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Everything posted by Athrian_

  1. Yeah I've had the same thing this weekend. The funny thing is, I'm a healer and have most of my core healing skills. With the boost buff, I'm actually very effective and manage to keep lots of those 50's alive. But some of those guys just see the level and can't think beyond "must be max lvl or u suck". There's lots of imbalanced matches right now, but level is only one of several factors (gear is a much more influential one IMHO). So ignore them and play whatever you want to have fun. If they get obnoxious, do like someone else suggested and ignore them or make sure to queue up whenever they're on. Or my recommendation, tell them in ops chan that they might be more effective if they focused on playing and not crying in chat "OMG LOWBIES GET OUT, OMG WE LOSE BC OF LOWBIES OMG". Just make sure when you are in a warzone that you're trying your best. This should apply though no matter what your level is.
  2. Athrian_

    Hi 50s

    Ya, even if it's like a 0-5 hutball game 2 minutes in, I'm still having fun running around and healing/dirty kicking. Usually I'm top 1 or 2 on the healing list by the end of the match, so not exactly running around emoting . It's just annoying the last few days joining a match and seeing 50's on my server constantly complaining about "lowbies get out" or "OMG gonna lose, leave if you're not 40+" before the match even starts. Pvp is broken, let's all just have fun until it's fixed.
  3. Athrian_

    Hi 50s

    I realize you don't like groups of imbalanced levels but until the next patch, the system is what it is. Telling me not to queue because I'm not 40+ just means I'm going to make sure not to heal you.
  4. I just hit 28 and got access to the 'Syris Evacuation' and 'Llanic Station Strike' missions. I've been looking forward to getting new space missions after doing the same 5 repeatedly for awhile. The Syris Evacuation was pretty much the same thing as the 'Fondor Escort', just with some different background scenery. That was better though than what Llanic Station turned out to be. Literally a copy of Balosar Outpost. Same scenery, flyby routes, enemies, everything. I had to check a few times to make sure I hadn't selected the wrong mission. Really, come on guys. I know you decided to do rails combat instead of open space because of development and time limitations. I enjoyed the first missions. I know not every mission is going to be completely unique, but is this it? Are all of them from this point forward just recycled content with a different background frame (and not even that sometimes)?? Extremely disappointing.
  5. I just sat in the holding area of huttball watching my debuff tick down and the ball carrier cross half the field and score because the forcefield wouldn't drop to let me out. Yeah what an awesome game mechanic that is.
  6. I realize the game just launched and there's a ton of things to balance and fix. I can deal with being destroyed by level 50s in full pvp gear due to lack of bracketing. I can deal with being facerolled by sorcs and bh's. I can deal with terrain bugs and lag. But for the love of god, nothing gets my blood pressure up in pvp like respawning in the holding room and having to stand there doing nothing because THE FORCEFIELD WON'T DROP AND LET ME BACK INTO THE BATTLEGROUND. Please re-examine this game mechanic at some point, thanks.
  7. Athrian_

    No arenas? Bye

    Oh wait, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder.
  8. I was gonna vote for you, but voting isn't cool. So I stayed home alone and got trashed on Listerine.
  9. Have you ever played other MMOs during launch period? Constant server crashes, outages for hours at a time, horribly bugged terrain, starting areas so full that you have to wait 10+ minutes for every mob spawn, flat-out non-functional abilities, client crashes, zones/instances not even working, etc, for days to weeks after the launch period. And you're cancelling not even a week after the launch because PVP hasn't been fully polished and fleshed out. Well, bye.
  10. I'm playing a Shadow right now as my main char. I've mostly played ranged or healing in other games and melee and stealth is still new to me, so I am still "l2p noob". I'm definitely seeing the appeal though and picking up the cooldowns/rotations.
  11. Athrian_

    No arenas? Bye

    Because arena pvp was so balanced and well-done in WoW too, I can't imagine why any other MMO wouldn't be rushing to copy it.
  12. Also if you're a character with stealth, eventually you get bored with killing trash mobs or finding a group for the heroic zones and just stealth through areas to get to the objectives quicker.
  13. You want to win so the hyperactive guy who overreacts to everything doesn't spam chat the entire time with WHY U ALL SUCK SO BAD, OMG I TOLD YOU TO DEFEND LEFT DO WHAT I SAY, OMG WE LOST CIVIL WAR BY 50 REPUBLIC SUCKS SO BAD AT PVP I AM QUITTING.
  14. PVP zones. If you're familiar with World of Warcraft, they're the equivalent of battlegrounds. You queue up for a warzone and each side gets a set number of players, with a time limit to complete certain objectives depending on the warzone. http://www.swtor.com/info/systems/warzones At the end, you get XP, cash, pvp points (which I dunno what they're used for yet), and Warzone commendations which are a currency to buy pvp gear with. There's a button on the bottom right of your mini-map that lets you queue for a warzone as solo or a group. At least on my server right now, I never wait more than a couple minutes once entering a queue. There's also a daily quest in the Republic fleet area to participate in and win a warzone. I assume the Sith side has the same.
  15. Warzones are worth a lot of xp. I did them for a few hours straight one day and gained almost 2 levels in xp. The space quests are also easy, quick, and worth a lot of xp. The only downside to grinding this way is no dark/light side points, story quest advancement, or companion affection bonuses from quest conversations.
  16. Theran Cedrax is listed as having 'Technology' as his favorite and 'Luxury' as 'Love', however I am seeing different results. Small Gemstone (Rank 1 Green Luxury, from Companion Gifts vendor in the Republic Fleet) gains 48. Holoviewer (Rank 1 Green Luxury, from Companion Gifts vendor in the Republic fleet) only gains 27. I am also noticing some companions gain affection faster than others from gifts. Qyzen Fess for example is at 2500 affection and when I give him a Rank 1 Green Weapon, he gains only 27, whereas Theran Cedrax is at 4000 affection and still gains 48 from gemstones. Anyone else see this? Also, thanks for compiling all the info so far into this spreadsheet!
  17. How about orange crystal schematics? I see there are 2 at 400 artifice, but how do you learn the lower-level ones? They don't appear to be trainable (and I haven't seen any artifice schematics for sale on the GTN). Do you need to just buy sabers, remove the crystals, and try to RE and hope for a schematic?
  18. Are purples like oranges in that they can be upgraded continuously as I level? I found a low-level BOE purple chest last night that has mod slots and was originally going to sell it because I thought only oranges could be upgraded.
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