire to play Fallen empire or Eternal throne at all. She is level 70 due to the bonus exp and having the armor set that has exp bonus attached to it. My main inquis played all the other content so I wouldn't be missing story really. And if I can skip straight to onslaught do I just click the thing on my ship to start? Thanks.


    everyone wants everything right away , what is the point of playing a MMO or even having one, if you have access to any of the content without working for it. i get you played before, came back, missed a bunch of stuff, but no you should not be able to skip 2 major dlc story lines to get to the new one, and if you can. its kind of pointless. pay to boost, all this b.s , cartel , marketplace cash, for in game skins, everything should be accessible by paying a 15 dollar a month fee, to keep the subscription activated, game companies did fine when that was the business plan, now you have Fortnite, CSGO skin syndrome in Every triple A title to simple mmos, even rts games to fps,


    i am not really talking specifically to OP, but. it is just that kind of adjustments that have totally ruined the innovation in video games, being able to buy your way or just skip to the newest Content just cause you don't wanto play it, in a non mmo maybe, but i don't know, the level boost is granted i believe you can get through those stories in a day or 2. its not that long.

  11. I started this game and was lucky enough to be invited to the beta access before launch for months, and i was very excited. the game is actually finally doing the Weapon mastery ideas i threw out YEARS ago and was called dumb, and told stuff like that wouldn't work, they are doing exactly what i said to a T , aside from actually getting to keep and choose attacks from the weapon styles powerset. its awesome LOVE IT cant wait. i goto ask though about space combat and what was the reason and is it abandoned? or just in limbo?

    Was it done to match with the Star wars MMO out , that this mmo forced to shut down, do to , supposedly EA being worried that people would Be confused from SWG and SWTOR.... i can tell you no one was confused, swg had it's dedicated player base just like DCUO does, and tons of other mmos still out, and would still be out today i guarantee, IMO. 70/30 swg would still be out.

    Jump to lightspeed the Space DLC for SWG was very much the best online star wars rpg/action/third person/first person, large scaled and pretty much the only one with all the bells and whistles for crafting your own ship, or buying one off of someone from the bazaar aka Broker, switching out parts, with crafted parts, that were ALL done in game with in game materials and currency, no Micro transactions, and honestly there is not a mmo that has touched that in any way counting all the innovation it has/had .

    Was Galactic starfighter rushed? to have that option? to contend with SWG? or what is the story with the space exploration and combat in this game... it jumps from a rail experience, to w/e if you wanto call it exploration , but it some how is very very boring, and i got my master pilot level/achievement and dont ever do dailies or anything in sapce, cause it is soooo repetitive and boring, and the controls don't seem as fleshed out as the ground game, the only really fleshed out thing about going onto our ship is no longer needed , unless doing the OG story mode.

    anyone know what is going on with space, but this is to the developers mainly if they can reply at all.


    i am subbed , i am a swtor fan, I'm not meaning to be so jaded or sound like I'm hating, i just think i have resented swtor for years, being the reason Star wars Galaxies "SWG" was taken from us. i have never given up on swtor and the weapon class update coming up breathes a lot of hope into the game for me, and the addition of the prequel Jedi robe aka obi wan and Anakin's type of Jedi robe is FINALLY HERE and i got it on all the prequel Jedi colors LOL from Anakin , to mustafar obi wans darkened robe, mace windu's and others. "now they just need to add a back slot for capes, and yes i know tons of chests have capes on them, but there has to be something that could be done, they have done the unthinkable in this game before. and having the ability to add a cape/robe /hood to a standard jedi tunic like we got recently would be the icing on the cake for real.


    i still like it. so this is not trash talk its just fact pretty much have to be honest and give feedback on what i see and have dealt with in the last decade.

  12. Weapon Mastery explained in SWTOR


    note. This would make original Kotor fans, and SWG fans, very happy if they do this


    Adding a weapon mastery skill set for each player would be a great customization for every player,


    il try to make this short and to the point :/


    as a Jedi knight /guardian i use the single saber until level 50 or the f2p cap, then once you go there,


    you are given a quest / npc /window opens. to select kind of like the discipline but in weapon type,


    as a Jedi knight guardian, i hit 50, i want to duel wield. or double blade, i should be able to choose to do so. and you use your weapon points into each specific weapon mastery skill tree. it would be different then a lot of mmos, different then world of Warcraft, more like SWG, which is a good thing, and in pvp , well it would be fun. cause you see someone coming at you, as a BH you don't know what they are , a vibrosword wielder , a pistol or rifle wielder, the possibilities are great.


    now your asking... the non jedi classes. and jedi classes how does this work.


    ok. Jedi/sith classes


    JEDI KNIGHT / Sith WARRIOR and Jedi Consular / Sith inquisitor

    ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

    Guardian/juggernaut Jedi Shadow / Sith Assassin

    Sentinel and Murauder Jedi sage / Sith Sorcerer


    ok so. these 4 advanced classes. are only going to be able to. or should obviously be able to use lightsabers and or melee weapons / unarmed combat


    so. each of the force users.. start with a choice once a certain level. to master single lightsaber use, duel wield, double bladed, and even un armed combat, and the melee weapons comes with it's respective counterpart to the lightsaber which the non jedi/sith classes will get if they choose the melee route


    The Rest of the Classes From Smuggler/Agent to BH / Trooper

    with each of those Advanced classes works all the same



    with the other classes below AC, a Bounty hunter, should be able to choose pistols. duel or single, the option fo role playing and just plane awesomeness is in the name Weapon mastery, More individualism, can't guess what is attacking you in pvp so easy, gives players something else to tinker with and have fun with, if I'm a rifle bounty hunter, and i want to switch to pistols. i go to a bounty hunter contact on Tatooine or where ever, and have to run a quick quest or just pay to reset my choice points, like talking to the guy on fleet to reset your talents / disciplines now.


    now seriously. if your a fan of Kotor this system would be amazing for you, and if your a SWG fan it will interest you too, and if you just think its a good idea trust me, i have thought about this for years. i was trying to explain it to someone in chat. and they were like. well if you want to duel wield "Why don't you just use a sentinel?"..... while, i explained that i have every character leveled and AC in this game, weapon mastery would rule. i was on my i hope if you read this , you understand how innovative this would be. if you have ever played DC universe online, they kind of have a weapon mastery system in to , your main powerset has NOTHING to do with what type of weapons u use.. so that is probably the best current comparison i can make but it would be better in this game, well different i love DCUO :)


    Cheers SWTOR Galaxies hope you have a great new year


    Savitar aka DarthSpeedForce :p

  13. alot of the old EU fans are pissed at star wars atm. then you have youtube groups, like the fandom menace and others clashing over what is and isn't good star wars. the last jedi was very f'd up imo, its like swtor is the red headed step child of star wars atm, wait does that phrase offend people? anyway, il always love star wars and this game, but your right, i hope stuff can go back to how it was, it might have to do with disney saying, " OH THIS IS NOT CANON" BUT THIS IS" "AND THIS IS NOW LEGENDS" KINDOF CANON BUT NOT", they need to make this era and game canon, and just start adding easter eggs and items from canon star wars in this game, ea is very happy with how much money this game makes, i dont know why they dont do it.
  14. SW The Last Jedi release approaches and we know that Supreme Leader Snooke will have a Kyber Crystal as weapon which he will use for force attacks thus embracing the first Sith Sorcerer role shown on the screen.


    That being said can you please give us the option to use a Ring instead of the lightsaber for Sith Sorcerers? Or at least remove the sword from hands when casting so we get the real feeling of a Sith Sorcerer as in no movie was there a Sith Lightning thrown from a hand with a lightsaber in it

    honestly we dont know if he uses this ring as a weapon.... its obviously a black kyber crystal maybe but, who knows. i would just be happy if they would go ahead and make this cannon. and start going by disney's guide lines to create more canon.... reasons this would be awesome


    1. More Movie items in game

    2. a direct connection to the same galaxy and time line

    3. more story opportunities

    4. more items, Armor, robes, weapons. that is actually seen in the films and reference in another canon

    5. possible, for retconning stuff into PVP maps and other stuff, starfighter could be made better. cause that is worst. i know it will never beat SWG JTL if you know what JTL is then you know if you don't I'm sorry.


    basically tons of reasons to make swtor apart of canon, and if they decide to make tv shows/animated series and or movies from the old republic they have an idea and we could possibly see Yoda in his first years of life at some point i could go on

  15. I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


    I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

    I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

    I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


    Make EVERY quest in game solo able... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is no one to play with. I don't care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.


    i hoped they would do this a long time ago. also it would give it more of a kotor feel. , i know it would be hard to add an offline mode. but they did sort of do this so far with making all of the original flash points solo able. and i think that's very successful and fun, cause you can go through the games side stories solo, i'm having trouble gaining commander points cause i play alone a lot, with the uprising quests,,,

    i cant solo and stuff, unless i am not doing something i'm suppose to or missing something, but i finished the story line on one of my mains, and am level 70, i was legacy capped two years ago. so it wont let me do some things cause it requires you to level to max legacy, but it wont give it to you if you already were... that's another issue i have. but great post and idea!!!

  16. "No Service Rendered?"


    I've always looked at the subscription fee as what allows them to keep the servers running and therefore allows me to keep playing the game.


    It's my 'rental fee' for using their equipment.



    well technically your right... we are renting these characters/ accounts... when i was playing SWG i remember one of my buddys had got in trouble and a CSR dev GM w/e said that its in the ULA too... WE DO NOT own our characters or accounts we are just renting them its the property of Bioware/EA,

  17. looks like we got the Cross Guard Hilt.... YAY for disney letting them add it...., this game, is SLOWLY ADDING, stuff that is canon. hopefully soon they will branch off something in the old republic universe bioware built. and make it canon. word is.... Revan may show up soon on rebels.... maybe its been speculated , cause with the whole season finale of season 2. them showing the Cross guard hilt. being 1ks of years old. so it was probably invented sometime in this timeline. so they could so something awesome with that..... LOVE IT, we got Ben kenobi's Armor/ Robe in game, EXILED MASTERS ROBEs, we are one step closer to getting iconic hilts and Jedi Robes from the movies, cause if they added ben kenobi's old man robe and cloak. they could add Obi wan and anakin's Clone Wars / Revenge of the sith type robes... and maybe we will get some gungans to kill lol jk, but not really id love to kill gungeons and have them in carbonite
  18. Please Contact me.... if you can sell this to me... I want this saber soooo bad lol. my toon is modeled after kylo ren, and is named kylóren , and its like I can't enjoy the game atm until I get this saber , when ever I find something I need i'm like a laser until I get it. Anyway, ill pay w/e... contacts me for details.... I blew like 50 mil right before it came out. So i’m in the process of making the money back. and i’m fast at making money I made 12 mil in 1 day, but as I said ill pay anything please contact, Oamara or kylóren on the sith side or Toshiela on the rep side. The o in klyóren is hold alt and press 162 on the num pad, just email Oamara I f you don’t do symbol letters. And contact me on here too with a pm, I will be soooo grateful.... need game time? Creds. W/e let me know, and who ever sells / helps me get this.... I won’t forget it. And will be able to help you out in the future if you need anything in game, CHEERS GUYS,


    NM Was contacted and got one. Thx for contacting me so fast.:)



  19. Please Contact me.... if you can sell this to me... I want this saber soooo bad lol. my toon is modeled after kylo ren, and is named kylóren , and its like I can't enjoy the game atm until I get this saber , when ever I find something I need i'm like a laser until I get it. Anyway, ill pay w/e... contacts me for details.... I blew like 50 mil right before it came out. So i’m in the process of making the money back. and i’m fast at making money I made 12 mil in 1 day, but as I said ill pay anything please contact, Oamara or kylóren on the sith side or Toshiela on the rep side. The o in klyóren is hold alt and press 162 on the num pad, just email Oamara I f you don’t do symbol letters. And contact me on here too with a pm, I will be soooo grateful.... need game time? Creds. W/e let me know, and who ever sells / helps me get this.... I won’t forget it. And will be able to help you out in the future if you need anything in game, CHEERS GUYS,


  20. I like the idea of more civilian clothes for RP / off duty time. (Plain shirts, pants, coats and jackets, with only minor trim, not overly ornate or formal).


    The Zeison Sha / Jal Shey idea is great too!


    i do to. but thats getting in the Sandbox MMO territory , like SWG, but , the outfit slots make this possible even in the games state, :)

  21. i feel like with kOtfe, and that disney has final say on the content now. which is a good thing, but, i feel liike they are making swtor more like kotor now, specially on odessen, with the conversations with the npc, having the kotor style, i really like it. but, yes pvp still needs to be fixed, imo," end game pvp that is". I feel like since the games content is the same so that both factions are basically on the same side ATM, they really need to add Cross Faction chat ability, whether it be, "pst"aka "Whispers" as wow players know it, /tell w/e, " cjoin chat rooms should be cross faction, and it would be awesome to be able to swap factions if you want, once you have finished your 1 - 50 story line, you could use the Light / Dark system to switch, EXAMPLE


    A Bounty hunter, that is obviously imperial, starts, levels to 50 and or 65, This would give the Dark and light side grinding more to it, so the bounty hunter decides to Grind up to light 5 , once your finished with your story as i said, there would be an NPC on the fleet or some neutral area, that has a quest icon , and puts you on a quest, so that you go and do something and you become a Republic bounty hunter. ive thought of everything for this, and there is no cons to this, because, looking at the other classes,


    you have a jedi knight that is done with the jedi knight story line, and levels the dark 5, your asking , Well what happens to them if they do this Faction swap quest? well they just basically are converted into a Sith warrior. its the same with the inquisitor/Consular. cause they basically are the same just dif animations. And there are Imperial Smugglers, troopers, and republic bounty hunters and spy/agents of course.


    This is an AWESOME idea ive asked about 100 people and probably 70% thought it was a great idea, usually on the forums alot of people just like to troll , and be jerks, and just say stuff is a bad idea, either cause they don't understand the concept of it, or they just wanto be mean, anyway, Thank you for reading my ideas, i hope you enjoy it, and it would RULE if we saw this, cause


    A. would give us more to do

    B. all the Same Faction hate tells to each other, will decrease cause we will be setting up events against the opposite faction, pvp for example. AWESOME


    c. way more perks too, the possibility are endless


    CHEERS, DARTHSpeedForce

  22. EQ2 started out with a strong division between realms (Qeynos, the happy good city) and ...whatever that other city was. Oh yeah, Freeport. Senior moment there for a second.


    Anyway, there was no cross-faction mail, even when you owned both toons. There was no joining guilds created in opposite-aligned cities (the guards would kill you when you tried to enter).


    And so on. Well, surprise, one day they got around all that. Suddenly alignment/faction didn't matter any more, and anyone could join any guild, use the mail, chat, all that. Sony even put in a way for opposite-aligned guilds to get into each other's cities and avoid getting attacked by the guards by making people run through the sewer system (eventually there was a guild recall ability, where as long as you got to your guild hall one time, you could then just teleport there from then on).


    That's an example of a game with strong separation between factions that somehow decided to overcome the technical challengers of allowing cross-faction guilds. They could do it here, too.


    sony after everquest. obviously did SWG star wars galaxies. which had all this. cross factionguilds/chat. open world chat, neutral faction, everything, but yea everquest started also the division part of it too, which it works, but, its became kinda at this point just pointless the way they are making the expansions, cross faction as well. so why not do this

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